There are a few theories for the crisis in Arizona's education system.
Nearly one-third (31 percent) of Arizona children have immigrant parents. Seven percent are themselves foreign-born. This influx of immigrants and their children is contributing to severe school overcrowding problems in the state.
Between 1990 and 2000, Arizona’s elementary and high school enrollment increased 44 percent. While school enrollment is projected to increase by only four percent nationally between 2001 and 2013, Arizona is expecting a twelve percent increase.
In Phoenix, schools are so crowded that some students are attending classes in a former mall and in a converted grocery store.In Mesa, schools have even run out of room for classroom trailers, so 700 elementary school students attend classes in an old grocery store. In Gilbert, which is growing faster than any U.S. community its size, schools are so crowded that some students were without desks and cafeteria tables at the start of the 2003-04 school year. Arizona’s student/teacher ratio of 20 students per teacher is almost a quarter higher than the national average and is the third highest in the country.
Arizona spends $187 million annually to educate illegal immigrant students in grades K-12.
how about these theories: While Politicians Say They Protected Education in FY 2008 to FY 2010, Cuts Totaled $875.5 MillionEducation is once again on the chopping block this 2011 legislative session. While the Governor and many legislators claim they have protected education from cuts, there were actually $875.5 million in reductions to K-12, community colleges and universities. If you include rollovers and other fund shifts [1] which impede the cash flow of our educational institutions, the reductions are closer to $1.041 billion. (All calculations are based on the Arizona Joint Legislative Budget Committee calculations: JLBC Budget Reductions FY08-FY10.)
cutting 1.04 billion from the school budget from fiscal year 2008-2010.
that MIGHT have something to do with it....
i know for ppl like you it's always easier to blame illegals for everything.....