improving the taste/ look


Well-Known Member
is there anything i can put in my res that will improve the way my buds look and taste.

i was thinking about running phed fruit juice mix with water.

do any of you guys think that the bud with have a little bit of the flavor in them? when smelled i or maybe vaporized ?

let me know what you think or any of your ideassssss:joint:


Well-Known Member
You can use Dutch Nutrient Formula Clear for the last couple of days before straight water. It is said to force one last growth spurt and clears out dissolved salts and impurities. Also i have heard of people cutting down the plant 1 day early and letting the stem sit in a liquid of your choice. It will suck up the stem and make the buds taste like that. A guy where i live takes blueberry juice and uses that and you can taste it. don't know if i would do it though. try a small bud first. also heard peach snapps works good.


Well-Known Member
thanks man i cant wait till try something out im just in the early weeks of flowering waiting it out


Well-Known Member
put a uvb light in ur grow room it will make ur dank the best it can be..u can dip ur trunk or stems in flavored juice but i dont know bout that shit really i heard it could fuk ur plant up and make ur drying period longer


Well-Known Member
I think your light if it is hps mh t5 or any hid will supply all the light spectrum you need. Hps i know without tempered glass in front provides uvb. Not sure how much the plant absorbs. Dutch Nutrient Formula has everythingyou will need. Vedge nutes and vedge fortifiers, bloom nutes and several fortifiers for different expactations such as yeild, flavor, grow speed etc. Then the clear i mentioned and then fresh water for a week. The taste will be exactly what the plant was supposed to taste like. good luck. Its not the cheapest stuff though. you can get 2 grows worth of all the nutes and forts for about 100 dollars.