Im very new first week into growing need advice

Hi, i just started growing about a week ago, all bag seeds from good weed, i was high one day germinated 11 seeds, i was shocked when i saw that there were actually white roots growing a few days later, i was cheap and used the soil from my girlfriends garden for the first 2 seeds, the rest i waited 2 days and went for walmart to get better soil, not knowing anything i bought the wrong kind of soil. Peat Moss so now the first 2 i started 6/17 are looking good, as for the ones in peat moss i put those in the cup with soil 2 days later and only 3 of those are growing 1 looks horrible the other 2 look ok.. btw im using those fluorescent lights 48inch 40watt.. Any advice would help ill post pics if anyone wants to see them


Active Member
can you post some pics of your little ladies?

first off the soil from your g/f's garden was it a outside garden? If so you could possibly have brought in some pests and disease which could hurt your plants.

second invest in some good soil. your growing medium is something you dont want to cut corners with. Fox Farms Ocean forest mix is a great starter mix. It is pH balanced and all you need to do is add water. The lights you are growing with right now are ok for the seedling and veg stages of growth for your plants but when they move into flowering your going to want something with more light penetration. I don't know what your budget looks like but if you can afford it try investing in a small HID light like a 150w HPS grow light. If thats not an option go with the softer white CFLs like around the 2700K ratings. Keep these bulbs 1 to 2 inches away from your plants to allow for the maximum light penetration. Cannabis is easy to grow but takes a bit to master and get plants to produce bud the way you want them too. Just pay attention to the plants needs and give them what they want when they want it. I hope this helps.

If you like you can check out the link in my sig to see my last grow with Nirvana's AK-48 under CFLs from seed to smoke.

Peace and positive energy to you.

Yes i can tomorrow im hoping to get this certain camera but if you are online tonight i can always use my webcam i am so proud of them and would really like a opinion
Just a tip threw experience that iv learned for fellow noobs like me.. DO not sure pure peat moss it has stuned the growth of my plants, the plants that i used regular soil from a outside garden are outgrowing the peat moss soil vastly.. just a tip.. im almost into my second week of growing.. pics soon
I know have 11 plants 3 are a little over 2 weeks and 8 are about 5 days today, i swear ill have some pics up real soon im just hoping to get a digital camera, my plants are in the garage and its a pain to move each one inside to my computer webcam..
Anyone else got pics plz show me


Well-Known Member
I would love to see some pics...but just cause you asked, I'll post some pics of my previous grow at 3 1/2 weeks...since 3 of your ladies are over 2 weeks, you'll have something to compare them too...

picture 011.jpgpicture 009.jpgpicture 010.jpg


Well-Known Member
Compared to those ladies im a newb.. man those are nice plants im at 3 weeks now and there now half that
Thank you, it just takes a whole lot of research and experience, you'll find your groove little ladies were grown in 50% super soil, 30% perlite, 10% peat moss, and 10% building pretty well and it's a cheap mix...I was thinking about going fox farm ocean forest too, you can get it at a hydro shop or online, but I'm more into hydro...