Immigration Reform

There are a few theories for the crisis in Arizona's education system.
Nearly one-third (31 percent) of Arizona children have immigrant parents. Seven percent are themselves foreign-born. This influx of immigrants and their children is contributing to severe school overcrowding problems in the state.
Between 1990 and 2000, Arizona’s elementary and high school enrollment increased 44 percent. While school enrollment is projected to increase by only four percent nationally between 2001 and 2013, Arizona is expecting a twelve percent increase.
In Phoenix, schools are so crowded that some students are attending classes in a former mall and in a converted grocery store.In Mesa, schools have even run out of room for classroom trailers, so 700 elementary school students attend classes in an old grocery store. In Gilbert, which is growing faster than any U.S. community its size, schools are so crowded that some students were without desks and cafeteria tables at the start of the 2003-04 school year. Arizona’s student/teacher ratio of 20 students per teacher is almost a quarter higher than the national average and is the third highest in the country.
Arizona spends $187 million annually to educate illegal immigrant students in grades K-12.

how about these theories:

Recap: While Politicians Say They Protected Education in FY 2008 to FY 2010, Cuts Totaled $875.5 Million
Education is once again on the chopping block this 2011 legislative session. While the Governor and many legislators claim they have protected education from cuts, there were actually $875.5 million in reductions to K-12, community colleges and universities. If you include rollovers and other fund shifts [1] which impede the cash flow of our educational institutions, the reductions are closer to $1.041 billion. (All calculations are based on the Arizona Joint Legislative Budget Committee calculations: JLBC Budget Reductions FY08-FY10.)


cutting 1.04 billion from the school budget from fiscal year 2008-2010.

that MIGHT have something to do with it....

i know for ppl like you it's always easier to blame illegals for everything.....
Your one-liner about the KKK is getting really old and played out. So are your passive agressive ways on calling me a racist. So far the only proof you have to discredit the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service is an attack on white people , calling them racist. Its getting a little old. If you have numbers that contradict mine, then post them so I can lauph, and then prove you wrong. Until then you've proved nothing. Except that you think protecting the borders = racism. So obviously I'm not going to get through that thick wall you call a skull, I'm just passing along info from 10 years ago. I wonder how much immigration is costing taxpayers now that the population is still booming? Are you going to say the census bureau is racist?Do your homework. :roll:

here's the real numbers, brah...
No difference at all

Public Union members are also tax payers
So taxpayers are paying the paychecks of all the Auto Workers union members? The Plumbers union? The electricians union? I don't think you have actually given this subject enough thought. There is a HUGE difference between a union that is taxpayer funded and a union that is funded by private money. How you aren't able to realize this difference is pretty par for your course.
So taxpayers are paying the paychecks of all the Auto Workers union members? The Plumbers union? The electricians union? I don't think you have actually given this subject enough thought. There is a HUGE difference between a union that is taxpayer funded and a union that is funded by private money. How you aren't able to realize this difference is pretty par for your course.

Oh Gee would it make a difference if a Goverment service was privatized and the employees of the company were in a Union?
Are you saying The goverment should be able to deny rights to its private citizens when they are employed by the goverment?
Oh Gee would it make a difference if a Goverment service was privatized and the employees of the company were in a Union?
When things are private then they are not PUBLIC. Wow, check a dictionary if you aren't understanding the difference.
Are you saying The goverment should be able to deny rights to its private citizens when they are employed by the goverment?
No I am saying that Public unions are funded by taxpayers. Public union members don't pay their entire paycheck and all benefits from their taxes. Teachers making $50,000 a year aren't paying $50,000 a year in taxes.
So Union members arent tax payers also?

And do you really think a teacher is over paid with a 4-6 year degree making 50k a year?
So Union members arent tax payers also?
Almost Every person in the USA pays taxes, children pay taxes, what is your point?

And do you really think a teacher is over paid with a 4-6 year degree making 50k a year?

Yeah, I do think 50k a year is a bit much when they only work 3/4 as long a year as 4-6 year degree people who are only making 45K a year. Teachers get summers off, or haven't you noticed? Plus lets not forget tenure, some can get tenure in a short amount of time and then its near impossible to get rid of them if they end up being POS teachers. I have never been able to get Tenure at any of the jobs where I worked no matter how long I worked there. Lets not forget the nice pension, 401K, medical, dental, vision care etc etc etc. Those benefits are worth quite a bit.
Well folks its going to be a great day when you go to regester your child or grand child for school and they tell you the illegal comes first.
Fear monger much?

So taxpayers are supposed to pay for illegal's kids education, while the American kids stay home? You're a Mexican. You hate America. You say we stole your land, and that says everything we need to know about you. Of course you don't want whats best for America, you're not even an American. :finger:
Almost Every person in the USA pays taxes, children pay taxes, what is your point?

