IMPACT STATEMENTS - Please send to the following address...


Well-Known Member
PLease send your impact statements about how you've been grossly affected by these new changes. Or contact them to join their class action suit, or contact them to join their court challenge against Harpers new 2014 regulations. Please make the effort. There's already 1000 people who have as that's how many impact statements they have received but they want as many as they can get! Please and thank you!!!

Office Address
John Conroy & Company
2459 Pauline Street
Abbotsford, British Columbia
Canada V2S 3S1

Toll-free: 1-877-852-5110
Tel: (604) 852-5110
Fax: (604) 859-3361


Active Member
I filled out the impact statement that Mattemil posted is this the same then or I should do both?


Well-Known Member
It's up to you man. I'd suggest both but I am not an expert with MMARC. I just know that Conroy & Company are proceeding with their court challenge.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
I hate to be the bubble bursting guy but dont you all think the time to act was during the 75 day comment period after they released the proposed regs...back in December?

Obviously I'm not a medical user of cannabis...I feel the whole medical thing is a complete crock of shit. If cannabis is safe enough for a patient to consume ounces/day then I'm pretty sure the rest of us can smoke a few grams/day without causing harm to ourselves or society.

So if you want to get riled up about something, forget fighting the regulations...FIGHT PROHIBITION!!!


Well-Known Member
No way redi jedi. I am not for a free for all. You don't work on the psych ward. I do. There's loads of people who don't know they can have a psychotic episode after smoking just one joint of pot. You don't hear about them much but they're there and we pay $1000 a day in acute care to take care of them. Having had cancer I believe in the need for it based on good medical reasoning as has been used for thousands of years and yes, stress and depression are in there! But no man. In all honesty. I'd like to see what marc emery is like 30 years from now since he smokes so much when he's not in jail. If he's fine then awesome but if he is an impatient I will have been vindicated. And man, your negativity about us not doing stuff earlier during those 75 days sucks. You haven't read my threads very well because I am all over this site. I did just that plus I sent cash in to help the law suit. Now there are more law suits. I've been quite active on here trying to motivate people to get active. Nobody says if you have a large prescription that you have to smoke or ingest the full amount each day. It helps though to know you can have a large stockpile in your own home without threat of arrest. That's the biggest thing that I like about my prescription.


Well-Known Member
I should clarify that there are people out there who have a genetic disposition for psychosis and smoking the joint just seems to be the key in the lock that releases it. Doesn't happen to everybody but it does happen and the psych ward is where they go to when it happens.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
No way redi jedi. I am not for a free for all. You don't work on the psych ward. I do. There's loads of people who don't know they can have a psychotic episode after smoking just one joint of pot. You don't hear about them much but they're there and we pay $1000 a day in acute care to take care of them. Having had cancer I believe in the need for it based on good medical reasoning as has been used for thousands of years and yes, stress and depression are in there! But no man. In all honesty. I'd like to see what marc emery is like 30 years from now since he smokes so much when he's not in jail. If he's fine then awesome but if he is an impatient I will have been vindicated. And man, your negativity about us not doing stuff earlier during those 75 days sucks. You haven't read my threads very well because I am all over this site. I did just that plus I sent cash in to help the law suit. Now there are more law suits. I've been quite active on here trying to motivate people to get active. Nobody says if you have a large prescription that you have to smoke or ingest the full amount each day. It helps though to know you can have a large stockpile in your own home without threat of arrest. That's the biggest thing that I like about my prescription.
LMAO!...Psych ward....really? I cant believe I just heard that. Ok then, we'll leave that be for the moment and move on to your point about Marc Emery. From what I can make out, you would feel vindicated if he developed some kind of illness because he smokes so much weed? throws a wrench in the whole "medical marijuana" theme dont ya think?

Now, out of the MILLIONS of people that smoke cannabis in the US & Canada, how many psychotic episodes directly related to using cannabis happen in a year?...10,000? 100,000 maybe? Still sounds safer than driving. Definitely safer than smoking cigarettes. Speaking of cigarettes, how many people are we taking care of in hospitals from them? I'm not hearing any war cries to ban cigarettes?

You really sound like a hypocrite saying "Cannabis is OK for me to use, but not everyone else"


Well-Known Member
Redi Jedi. This is interesting reading your statement.

