Immediate Help Needed


Hey guys I think I waited to long to water while I was gone for 3 days...

My plant is almost all the way to the ground. I just watered, will it go back to normal?!CIMG0018.jpg

I know it's difficult to see but the plant is falling down or leaning almost all the way to the ground, the entire plant is. I don't think it's a weight problem but I could be wrong...


Well-Known Member
It'll go back, I'd water it again personally, but marijuana can withstand going dry and perking back's over-watering they can't stand.


Well-Known Member
Why are the stems so super thin? its allready flopping and theres no buds on it yet. Get a Hps/mh light to avoid these weak stems and reduce watering.Also try using a light fan on it to strengthen the frame.


New Member
Looks like a weak stem issue to me. Those leaves are still pert, no wilting at all. Better get the stakes out and start tying it up....or just let her be, plant imposed, natural super cropping!!!


Active Member
It will bounce back. But i agree with *BUDS..... the stems are super thin. Get better lighting... Also too avoid it drying up so fast, you can add a good mix of perlite to your soil and it will help if your gone for a couple days.


Well-Known Member
It will bounce back. But i agree with *BUDS..... the stems are super thin. Get better lighting... Also too avoid it drying up so fast, you can add a good mix of perlite to your soil and it will help if your gone for a couple days.
Wrong, perlite actually makes your medium drain better, so you'd need to water more frequently.