I'm stumped...thrips?


So this is my third grow. I've got 4 Kaia Kush (GHS) at 8 weeks of veg under a 400W MH. They are in Atami's B'Cuzz Mix (soil-less). I'm using Pure Blend Pro nutrients. A couple weeks ago I began noticing necrotic spots on some of the leaves like you'd get from calcium or magnesium deficiency. I began feeding it CalMag and it seemed to do the trick. Recently I have noticed more lesions on the leaves, but they appear to be more like physical damage. I have not found any pests, but I'm wondering if it might be thrips? I've read that a habenaro pepper spray works well against spider mites, but does it work for other pests? I want to put them into flower soon, but I want to figure this out before I do that, so any advice would be awesome. Here are some pics. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like thrip damage to me, thrip damage is more like short little silver streaks.


Active Member
do you mist your plants because i have the same lights and left water dropplets when i did and lights were close and burnt a few leafs like that


I'm going to the grocery store tonight and buying some habenaro peppers to make the spray, I'll let you all know how effective its.