Ima worried newbie


Active Member
I planted 5 plants in soil about 9 days ago, 1 of them has already died because it grew weak and fell over. the other 4 are doing pretty well but havent changed much for the past 3 days. I see that two of the leaves are seperating and are raising up. Im just worried if i am doing anything wrong so i can change it now before it is too late. I have a 120v 60hz hydrofarm grow light and the pots are about 2-4 away from the light. I have the pots and hydro system set up in my garage in a growing shed. I have a swamp cooler within the shed giving the plants cooling. The plants are about 3-5 inches tall maybe a little more after nine days. I just fed them a cup of water from a gallon of water with a tablespoon of foxfarm grow big liquid plant food. I fed them with this about 2 days ago and they seem to being doing fine. The problem that ive had so far is that 2 of the plants had weak stems so i reinforced them with a stick to keep them up. one of the died but the other is doing better than the rest. So my questions are... When should i feed them again? What else should i do to help them prosper? Why did 2 of the 3 grow weak and fall over? What should they look like after about 1 1/2- 2 weeks?


Well-Known Member
I think your plants are WAY to young for you to be feeding them anything yet. That could be why some of them died, I said could be. I usually don't feed my babies anything until they are at least 3 weeks to a month old. Then I start giving them a 1/4 dose of nutes. I would not feed them again for 2-3 weeks. Water them, just no food. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
What kind of medium do you grow with?

I am not too prolific with hydroponics. Have you checked the PH of your water?

The first grow I used a soiless mix from organic sources and hand fed them. I used bagseed then ditched them before attempting to flower and used Sensi's Maple Leaf.

From what I read there may not be enough nutrients in the medium. Pics would be useful as well.

If your seedlings are bright green and healthy looking then fall from weakness then they are lacking something obviously essential to creating strong cell walls, etc. Really you need pics or similar ones in comparison if you can find them on the web. PEACE


Active Member
2-4 feet away from the plant? How big is the light(wattage)? The light might be too far away from the plants and are stretching themselves out. Plain water is good for now. Start slow with the nutrients then build up. A small fan blowing on the plants themselves will help strengthen up the stems. Pics would help. Keep smoking


Active Member
Antman, if u give me ur email i can send u pics. For some reason my pics dont work when im put them on here.


Well-Known Member
What kind of light do you have? MH? HPS? 2-4 FEET away? You don't need any fertilizer for at least a month in soil, and 1 tblspoon to 1 gallon is too much anyway. Let soil dry out between really good waterings.


Well-Known Member
What's up bro? I'm sorry to tell you that I can't be much help to you. I have never grown hydroponically, and when I did grow, which was several years ago, I didn't use any of that stuff. Light meters and PPM weren't things I needed to be concerned with growing outdoors. Al B. Fuct is pretty knowledgable about all aspects of growing. Maybe try to send him a message. If not, post a question and I'm sure you'll get the answers you need. Once again, sorry I can't help you.


Well-Known Member
Like I said in my last post, I haven't grown in a few years. But back when I did grow, all of it WAS done in dirt and outside. Back then they called it a Gorilla Grow. Too much trouble at this time for me.