Important Question!


Active Member
I have just germinated my seeds and the ones that have sprouted are under 18/6 light under 1000 watts but my solution has been delayed for delivery. I ordered GH FloraNova bloom and veggie with boost. Is it ok to just run distilled water until it arrives or do i have a problem? I have regular GH flora series but wanted to run the new flora nova series. could i try to use the original and switch when other arrives?


Active Member
I dunno if this applies to you but from what iv been reading, if you plant in soil you should not add nutrients until a few weeks of vegging have passed as there will already be nutrients in the soil you bought. Adding more nutrients on top of nutrients in the soil could kill the plant by overfeeding. So i guess that fact that your nutrients havent arrived yet might be a good thing in the sense that had you already had them and used it you may have killed them. Im newbie so check around but i think you have to let the plant establish itself and use the nutrients already in the soil before you start boosting it with nutrients.

PS: So consider if you bought the soil it might already have some nutrients in it.
well my plant is about 2 months old and is showing signs that it needs nutrients i just wanna know what the best nutrients are and how much they would be


Active Member
well my plant is about 2 months old and is showing signs that it needs nutrients i just wanna know what the best nutrients are and how much they would be
Well you're not going to get a straight answer on that one. Some people prefer brand names and others although not recommended like to mix it up. I'm using Botanicare products They are affordable and so far really good and simple to use. Others would argue that the brand Advanced Nutrients are the best, they are also very good but I think they are over priced. It all depends on what you want. I see a lot of people use General Hydroponics (GH) brand They seem to be very affordable and very configurable to meet each desired need of a grow. It's all on what you feel comfortable with. The best nutrients aren't the most expensive or the bottles with the best art work on them they are what your strain and grow do best with.

When I was in school we used to mix dry chemicals to make our own nutrients. you can actually crush up store bought vitamins and use them as supplements for plants if you're in a pinch. My plants used to love a bit of mens one a day vitamins, but now I've got calmag and silica blast.