Importance of strain


Well-Known Member
So I was pondering something in a daze earlier this morning...wake n' bake...:joint::joint:

I understand you can buy seeds that will definitely grow good bud. That's not really what I'm curious about

I'm curious about the bad weed out there. Or maybe not even the really schwag stuff, maybe even just some nice mids or whatever. How much of that plants quality comes from the seed?

How much of an impact does the way it's grown have an affect? Say you take a seed from a bud of some regular commercial...grow it with the best care possible: good soil + nutes, mh/hps lights, ventilation, good could that bud actually be when it's done? I wouldn't think it would be extremely good....but I would like to think it would be better than the bud it came from?

What about that scenario with some mids? It seems more plausible to me to start with a decent mid could grow some skunky, dense bud, virtually no seeds...from something like that couldn't you? With the right environment??

So back to the original question; how big of a role does the strain play?


Well-Known Member
it depends what high you want. depending on strain. and the more you put into a grow. the more youll get out.


Well-Known Member
what do u mean by strain? indica? sativa? i have grown seeds from some fair to poor bag seed and have had great results also have grown some known good genetics and had a bad plant so idk


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
What kind of bud do you like to smoke? Go for that strain or similar. I like the social heady buzz of sativas myself. Growing them however takes longer than indicas. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking about indica/sativa

I'm talking about making something from nothing

Growing good bud from a seed that came from bad bud. How much of the final result of the grow is dependent on the seed? 60%? 80%?

Worded differently, how much of an impact does the environment in which the plant grows affect its outcome?


Well-Known Member
thats a good question, nurture vs nature.

im hoping that nurture can make a better quality bagseed, since im working with bagseed, and everywhere on this forum theyre saying that without enough light your quality will be diminished(nurture).
not to mention with an ideal combo of co2, light, and temp, the plant will thrive(once again nurture).

but of course a some strains get the big bucks for a reason(nature).

this really is an old argument and i bet everyone has has a strong opinion.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's what I'm trying to find

Nature vs nurture really hit it on the head, +rep for that

I've heard all these people talk about how you can grow good from bad, how how good is the question?

I guess I'll have a more defined opinion of my own here when my first grow is finished LOL. I started with some decent mids, so we'll see


Well-Known Member
i would say seed from any decent weed (bag or bought) could grow awesome smoke under the proper care.


Well-Known Member
I've seen some pics on here of some bag seed that looks better than some of the exotic strains. I'd say the growing environment does play a pretty big role. I don't know, people talk about the different strains, but then again, when it comes down to is all related to the THC isn't it?

Do the exotic strains produce a different kind of THC (chemical makeup)? If not, then I don't see why bag seed couldn't kick ass too.


Well-Known Member
hey email

thats exactly what i want to hear. my girls are from decent bagweed but no known namebrand, so i'm gonna give them a name of my own.

lets say ... lunchmeat and diesel fuel. i like that name. i hope its not already taken.

im putting alot of time, effort, and money(for a poor boy) into my grow room and i hope it makes all the difference, because if i cant produce good smoke im wasting my time(money and effort).

but if i can produce a decent product with mids, then its on.

so thanks for saying exactly what i wanted to hear


Well-Known Member
i've had good results with bag seed. But i'm not what you'd call a connoisseur. if it gets me high and smokes smooth - i'm happy.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree email, that's what I'm hoping for; some decent tasting/smoking stuff that will get me high

Anything else will be a blessing