I'm Striking out, Need ur Help


Hey every1 heres my problem in the last month I've bought about 20 seeds and near all have germinated but as soon as I plant in soil (outside) they don't ever sprout!!! I've had one that did with its 1st two leaves and then the next day the leaves literally disappeared with just the little stem left WTF??? It's 90+ degree weather lately .. Im just sad because I've wasted so much money for nothing,, is it the heat? Animals? Thanks


Well-Known Member
No brainer, go to lowes and get the little seed domes, they are by the seeds. And get some soil that says seedling soil, it is very light. Germ then put in there and let them grow a little than move them outside.

Those domes only cost about ten bucks and use a cheap house lamp, I also put a heating pad under the dome and on low so it realy makes it humid. You want humid with seeds and seedlings.


Well-Known Member
No brainer, go to lowes and get the little seed domes, they are by the seeds. And get some soil that says seedling soil, it is very light. Germ then put in there and let them grow a little than move them outside.

Those domes only cost about ten bucks and use a cheap house lamp, I also put a heating pad under the dome and on low so it realy makes it humid. You want humid with seeds and seedlings.
Also lowes has the domes that come with bio deg baskets for each seedling. I dont distrub the plant when I transplant, I let them stretch a few inches than you cut out the little bucket square and plant that right in the pot.


No brainer, go to lowes and get the little seed domes, they are by the seeds. And get some soil that says seedling soil, it is very light. Germ then put in there and let them grow a little than move them outside.

Those domes only cost about ten bucks and use a cheap house lamp, I also put a heating pad under the dome and on low so it realy makes it humid. You want humid with seeds and seedlings.
Thanks!! Will definitely check it out, it's just so frustrating how none ever popped from the soil I watered everyday it's just ridiculous


Well-Known Member
yeah dude 90 for seedlings is pretty intense, like the other guy said grow til maybe first true leaves inside. im ok i live in shitty england so if anything theyll freeze to death :p


Well-Known Member
I dont germ them either no matter hydro or now soil I just put the darn seed right in the dome. Never has failed. This last one it took from Friday to Monday morning and boom. I do it on my bathroom counter when I wake up in the morning I turn on the pad and light and when I go to bed I turn it off. Every time on the forth or fifth morning I got babies.


Well-Known Member
Watering every day doesn't sound too promising. You need to let the soil dry out before watering again. Also as for as a clear dome goes, go to your local grocery store and buy a cake. Now eat the cake while you get your seeds ready and use the clear cake package for your dome.


Well-Known Member
These were born on 06/23 than into solo cups on 07/02, I am going to put them in pots on 07/15.

Both born the same day in the dome.

The guy that said 90 is a lot for seedling is right, you might want to extend inside growth to veg state before you put them outside.



Well-Known Member
Watering every day doesn't sound too promising. You need to let the soil dry out before watering again. Also as for as a clear dome goes, go to your local grocery store and buy a cake. Now eat the cake while you get your seeds ready and use the clear cake package for your dome.
The cake thing is a great idea, I dont do it because when I get stoned that night I eat the entire damm cake. lol


Well-Known Member
When the kids and I go grocery shopping nothing is bought that is candy or cake, I am telling you I got no govener at all. I will blast through a whole cherry pie in like five minutes than take on a bag of twizzlers. The next morning I am sick sick sick from all that damm sugar.


Well-Known Member
I know how ya feel. I was like that at a point in my life too. I just told myself I need to cut back. Don't get me wrong, I still eat all kinds of crap. Now I just try to tell myself when to stop. LOL


Well-Known Member
Another idea for a dome is one of those cheap clear storage totes like for shoes that you get at the dollar store. Flip it upside down and put your seedling pots inside. Make a couple of holes in the top (which was the bottom) for ventilation and you're ready to go. DO NOT put plants in a dome outside though. It will bake them in minutes. It holds up better than the cake containers and you can get them for as little as a dollar depending on the size. Seedling starter soil is a must! It prevents so many problems. I add a little perlite and it's ready to go.


Another idea for a dome is one of those cheap clear storage totes like for shoes that you get at the dollar store. Flip it upside down and put your seedling pots inside. Make a couple of holes in the top (which was the bottom) for ventilation and you're ready to go. DO NOT put plants in a dome outside though. It will bake them in minutes. It holds up better than the cake containers and you can get them for as little as a dollar depending on the size. Seedling starter soil is a must! It prevents so many problems. I add a little perlite and it's ready to go.
Thanks everyone they're all great ideas the cake one sounds like I could kill 2 birds with 1 stone (munchies,seedlings). I was thinking of buying that tray and putting it outside but where there's more shade I don't think I can start them indoors, has anyone else had problems sprouting outside I just feel like theres a badluck cloud hanging over me preventing sprouting,,,, I will order 10 more seeds but these are my last if I screw this up it's over wish me luck

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
im not stateing something that hasnt already been said but here is my 2 cents..
i plant my seeds in peet pelets and put them in a humidity dome. u can use the cheepest most efficent piece of shit light u can find to put on top...it dont matter. put them in the bathroom on the sink and leave the light/fan on will work just fine as well. 3-4 days later the seed will sprout and start growing. i leave my little girls in the dome till they reach the top of the plastic dome and then transplant. 14-20 days and they should be at the top or close to. spray the seedlings with good ph water 2-3 times a day to ensure they stay humid. this is not foiler feeding!! because it is a seed and not a clone, it has a root that it feeds through and not the leaves. with a seed..u are misting to add humidity, not keeping the plant alive. with clones its a little different, but not much. by leaving them in the dome as long as possible u will get the max growth. ive done tons of side by side comparisons and when u leave them in the dome till they reach the top, its hands down twice as quick as pulling them out ANY sooner. once they reach the top, i gaurentee u can plant them outside. i live in east oregon and our late spring/simmer temps here are 90-105f and if u plant a small seedling out in those temps...they will die as quick as u can plant them unless the plant has enough veggatation on leaves to cool itself down.


Well-Known Member
These were born on 06/23 than into solo cups on 07/02, I am going to put them in pots on 07/15.

Both born the same day in the dome.

The guy that said 90 is a lot for seedling is right, you might want to extend inside growth to veg state before you put them outside.
Little small for 2 weeks but they look fine.


Well-Known Member
Watering every day doesn't sound too promising. You need to let the soil dry out before watering again. Also as for as a clear dome goes, go to your local grocery store and buy a cake. Now eat the cake while you get your seeds ready and use the clear cake package for your dome.

If you have seedlings in the ground, you don't want to let the soil dry out. You may have to do multiple light waterings until they get established better. Jiffy pellets are the best way to start seeds, but make sure they dont dry out either, seedlings dont handle dry like established plants.


Well-Known Member
I guess i just worded it wrong. Didn't mean completely dry, but you don't need to keep the earth soaked by watering every day. Every-other day has always worked for me with the keg cups.