IMMA A NOOB. BUt you can help me become the best. Help please im really serious.

*i saw the vids on the first page.. uumm yea, i got nothing against mr. dreadlocks but ill prefer you just read threads on RIU for mj info :)
*i saw the vids on the first page.. uumm yea, i got nothing against mr. dreadlocks but ill prefer you just read threads on RIU for mj info :)

riu has got all he needs
and u get accurate advice and if u get wrong advice someone will call them on it
thats why i make this site my site to learn
absorb your wallet too.stasrted with bagseed,great learning curve.ive read it here for quite awhile.....then i about a 6 month FIT,i finally see what i read.I did it i profit so many ways. riu rules
Your a bitch too. Why not ask questions why. If you know wtf your talking about then wtf wouldn't I bitch. I would slap the fuck out of you if I knew you personally. I read up online all day. I ordered some book and have been visiting some stores. I asked very simple questions that could easily been answered quite frankly. God when is the last time you had sex lighten up. I said that would be all I needed for now bitch and didn't ask another question. Stop being a asshole man wtf would Jesus. If you came to me for help I would never spit in your face. I'm a tutor at my university do you know how much bullshit I hear asked. People don't seem to have a clue about shit. With a little help that have very successful. I would really like to box your face random mofo

Hi. I'm a new grower and I'm starting with hydro/aeroponics blend (superponics), so it can be done. That being said, I want to give you a fair review of your approach. Since I'm new and a hydro/aero grower, I can relate well with your quest for knowledge.

First off, your original posts did come off as "I wanna grow, teach me now!" I'm a newbie, I researched growing by reading books and many online resources for months before I began posting online. When I started posting, I at least had decent knowledge that allowed me to ask specific questions that showed my willingness to be a great student who would appreciate anyone else's time who was willing to indulge me. I am always thankful and appreciative, even if not the answer I was searching for.

You claim to be pre-med with tons of time. How does a pre-med student not understand that research is key? You've gotta do your due diligence. Now let's move to what equates to your bedside manner, it basically stinks. Soon as you have a bit of "opposition," you start swearing and putting people down. Mind you, you asked for a push, some people push hard, some soft. If you wanted only sugary, kiss butt replies, you should go ask your parents as I have a feeling they have indulged you a great portion of your life. Perhaps they will hold your hand through this.

Nothing irks me more than someone who claims to be educated but fails to show it in his speech. Grow up. Your parents aren't paying for your education so that you can go around acting like a juvenile ass. You'd be likely to get serious and helpful replies if you started speaking to and treating others the way you appreciate being treated. What shows maturity is doing so even when met with opposition. As a future doctor you should be seeking to hone your many skills needed now. I can assure you that throughout med school, residency and in practice, you will meet with opposition on nearly a daily basis.

This isn't a NOW website. Posting and replies take time. Reading, research and due diligence will save you much time. A different perspective and a much more open mind will serve you well. Start thinking outside your box, the only person inhibiting your learning process is you.

Ever heard the story about the two bulls? Two bulls are hanging atop a hill, looking down at some glorious cows. The young bull turns to the old bull and says "let's run down and fuck one of them cows." The old bull says to the young one "how about we walk down and fuck them all."

Shift your paradigm.