Improving the grow room


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!
I've been working hard, improving my grow room....on the cheap. lol
So what I've done is add a shelf with a simple light. I'll be adding doors to it tomorrow. I also picked up a tank of co2 really, really cheap. My hopes are to maintain a couple mothers, have clones ready, and flower below.
Here are some pics in mid-construction.



Active Member
Sweet little set up ther. Out of curiosity, how are you venting out that room? I dont see any fans or lines that look like they are leading to a filter. Are you in a safe zone and need not worry about it?


Well-Known Member
Hey Stan, dude......the smell is not a problem where I am, however heat is. I guess I should shoot a pic of the fan....maybe tomorrow, too lazy right now.
(Don't believe me, I'm not lazy, just too stoned to move)
I use a l'cheapo home depot special $13.00 bathroom exhaust fan. It's plumbed through the attic.

Sweet little set up ther. Out of curiosity, how are you venting out that room? I dont see any fans or lines that look like they are leading to a filter. Are you in a safe zone and need not worry about it?


Well-Known Member
I have some shelves like that in my closet already premade. That's a good idea to add doors to it....might have to apply that myself..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, all I did was to lower the shelf a little bit. My neighbor has been helping me, hes a huge help too! I owe him some clones now. lol (actually it was my neighbow who lowered it, I just watched.......and passed the bowl)
Everybody has to have a talent, and I know mine.

I have some shelves like that in my closet already premade. That's a good idea to add doors to it....might have to apply that myself..


Well-Known Member
Looks like it's coming along nicely, VM. Until the kids leave the nest, I probably won't be able to do anything so permanent as yours. The biggest pain in the ass for me is constantly moving and adjusting the lights. I am using CFLs, remember but I'm already planning the next grow, which hopefully will include a HPS. I'll still use the CFLs for side lighting.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I ordered a pair of Hi-Low Reflector Hangers for my light. I hated the chain thing I had rigged up.

By the way, My last kid moved out last week!!!!!! I hope the door didnt hit her in the ass. LoL

I also wanted to point out that even though I'll be putting up doors on the shelf, I'll also be using those insulation strips they sell for use around air conditioners, to make sure that theres no light leak.


Well-Known Member
Lucky you. Actually, I take that back. I am enjoying every minute of experiencing my daughter growing up.

By the way, My last kid moved out last week!!!!!! I hope the door didnt hit her in the ass. LoL


Well-Known Member
Hey VM, had a brain fart at Meijers this morning. They have bike hangers so you can hang your bike from the garage ceiling. Everything you need, pulleys , rope, plates to mount it all to your ceiling or roof rafters, two hooked brackets that would normally hold your handle bars and seat and a bracket to mount on the wall, with a safety stop? $25.00. And its heavy duty. VV


Well-Known Member
That sounds decent Victor, for my puroses, I bought a light hanger from htgsupply for $20.00, and the key here is I already bought it. I'm just waiting on delivery now.

Moving on, I am surprised at the amount of questions about my exhaust fan, I got a bunch of PM's about this too. I do have an exhaust fan, and for those of you who want to see it, here it is.......

Hey VM, had a brain fart at Meijers this morning. They have bike hangers so you can hang your bike from the garage ceiling. Everything you need, pulleys , rope, plates to mount it all to your ceiling or roof rafters, two hooked brackets that would normally hold your handle bars and seat and a bracket to mount on the wall, with a safety stop? $25.00. And its heavy duty. VV


Well-Known Member
Nah, we drilled a 3" hole in the ceiling with a round hole saw on a drill.
I remember it cost me more to drill the hole, than it cost to buy the fan!
The hole saw wasn't cheap. It seems that the 3" hole saw was one of the more expensive ones too.
I know it just looks like it is just sitting against the wall so i was askin. LOL