Im thinking about joing the Military


Well-Known Member
SO everyone i pretty much talk to say "fuck that" when i talk about joining the military. What does everyone here think?

...If you were still young enough and in shape enough would you join?

My life seems to be in a downward spiral since my accident in 06. ITs been 2 years and nothing really is going on in my life. All i do is party and work enough to pay the bills. I have the ability to make a career in contruction but honestly i hate working outside in the cold or mudd. I Honestly feel like a slave going to work.

Maybe the army or w.e can straiten me out. Also the money would help once i come out.

here's what im thinking...

Go into the army reserves sign up for the 6 year plan, do my 5-6 months of basic training, take my money and start over.

The military just seems like a way for me to get back to where i was. to gain respect amung my peers and for myself again.

has anyone else thought the same? or similar?

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I've got friends and relatives that have joined lately. All of them were in kinda the same position. Nothing going on in their lives. No direction. It seems like the "go to" plan when you can't figure out what to do with your life. If you feel like a slave now why sign up for something were people tell you what to do and you're legally obligated to do it?


Active Member
I was in the coast guard for 5 years, look into that before you go army. With the coast guatd you live in the states eat warm food, sleep in a warm bed everynight and your not "pushing the deck" all day and if you get a good station you will have a lot of fun. if you have any questions feel free to pm. or ask me here.


Well-Known Member
Another vote for the Coast Guard. You'll earn your money but you'll have job security and great benefits. If you go all the way until retirement you'll collect a check for staying alive every month for the rest of your life. One big negative will be not smoking bud.


Well-Known Member
Go for it bud, I doubt you'll regret anything... it's a great experience and you'll make lifelong friends. I am seriously considering going Air Force AMC, get into heavy transport aircraft, get out and go fly for Fedex or UPS... toking will then only be a once or twice a year thing for me then but hey... for that kind of career I'd gladly cut back. There's absolutely nothing as great as a sunrise/sunset at 35,000ft.



New Member
are you the kind of person who likes to be told every move to make, when to get up, when to eat, when to shit...etc...if you can deal with someone in your face every waking minute of your life.
I got through that ok myself, but I never got used to the 40 mfs shooting at me with ak-47's...


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt do it just becuz i wouldnt wana be the governments pawn. but if things look bad, then thats just wat u have to do. my buddy did the same thing a few weeks ago... he's in basic right now


Well-Known Member
If you feel it is the right choice for you, then simply do it.
It will change your life around, no doubt about that.
Best of luck with your choice bro.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
I tell half of my family "I stand behind those that serve because I cant stand beside them", the other half, I tell, "Send yer kids to college not Iraq" If you feel like serving fer our country, THANK YOU!!! If you dont, OK! I cant. Not saying I wouldnt, not saying I would. I do not support the current wars we are in, but would have supported going after the bastards that crashed planes into my country. I will ALWAYS support our troops, doesnt mean I have to LIKE or support their current assignment!

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
are you the kind of person who likes to be told every move to make, when to get up, when to eat, when to shit...etc...if you can deal with someone in your face every waking minute of your life.
I got through that ok myself, but I never got used to the 40 mfs shooting at me with ak-47's...
I've been through it, but the SOB's had mini 14's and we arent allowed to shoot bak on a prison yard


Well-Known Member
Bro, I was in the army for 3 years, and hated it. Basic training is 9 weeks and then you got ait (advanced individual training) and this depends on you mos (job) it could be anywhere from 2months to a year. If you do join the army plan on deploying once every other year. it is true what they say people at work always on your ass unlees you become an nco ( non commisioned officer E-5) The army has it's good days and it's bad days. I was stationed in Nortth Carolina with the 82nd airborne infantry regimen and our deployments where 1 year long and 1 for 15 months. The pay isen't that great unless your married. Then you get bah for your spouse or dependants. One upside is you get to shoot some bad as weapons, and you get the g.i. bill for college all tuitiona nd books paid. This also looks AAA++++ on resumes when you are out. Don't just sign your life away for 6 years try 2 and then see how you like.

If I were you I would go with the airforce, my wife is still inlisted and she's a logistics planner she has a desk job fucken sweet. I think of the airforce as more of a coperation than the military. Also there deployments are 6 months instead of a year.

Oh and you hate the mudd and all the dirty shit with construction, imagine training out in the field for 2 weeks rain shine or snow and sleeping on the ground with a hooch and a sleep system. Also, no showers for 2 weeks only bird baths. I remember we would buy pocket warmers and baby wipes before we would head out for 2 weeks. Oh and MRE's suck balls.


Well-Known Member
you do realize you will be killing people, don't you?
What's wrong with that? Especially in defense of our country.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

-George Orwell


Well-Known Member
you know what? i'd kill people to be able to fly like this. pretty friggin' amazing. :clap:



Well-Known Member
what's wrong with that? Especially in defense of our country.

"people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

-george orwell

all i got to say about this is ptsd< insomnia< anxiety< panic attacks


Well-Known Member
you do realize you will be killing people, don't you?
and they could possibly be killing u...

( i was going to post a horrible video showing usa soldiers getting sniped.. but couldnt do it.. i couldn't even watch it mysfl )

just think long and hard about it man... its a huge decision !