imho hydro sucks

nice looking plants.

i've heard about hempy buckets for years but never looked into them. i'll give it a look and see what's up.

just try ONE plant in a hempy along side all your soil plants in your next run, i'll bet that experience will get you hooked, lol.

anyway, here is a link to Moebius' thread here at RUI on the topic and while i haven't read it yet, it's pretty long so probably has much information and i have links to some pretty long and extensive discussions on the topic so if you have questions you won't have any trouble getting answers, ...believe me man, i wish i'd discovered hempy growing 5 years sooner!

World Of Hempy


btw, the traditional medium used for hempys is a mix of 3 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite and many still use this with great success but after a few years hempy himself upgraded to coco as his media of choice which is what i use and you work with it much like soil so it's simple to use and CHEAP, i pay about $15.00 for a 5kg brick that expands into a LOT of medium and coco is reusable so i habitually reuse my coco and just add in a new brick when i start running low which isn't too often as i only lose what won't come free of the rootball after harvest, and that gets composted, so it takes quite a while at that rate before i need to add another brick to the mix, lol.
The first time I tried DWC I ran a Strawberry Cough clone that I had run many times in soil. In soil I could pull 2 - 3 ozs max. The first run in dwc I pulled just short of 10 ozs off one plant. Needless to say I was hooked on ponics, lol...
Come on really guys why would anyone want to grow with any kind of hydroponics.

Because I like it better than soil. I grow in soil outside.

It cost way more to run,

No, it is about the same if not cheaper. It depends on what style you use. If you get one more pull a year, it is much cheaper.

it has way more things that could go wrong, house can get flooded, nutes are more sensitive and to much to add,

Are you saying that idiots should not go with hydro? Okay. My first grow was hydro (flood tray) and it went off with out a hitch. Am I a special genius?

I have been doing ebb and flow with a friend for a year now and it is clearly way harder and more work than I nice easy soil grow.

I don't agree. I could leave my flood tray alone for a few days, just like my soil plants. You could argue that each way is easier and it would be tough for me to counter. It depends on how many plants etc.

And u get better tasting herb.

Possibly. I would bet you you could not tell the difference between my hydro blueberry and my soil blueberry.
I am sympathetic to the notion that soil weed tastes better, but there are too many variables. I would need a side by side.

For what? A lil more yield it would have to grow twice as much or more to even come close to as efficient as good ol soil.

That is your opinion and it is a bit dubious.

I have just had one crazy year of growing with ebb and flow.and soil is imho way easier and smarter to do than any hydro.

I disagree. Growing in coco is just as easy as soil. It grows faster and produces more. The quality is great. The only thing "harder" about it is you have to water more (because the plant eats/drinks more).

I do not have a problem with either. I may change one of my rooms to soil and organic (why does anyone grow non-organic in soil?) not for any of the reasons you listed, just for a change.
I found it a little complicated at first but if and when you get it dialed... you would be convinced. Its as complicated as you wanna make it. But I've seen astounding growth rates and yields in hydro. Dwc in a sealed gassed room can do some mindblowing shit. That said I'm a dirtdigger I use super soil myself I did hydro for years but I travel a lot more now and its much easier to fill a 55gak drum with Ph'd water and have the wife. Water em every couple days than making her carry buckets of water (stairs too) and constantly monitor Ph and ppm. I'm a detail nut so it'd be a lot to ask of her. I still dabble with Dwc buckets occasionally and would dive at the chance to go full hydro again. Just not practical ATM. Different strokes for different folks.. don't hate :joint: appreciate. Were all in it together man
Hydro is faster and yields more, plants are much happier, go look at the plant problem page, the vast majority is soil!
even c.n. if you read his journal,he was baffled by how his plants responded, that man is like a chemistry
hydro! All day long, I see people have an effinity with D.W.C. N.F.T. For me, I'm no expert, first grow ever soil or hydro, 22 marketable Oz, the rest for myself, 2Oz. Only three plants!! HYDRO ROCKS!!!

oh and only 2 weeks veg!

the proof is in my pictures!
Come on really guys why would anyone want to grow with any kind of hydroponics. It cost way more to run, it has way more things that could go wrong, house can get flooded, nutes are more sensitive and to much to add, I have been doing ebb and flow with a friend for a year now and it is clearly way harder and more work than I nice easy soil grow. And u get better tasting herb. For what? A lil more yield it would have to grow twice as much or more to even come close to as efficient as good ol soil. I have just had one crazy year of growing with ebb and flow.and soil is imho way easier and smarter to do than any hydro.

