Important curing question. Mold found on a few buds. Please read.

So i harvested my first batch ever a week ago. The grow was great. Learned alot. I just put the buds into jars 1 day ago. Due to an emergency i had to fly out of town for a meeting over night. Came back today opened my jars for burping and saw a few spots of mold. All together its about a lb. of bud. And i saw maybe 5-6 buds had 1 spot each of that web like mold on them. So im hoping its not too late and i caught it early enough. Would it be safe to say im ok if i remove the very few mold spots and let it dry out real good before i put it back into jars? Or am i screwed just from these few spots? Any knowledgeable feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

P.S. - The few small spots of this web like mold i found was on the very outside of the bud, not the stems or anything like that.
If you scratch a bud or break it open in front of a light at the right angle so you can see it clearly and dust flies off of it that is mold spores being released. You need to go through each bud and scratch it to see if it has mold on it. Try to do this without spreading the spores around the bud and room. I would throw any moldy bud out myself (once) but if it is a small spot on a big bud you could cut it out to save it.
that sux guy..if its a small bud with mold on it trash it..if its a biger bud cut out the molded part plus a lil more and trash...actually u can use the molded buds for eatables..jus mix the bug with butter. wash out the jars really well with dish soap. youll have to keep an eye on the rest of it and make sure it doesnt mold more. mold spores are very small and a lil bit of mold can drop thousands of spores THOUSANDS!....and can i recomend in the future that you use tins to cure and not jars. tins breath a lil bit and let some of the air in and out but seal well enuff to keep the bad stuff out. hope your deal works out may be a good idea to hang dry the buds for another day or two..when u go to ur jars or tins you want the buds to be at the point were you can bend the stems but they dont quite sould also feel a lil dry on the outside. u gotta remember the inside takes longer to dry expecially with a larger bud. gOOd luck yo!
I would recommend getting a pocket scope and inspecting the buds closely to get a better idea of the situation before smoking anything. In the meantime I would remove the spots, pop them into the freezer to halt the infection and then spread them to dry in low humidity with a slight breeze.