I can't say for certain how many people I have seen come in with a pychotic episode due to weed but I will say a fair number. Maybe about ten so far this year and I am just one nurse. It really depends on a persons genetic make up. Some people are fine smoking weed and others aren't. Some people take just one puff and they alter their brain chemistry and they stay in care for quite a while. I've seen some alter their brain chemicals so badly it's taken two years for them to get back to right. It costs as I said $1000 a day on the acute ward to house a patient and 50% of mental health patients are drug related. certainly not all are caused by pot and a lot are in there for speed and other injectables but yes, definately a solid percentage for patients in their because of drug induced psychosis.

Marc Emery...I've actually had a meal with Jodi and Marc once and they smoke a lot. If you smoke lots and lots every day for decades, as I say it can certainly alter some peoples brain chemistry. Others are fine. So if you want to have anyone and everyone have access to pot, you are not considering those with schizophrenia and/or those who do suffer from periods of psychos but if you did prevent those people from getting access to weed, then I would go along with the program. We want to fix our healthcare system and not destroy it with over numbers of mental health patients.

The labeling me as a hyprocite hurts me as I said that I fully endorsed people using weed if they had a legitimate reason to use it. And you do sound like a smart person so I'm sure you know already or can read up on the many uses of weed for a person that has a medicinal need for it. I even included depression and stress. Depression being the most major problem less than heart disease. Anyone suffering should have access to it and there are mega people who fill that definition. If you';re stressed, have a toke. Fine.

A medical pot industry employs people too if it's done right. I'm not suggesting it is done right in Canada and that's why I am willing to fight on. I hope you do as well. But if you truly don't believe in a medical pot program, then why are you in this section in the first place? I don't understand. You're welcome to change your mind. I did. I used to be fully into everyone should have access but after working two years on the psych ward...I've changed my mind. Not enough to say no pot for anyone. I'll never be like that I hope. But what I've seen does worry me to some degree. People who try it for the first time may not know that they have a genetic disposition to being mentally unwell. So how do we prevent them from themselves and their curiosity? We can't. But maybe down the path we can sugest to them that other people seem to be fine with it while you just don't seem to fair that well on it. The same argument comes from alcohol consumption.

I am definitely not a neo con. I believe in people needing it if they feel they are unwell or need a lift to counter anxiety or depression or stress. Situational circumstance etc. A million other reasons that are justified. I hope I have clarified my position and not come accross as anti pot because I am not.


Redi Jedi. This is interesting reading your statement.

I can't say for certain how many people I have seen come in with a pychotic episode due to weed but I will say a fair number. Maybe about ten so far this year and I am just one nurse. It really depends on a persons genetic make up. Some people are fine smoking weed and others aren't. Some people take just one puff and they alter their brain chemistry and they stay in care for quite a while. I've seen some alter their brain chemicals so badly it's taken two years for them to get back to right. It costs as I said $1000 a day on the acute ward to house a patient and 50% of mental health patients are drug related. certainly not all are caused by pot and a lot are in there for speed and other injectables but yes, definately a solid percentage for patients in their because of drug induced psychosis.

Marc Emery...I've actually had a meal with Jodi and Marc once and they smoke a lot. If you smoke lots and lots every day for decades, as I say it can certainly alter some peoples brain chemistry. Others are fine. So if you want to have anyone and everyone have access to pot, you are not considering those with schizophrenia and/or those who do suffer from periods of psychos but if you did prevent those people from getting access to weed, then I would go along with the program. We want to fix our healthcare system and not destroy it with over numbers of mental health patients.

The labeling me as a hyprocite hurts me as I said that I fully endorsed people using weed if they had a legitimate reason to use it. And you do sound like a smart person so I'm sure you know already or can read up on the many uses of weed for a person that has a medicinal need for it. I even included depression and stress. Depression being the most major problem less than heart disease. Anyone suffering should have access to it and there are mega people who fill that definition. If you';re stressed, have a toke. Fine.

A medical pot industry employs people too if it's done right. I'm not suggesting it is done right in Canada and that's why I am willing to fight on. I hope you do as well. But if you truly don't believe in a medical pot program, then why are you in this section in the first place? I don't understand. You're welcome to change your mind. I did. I used to be fully into everyone should have access but after working two years on the psych ward...I've changed my mind. Not enough to say no pot for anyone. I'll never be like that I hope. But what I've seen does worry me to some degree. People who try it for the first time may not know that they have a genetic disposition to being mentally unwell. So how do we prevent them from themselves and their curiosity? We can't. But maybe down the path we can sugest to them that other people seem to be fine with it while you just don't seem to fair that well on it. The same argument comes from alcohol consumption.

