Im Thinkin Of Buying The Aurora Indica Seeds From Nirvana Shop...


Well-Known Member
hey! i was lookin on the nirvana seed site and im really thinking bout buying the Aurora Indica seeds. good choice or no? has anyone else bought them? and do they grow well? im new to growing but i do have a nice crippy plant that grows indoors. some suggestions please? thanks so much!!


Well-Known Member
thats totally fine bout the smell. im just tryin to find out if its worth it cuz ive heard lots of bad things about the nirvana shop so im kinda torn.... i dont know mane lol


Well-Known Member
dont stress that strain or it will deff hermi on you dont know if its just the navana strain they hermi real easy


Well-Known Member
yea i checked that shit out man and it looks pretty good. and cheap too!!! i like i like! hahaahah yea i think i totally change my mind and im gunna buy the aurora indica from them!!! sweeet thanks bro!


Well-Known Member
look at bc seed king... i swear by them

15 seeds are 50 bucks and they throw in 10 bc mango... they also add some to the packages so you get like 17 seeds you ordered and 12 mango... ALL FOR 50 BUCKs (with shipping)

they have done me well, so i wouldn't worry


Active Member
Order from attitude seeds, i just ordered my aurora from them. I was gonna order from nirvana directly but the payment methods were wack and the price is cheaper.


Active Member
Feminized strains tend to hermie anyway, I don't know if that is a grower thing or not.
I have heard that all feminized seeds are really hermis that mostly produce 99.99% female and 0.001% (or something like that) So i can see how feminized seeds may alter the male flower ratio easily if mistreated.

After all (from what i have been told) feminized seeds are made from females that turn hermi and polinating themselfs, so there must be some hermi genes hiding in the seeds somewhere. Correct me if i am wrong, i don't realy have any sources other then an old stoner who taught me to grow.


Well-Known Member
u right foggy
but plasma is kinda wrong, i havent gotten many hermies out of fem seeds.
they rarely go hermie
what ever you do do NOT buy any seeds form nirvana seeds. i have spent $ lots of money on there seeds. first time i got 40 seeds and got 4 pops out of 40. so i emailed and got sorry to here about YOUR troubles mon. just this one time we will replace some of your seeds what would you like ? so i get 20 seeds back form them 7 weeks later and try to pop them same thing 2 pops out of 20 so i email again and get you are doing some thing wrong mon i noted you did not buy any of our kits for gremanating seeds thats the trouble may be ? i re order 60 seeds with kits for all the seeds and a good mix of seeds thinking may be its the strian ? and once again 6 poped out of 60. now i am not a gorou but am 60 yeats old and have smoked ever day for 40 years +. and haved poped so maney seeds i can't put a # on it but its high reail high. they do have some good weed the wonder woman and ice are ass kiters smell so good it put a tear in my eye when i smell them. but good luck with geting them to pop some do pop good but YOU TRUST ME this is not the place to buy seeds they suck BIG TIME. with there old old old ass seeds that won't pop for shit look pay the price and go to amtesterdam seed co with the fist peace to all :joint: over and out


try sannies seeds(super chron indica strain is herjuana) ... last time I ordered from him they came in 6days and 19/20popped(the one that did not I broke off the tap root) his customer service is awesome and shipping is flawless..... and the strains are top notch.... period .. I also ordered some from nirvana recently)(ak48,and aurora indica and had a 50%germ from those.... they were popped the same time as sannies gear so obviously they were old stock....... good luck