Yeah, I do think 50k a year is a bit much when they only work 3/4 as long a year as 4-6 year degree people who are only making 45K a year. Teachers get summers off, or haven't you noticed? Plus lets not forget tenure, some can get tenure in a short amount of time and then its near impossible to get rid of them if they end up being POS teachers. I have never been able to get Tenure at any of the jobs where I worked no matter how long I worked there. Lets not forget the nice pension, 401K, medical, dental, vision care etc etc etc. Those benefits are worth quite a bit.

This last part is why I have severe issues with American workers. "They make more than blah blah blah, take away their benefits and pay them less"
People should not be upset that some public workers make more than them, they should be upset they themselves do not have the same benefits and pay. Just because people feel helpless that their raises and benefits are being screwed so the upper management and board members / CEO's can rape the company and then the company claims they can't afford to pay the average worker a fair wage does not make it right to place the blame in the wrong place.

You should be pissed the average Joe is getting the shaft and happy that at least in some areas of employment the workers are done right.
How retarded is it to want to engage in a race to the bottom.

Also, do you happen to know how much $$ out of their own pocket a teacher needs to spend on teaching supplies. There are standards for what is needed to teach a classroom and in the majority of school districts the school does not supply all that is needed.

How do I know this? My profile states I am a semi retired truck driver.... not by choice, I had a heart attack at 41 yrs old, Oct 8, 2003 at 8:05 am and could not pass a CDOT physical for a few years.
During this time so as to not go crazy I volunteered at my sons school. You would not believe how fucked up our education system is ( you might but for the wrong reason) The teachers out here make nowhere near 50k unless they have been here forever, avg wage is closer to 28k-32k and you have to purchase 50-75% of what you need to teach the class. The district I am in, in Colorado, the average k - 12 teacher spends 2-4k a year out of pocket to make a class happen.

I cannot speak for every school out there but here in Colorado at a specific Elementary school and a Middle school they are wayyyyyyyyyy under funded.

Teachers also do not get 3 months off, it is closer to 1.5 or 6 weeks of vacation. Teachers out here have 2 weeks after school ends of work and start 2 weeks before school starts again, that and a few workshops during the summer.

I consider myself lucky as far as the vaca goes, in my job I get 3 weeks of vacation (16days) and 2 weeks of sick/personal time (14 days) and I am at a private non union company where the owner prefers to take care of his employees, all of his employees not just upper management. Thing is, back in the 80's vaca and personal time like this with good benefits was normal, at least in my line of work. Now you gotta give some of it up so they can pay your CEO 10 million plus a year and another 100+ million in stock options.

Again, if you are complaining about tenure, pensions, 401k, dental, medical etc... etc... it is NOT that they get too much, if you are complaining it is because you are getting too little.
Willyßagseed;6225334 said:
This last part is why I have severe issues with American workers. "They make more than blah blah blah, take away their benefits and pay them less"
People should not be upset that some public workers make more than them, they should be upset they themselves do not have the same benefits and pay. Just because people feel helpless that their raises and benefits are being screwed so the upper management and board members / CEO's can rape the company and then the company claims they can't afford to pay the average worker a fair wage does not make it right to place the blame in the wrong place.

You should be pissed the average Joe is getting the shaft and happy that at least in some areas of employment the workers are done right.
How retarded is it to want to engage in a race to the bottom.

I have no problem with other people making more than me, But I sure do have a problem with people making more than me and me having to be forced to pay their salary and benefits, irregardless of performance.

If a plumber comes to your house and floods your basement and causes you $30k in damages do you pay him anyway?
Bad teachers are bad and yes there needs to be an easier way to get rid of them, but not at the expense of all the good teachers and children in school.

**BTW, wasn't a plumber but I did have 16k of damage done to my foundation whilst they did 12k worth of repair/remodel work to my house. They billed me and I billed them, they owe me 4k to this day.....pain in the ass.....
I have no problem with other people making more than me, But I sure do have a problem with people making more than me and me having to be forced to pay their salary and benefits, irregardless of performance.

If a plumber comes to your house and floods your basement and causes you $30k in damages do you pay him anyway?

Somebody needs to tell Obama that taxpayers want thier half billion dollars back for his failed Solyndra project. Not to mention we just added 1200 people to the unemployment roster.
So taxpayers are supposed to pay for illegal's kids education, while the American kids stay home? You're a Mexican. You hate America. You say we stole your land, and that says everything we need to know about you. Of course you don't want whats best for America, you're not even an American. :finger:

If they were Born here they are American Citizens

I proudly served with many "anchor babys" while i was in the military