I am definitely not a neo con. I believe in people needing it if they feel they are unwell or need a lift to counter anxiety or depression or stress. Situational circumstance etc. A million other reasons that are justified. I hope I have clarified my position and not come accross as anti pot because I am not.
It seems you are not distinguishing between correlation and causation. Can you post links to studies that show causation of psychotic episodes or are the "facts" you are stating only derived from your experience of noticing a correlation at your psych word? It's important to stay away from using casual experience (observations not done in a controlled environment) as facts.

In other words, can you link to studies that proves marijuana is the cause of psychotic brakes? Just saying "they smoked a joint and had a psychotic brake, therefor it was the joint that caused the psychotic brake" has as much weight as saying "they had bangers and mash for dinner and had a psychotic brake, therefor bangers and mash must cause psychotic brakes." I'm just saying, if you are going to make such "reefer madness" claims, please back them up.

By the way, I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just asking you to show proof. Without proof, there is no reason to think pot is the causation of psychotic brakes.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Redi Jedi. This is interesting reading your statement.

Why do I, or anyone, need a medical justification? IMO weeds no different then alcohol or cigarettes. I can buy cartons of smokes and kegs of beer, no justification needed. I like to get high...why the fuck do I need to justify that to someone other than a child..if I had a child.


Well-Known Member
valid points about alcohol and cigs redi jedi. To Puma 327...I'd have to do a lot of surfing to find those studies if there are any. So I'll take your suggestion and back away as I am talking about what I am seeing on the ward. I'm not quoting any studies at this point because I don't know of any. Studies are hard to find because of government interference. We know that when we try to find studies that are for marijuana or against.

Beaches Compassion

Active Member
I would say these people having bad episodes were smoking either - poorly flushed weed and/or obviously the wrong strain.

My doctor told me if I started having any negative issues to try switching strains not to report directly to a mental ward.


Well-Known Member
The last thing you want to do is bring yourself onto an acute mental health ward. It's supposed to be mental health but 50% of the patients are drug induced psychosis and the shrinks love to experiment on them with pills in hopes of rebalancing their brain chemicals. I do not advocate the pill experiments or worse. You might be right about bad weed beaches compassion. Not flushing etc. I can't honestly say. So my hats are off to those who grow their weed with super high standards and pride. I'm sorry if I angered anyone. Wasn't my intention. I just feel all the people out there that want freedom to have their weed need to realize politicians will be looking at costs to the health care system too. If they can somehow prevent schizophrenics and people who have psychotic episodes from having access to it, then that's all I'd be concerned about as it would help to keep beds available. The people that really really need those beds are usually the people who have severe situational circumstances that pile up and they make attempts on their lives as an 'only option'. I really feel for those people out of the many others that I see on a day to day basis. They're not the frequent flyers like the ones who have completely fried their brains. The majority of whom have done so on solvents, needle drugs, or prescription drugs crushed up and shot up the vein. The pot use is quite a low percentage just so you know I am being as honest as I can be. Thanks for hearing my reasoning.


Active Member
schizophrenics react negative to high thc low cbd ratio. When that cbd level is closer to the thc % then its often helpful for them. CBD is anti psychotic. When Beaches Compassion says his doctor said switch strains, thats really good advice. And with the new rules that are imposed such as testing for thc, cbd %, the schizophrenic patient can now pick exactly the ratio he needs.


Well-Known Member
You have some good points there Maximum. No argument and I am aware that there are many pharmaceutical companies looking at ganja's cbd component to make the next line of anti psychotic medications. So absolutely. You know your information. The big problem as I see it is the unwell schizophrenic who has stopped taking their meds. What generally happens is if they do stay on their meds, which usually only helps 40% of those who have mental health problems, they take their meds for awhile however long, and they think they're fine and don't need them. SO they stop taking them and then you see the deterioration of a persons mental state. And then somebody calls and asks community mental health to assess them or the police bring them in.

But if you have a doctor (GP I'm assuming?) say something like change the strain, that's incredible in it's own right. How many GP's do we know who are as pot friendly or knowledgable as that? I'd suspect as rare as a golden egg. And the psychiatrists? Forget about it. They hate ganja full stop. And the consultants earn $350,000 to see them once a week for review. It's sick. I'm only staying in this occupation for another year and then I'm going to open my own soldier time out retreat with no meds for treatment. Something in rurals ville.


Well-Known Member
I can manage I should say. It's all about crowdfunding now and finding the money and the land with no zoning by laws. Those places do exist though.