It's not hard. But it's obviously beyond your skill level.
Hydro is faster and yields more, plants are much happier, go look at the plant problem page, the vast majority is soil!
even c.n. if you read his journal,he was baffled by how his plants responded, that man is like a chemistry
hydro! All day long, I see people have an effinity with D.W.C. N.F.T. For me, I'm no expert, first grow ever soil or hydro, 22 marketable Oz, the rest for myself, 2Oz. Only three plants!! HYDRO ROCKS!!!

oh and only 2 weeks veg!

the proof is in my pictures!
I hear the bear IS actually a prof. or something.
Sorry but Hydro is better although I wouldn't say it's easier than soil. Things can go wrong real fast in hydro and soil is much more forgiving

With my soil I just water every 3-5 days(very very easy). With my hydro I have to deal with measurements every time I change nutes.

I've run side by sides with Nova Bloom+additives(including sweetners) and my reg. soil mix>Hydro grown produces more>Soil grown tastes better

So I spend way more on my hydro stuff and end up with more weight but alittle less taste(about 25% more weight)

Cheaper way with soil moving a few bags of dirt only happens once during grow(I always end up smoking the soil grown first)

Whoever thinks hydro makes your weed stronger>you must be using trash dirt because they are identical in potency to me.
Hydro might be easier for a commercial grower since it yields more; but I quit Hydro for awhile because I can produce plenty in dirt that has a better taste
Hydro is easy. Plain and simple it is easy. Even grade school kids do projects with it. Start with pH adjusted water the first week or two as that is all pot needs even in soil. Then gradually add nutrients, using a good PPM meter to assess, until it reaches 100-200 over your starting PPM (your water has a PPM reading so test it and remember it). Let them go a couple of weeks, in giving a time if you must, then again raise your PPM gradually to 300-400 and so on. I use AN and added 2 ML each of Sensi Grow A&B and tested. Then 2 ML more and re-tested. Very little change. 2 ML more and the change was markedly higher considering the same 2 ML!!! Point? Don't test after the first add and then calculate an end PPM and simply add it all.

Now I used plain chlorinated tap water, pH adjusted to 5.3-5.5 to add for them to drink and never let the total reservoir pH go over 6.0. The AN is extremely stable I guess because it required little to no maintenance. A White Widow Auto grew itself in reality as my work days vary and I often work 12-14 hours and then add commute. Green LED lights to check when I got home and never a problem. 1.75 ounces dried weight high quality bud with a great head high and fantastic taste and odor. I could get more from a non-auto and so after I chopped her I followed her with a regular non-feminized White Label White Skunk. Never grew it. Put a seed in wool 28 November and today it has its 4 node and is squat and bushy!!! I say it because it obviously at 18/6 is not indicating and I intend to veg the hell out of it. If it's male I'll simply gather a ton of pollen and plant another. I now have 5 homebuilt DWC using throwaway 5-gallon pickle containers from a nearby fast food joint.
One more vote for hydro. I just ran my first DWC and I love it. The growth is unreal, better than ebb & flow tables and WAY better than any soil I've ever worked with.
Hydro might be easier for a commercial grower since it yields more; but I quit Hydro for awhile because I can produce plenty in dirt that has a better taste
if you're soil buds taste better than your hydro buds then you aren't flushing correctly before harvest.

I'd classify this as a little kid rant on hydro imho.
No actually it is someone looking for different reasons from different people why they would grow hydro
Even though it could be harder and more expensive. Oh sorry something u wouldn't know anything about with your 400 watt stealth grow.
Ok I came off wrong in the op. I apologize. Our system was thrown together piece by piece so we had it bad from the begining. We only use ro water and that made it tough since we had 3 different tables and two different reses, we probably spent to much time cleaning reses than nessary. A fifty gallon res is a pain in the Ass to get thru doors the 4 x 4 table even worse. I think a modular system would be much easier. We tryin to grow somewhat commercially and ebb and flow got to go. We have a four x four two two by fours and a three by three. Way to much to be growing in a spare bedroom. I'm going to look into hempys. I'm tryin to get the most out of a 12x14 room with 3000 watts of light. Right now we have two 4x4 tents pulled together with two thousand watt lights in each tent and a 400 watt Hung in the middle of both tents. We have way to many plants in the area so the other light is a must.
Excuse me kids but i flush just like any1 else
Don't make this hateful I don't care what you think abput my opinion
I did side by side with top nutes including sweetners and flushing for a week just like every1 else
If you think Hydro Tastes better than soil grown then you have never used good organic soils.
I already said HYDRO was easy>still not as easy as just watering them in soil every 5 days>some people just cant read
Same clones so w/e you can argue with me for days wont change the way I think
Hydro grows a bit faster and produces more but the taste is NOT the same no matter how long you flush
There is something about it I don't know but I used everything the pros use and watched ppms and ph every time
The plants all looked just as healthy the Hydro plants just didn't smell quite as strong and taste wasn't the same

If you only use Hydro good for you I'm not bashing your methods>just saying I have my own experiences with both and I read and watched Hydro grows for 3 years before even attempting...everything went smooth and the end product was fire(just saying it wasn't the same)
My setup was not pieced together > Modified waterfarms used by others on here > growth is increased > yield increased by 25% for me > Buzz was identical > Taste wasn't the same (similar flavor just not as pronounced and didn't stink as much)