Im visiting Atlanta 4 the weekend... Who got that Loud?


Active Member
whats good rollitup? just as the title says... im lookin for someone who got that loud pak in atlanta... preferably purp... if dont have any purp, juss let me kno somethin... but i need to smoke!


Active Member
I smell bacon....:o
iono wtf the smell of bacon got to do wit me smokin... but dude if u aint able to adequately fulfill my thread fall back... i aint da "fuzz" "boys" "5-0" "cop" "police" none of dat... im juss a nigga tryin to find some bud cuz im outta town...


Well-Known Member
man you gotta be a fucking dumbass if your really trying to find weed on the internet.Your gonna get your ass robbed or locked up


Active Member
Yeah i know how it is when your out of town....but take the weekend off, if you got people down here go trough them.


Active Member
Three posts and your very first was trying to buy weed. Thats not suspect at all. Ebonics with your keyboard, not for sure but is that how one would go about fitting into a subculture that one knows nothing about? Perhaps in an attempt to gain the confidence of said subculture for the unethical reasons of entrapping them? Is that it officer? I mean juss a nigga...

people are not that stupid, i hope


Well-Known Member
bcuz hes a fucking COP, listen piggy no one is gunna sell u ANYTHING. or even tell u where to get it, i think there is a website for that tho. Go bug them!


Well-Known Member
Yo g i feelz ya maaan i gotzzzz dat purrrrp for yazzz. Just western union me $400 and i meet you in the ATL wherever u at too bring u an ozzzzzzzz of purp ya feel?