Blues Deluxe, right? Not the same as the '50s circuit I built. If you want to make that cab look better (like mine), yank everything out of the cab, including the speaker baffle and, on a hot day, apply three coats of a 50:50 mixture of Bullseye Amber Shellac and denatured alcohol. Mix well. Allow each coat to dry (hence, the hot day rec) and if it's not too humid, you can finish it in an afternoon and gig the amp that night. I like boar-bristle brushes, but any paint brush will be as long as you start with a new one. Don't go too big, the nooks and crannies will drive you nuts if you're using a four-inch brush.
Oh, geez, amp talk, schuylaar will be ever so UPSET!!! She might even cry, again.