I'm wondering if these are ... ready to harvest?

Hi, I'm wondering how long I have left on this bud.
Also what do people think of harvesting in stages? My canopy is not even and different colas are in different stages of development on the same plant. Can I chop off the most "done" buds and leave the next layer down to keep ripening?SmartSelect_20210531-124721_Gallery.jpg
They've been in flower 5-6 weeks, counting from when I think the stretch ended. This was a bag seed picked out of some larf my friend gave me from his grow. He said the seed was due to stress herming and could be any of gorilla glue, pineapple or purple critical, or an accidental cross of any 2 of those. It turned out to be some kind of sativa surprise. Some more pictures are attached here. Thanks!

definitely not ready. Wait for all the hairs to turn brown/amber as well as them shrinking back into the bud.. that shows they are fully ripe. And a lot of people stagger their harvest as top buds finish quicker than the lowers
Not ready and as far a harvesting in stages
It is a waste of time and space
When the plant is done yank it and insert another
No where is it written you must harvest the tent all at once, but the larfy bottom buds and the pot they are in, are taking the seat of the next lady

EDIT: and yes I know you are probably out of weed:twisted: