In Defense of Free Speech: Is Islam a Hate Crime?


Active Member
What do you disagree with? Many ppl deciding on an issue based on NO evidence....can't be wrong? :lol:

What am disagreeing with is all the above with all respect that is a false statement maybe what u should said that the majority of the people thought the world was flat not all of them, cause most people believe just what their eyes see or what they could understand, with the help of science and technology now almost 100% of mankind believe that the world is not flat cause they seen that with their own eyes u know what I mean , people now got no trouble with that cause they get how the universe is functioning, but back in history they did not have what we have now (satellites and spaceships etc..) so they denied it cause they did not have something visible 2 back that up, but that thus not mean no body knew or the information was not their it just wasn’t science it was fate or a believe based on prophecies of the messengers of god.
Believe me the original torah had that information, the Quran have it fourteen hundred years ago and that’s a fact man, even got info on the Origin of the Universe that The science of modern cosmology still didn’t get and some things that they just discover like at one point in time, the whole universe was nothing but a cloud of ‘smoke’ (an opaque highly dense and hot gaseous composition).This is one of the undisputed principles of standard modern cosmology. Scientists now can observe new stars forming out of the remnants of that ‘smoke’, The illuminating stars we see at night were, just as was the whole universe, in that ‘smoke’ material. God has said in the Quran: Then He turned to the heaven when it was smoke... (41:11), and because the earth and the heavens above (the sun, the moon, stars, planets, galaxies, etc.) have been formed from this same ‘smoke,’ the scientist conclude that the earth and the heavens were one connected entity. Then out of this homogeneous ‘smoke,’ they formed and separated from each other. God has said in the Quran: Have not those who disbelieved known that the heavens and the earth were one connected entity, then We separated them?... (Quran, 21:30) , that’s just two examples they r tons of them man, just like I said before read then judge or u will never base ur believe on the truth just some words that been said over and over again and they become a truth , but its all lies man I been their I done that believe me. Even Dr. Alfred Kroner said: “Thinking where Muhammad came from . . . I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years, with very complicated and advanced technological methods, that this is the case.” And he is one of the world’s renowned geologists. He is Professor of Geology and the Chairman of the Department of Geology at the Institute of Geosciences. Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany he Also said: “Somebody who did not know something about nuclear physics fourteen hundred years ago could not, I think, be in a position to find out from his own mind, for instance, that the earth and the heavens had the same origin.” And those are his words literally.
Danm that was a lot of words
I noticed nobody did complain about my spelling is it cause am not doing a lot of mistakes, not that am not speaking English just cause am not writing it a lot so I could be tripping :mrgreen:
By the way am from Sweden just in case u people r interested in knowing:eyesmoke:
Peace and love


New Member
I can see you are far down in the Rabbit hole. I won't try and dissuade you from ur faith.

Now let's see if you can refrain from trying to dissuade me from mine. :wink:

The overwhelming problem and commonality that Christianity and Islam share is.... they are both cults. They need everyone to believe. therein lies the conflict which drives the planet on many fronts and destroys countless lives.

I would be far more comfortable with BOTH religions if they were secure in their own beliefs... I.E. not needing anyone else to agree with them...NOT trying to convert everyone.

I don't agree with the tenants of any religion....but I have far more tolerance for "other" religions...such as Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism.... I have yet to have a single one of 'them" come to my door and convince me of their religion. If you didn't seek them out.... you wouldn't know they existed. they seek no domination...only observance within those wanting to on their own. Childhood indoctrination is another matter and I find that equally repulsive with all sects.


Active Member
I can see you are far down in the Rabbit hole. I won't try and dissuade you from ur faith.

Now let's see if you can refrain from trying to dissuade me from mine. :wink:

The overwhelming problem and commonality that Christianity and Islam share is.... they are both cults. They need everyone to believe. therein lies the conflict which drives the planet on many fronts and destroys countless lives.

I would be far more comfortable with BOTH religions if they were secure in their own beliefs... I.E. not needing anyone else to agree with them...NOT trying to convert everyone.

I don't agree with the tenants of any religion....but I have far more tolerance for "other" religions...such as Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism.... I have yet to have a single one of 'them" come to my door and convince me of their religion. If you didn't seek them out.... you wouldn't know they existed. they seek no domination...only observance within those wanting to on their own. Childhood indoctrination is another matter and I find that equally repulsive with all sects.

and i can see that u got me wrong man am far away from Islam as u could ever imagine i been raised in Roman Catholic family but when I got bigger I found the truth about that religion and believe me when i say its wicked so wicked i don’t even wanna talk about it but i will (i don’t mean the people that follow it their just deceived, i mean the high priests and the people that control them religion not the brothers but the ones who set them up:fire:). i been through times when i did lost hope in all religions and declared them bs.
Then i come across Islam and first time i said 2 myself here is another face of the same beast that play with the mind of the people, but when i read the Quran and that’s all I did (u see i judged it before i know what it’s all about just because of my past experiences with religions) i even got in freemasonry and true cults religions and 2 my surprise i found that i was one of them from the beginning my father was one of them , and when u get what i just wrote u will be shocked just like i did and believe me they r the source of evil that is happening in the world(not just the mason. they r part of the clup and it’s a big one) and if it was not for a miracle of some kind ill be still with them cause their motto is like father like son or that one blood to rolling them all bs, but i did not thank god 4 that.

now about u when u said that Muslims They need everyone to believe, if u think about what I just wrote then u already got my answer ill tell u again those do not fallow the true Islam that’s just a man-made version of the truth they give it the same title to deceive the people from the real Islam, ill say it again if u want to know what’s Islam is bout read the book that the religion supposed to be based on. Because what u just said is the absolute opposite of what did i read in the Quran.
Again I in no way want u 2 change u from ur believes, am just informing u of what I came up with so far studding the religions and the world that am living in in general.
And I said 2 u before I been there and I done that (look at it this way the religions of 2day it’s like a Wal-Mart when u enter it u be amazed how many different products and labels and whatnot but when u follow the source of them u will be surprise that they all came from the same source or owned by the same people)get it, am telling u this life is like a maze man, and its full of wolves in sheep clothing so If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, or u will just harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what u have done.

Know u could ask me if u now that all them religions r evil what kept u looking into other ones, the answer 2 that question is: My own father told me when I did not want to join him unless hi explain what’s that madness it’s all about u know what he told me, he told me look son we may be evil but we r not that evil we just playing the game, cause good could not exist without us so we just full filling the book , and other things. and that was the last day I saw him before he die, that’s what kept me looking, I wanted to find that good that he claimed that could not exist without evil, and I can say now that am close but not their yet.
(telling this whole thing is bring in some bad memories 2 me) but am telling u so u can go search for that good thing, that’s what kept me going
any way this is getting so long again so ill keep it short the only thing that I tell u from the bottom of my heard not just u any body is read and search 4 the truth, feel the truth, don’t just quote from somebody cause u can never be certain of something unless u really I mean really look at it from all directions, and follow no man.

now i really need 2 go get me some:leaf::sad: :weed::-P:bigjoint::eyesmoke:


New Member
Man made version of Islam huh.... is there any other kind? :lol:

I'll let that slide however because.... it IS the man made version that we all have to deal with on earth.

The "man made" version IS a cult...just like Christianity.

We would all be better off if NEITHER one existed. :wink:


Active Member
Man made version of Islam huh.... is there any other kind? :lol:

I'll let that slide however because.... it IS the man made version that we all have to deal with on earth.

The "man made" version IS a cult...just like Christianity.

We would all be better off if NEITHER one existed. :wink:

What i meant is the "man made" version of Islam really got nothing to do with Islam except for the name, thats what make it man made 2 me, Cause Islam is supposed to be based on the Quran and "man made" version is not, and the Quran for me is not man made.
But man have it ur way, i got nothing to prove, i just tried 2 answer ur questions that’s all, somehow u sound 2 me like ur the one that already made up his mind and that’s ur choice man, i just feel like i gotta send u your answer back at ya:-D : «I can see you are far down in the Rabbit hole. I won't try and dissuade you from ur faith.»

peace and :leaf:


New Member
All religions are SUPPOSED to be about the true doctrine..but it NEVER turns out that way.

I simply deal with the reality of religion (organized)... and it's F'd up. And the two biggest religions that F it up are Christianity and Islam...because they are cult based.

That's all...


Well-Known Member
muslims seem to be better christians then actual christians do. take catholics for expample. worshiping or praying to a woman, peter, worshiping a man the pope. when one of the commandments clearly state that "i am your god and a jealous one so dont worship no other image" or whatever it says. and i watched a show one time and it showed the inside of a mosque and there were no kind of images of anybody, whereas in a church you'll often see various types of images. and catholics with their burning of the incense and drinking of jesus' blood, seems awfully pagan to me.
and 9/11 was just a humongous failure on the people in charge of our own country. we spend millions and millions of dollars on "defense" maybe billions now, and i find it appalling this wasnt prevented. WHERE WERE MY DAMN FIGHTER JETS THAT I PAID FOR?


New Member
You can thank Billy boy Clinton for 9/11. Gutting the CIA and ignoring all of the terrorist attacks, even as they escalated. Not his finest moment.... hmmm...what was his finest moment? :lol:


Well-Known Member
If Allah is All, What does it matter if it's the "Man Made" version or, not..? Is not all things to Allah, or do Man operate outside of Allah?


What i meant is the "man made" version of Islam really got nothing to do with Islam except for the name, thats what make it man made 2 me, Cause Islam is supposed to be based on the Quran and "man made" version is not, and the Quran for me is not man made.
But man have it ur way, i got nothing to prove, i just tried 2 answer ur questions that’s all, somehow u sound 2 me like ur the one that already made up his mind and that’s ur choice man, i just feel like i gotta send u your answer back at ya:-D : «I can see you are far down in the Rabbit hole. I won't try and dissuade you from ur faith.»

peace and :leaf:


New Member
In the end...both religions use thuggery to achieve their goals. islam is simply 500 years behind the Christian church.

The Christian church has "polished it's act" but the difference between the two is only a matter of degrees. The intent is the same. And that's what all the fighting is about....which one is right? Neither of them....


Active Member
If Allah is All, What does it matter if it's the "Man Made" version or, not..? Is not all things to Allah, or do Man operate outside of Allah?


Man like i said before it’s up 2 u to decide what u wanna believe.
Anyway i was doing some research about Islam by reading the Quran and i come across this verse: (98) Your God is only One, Allah. There is no god, except He, alone. His knowledge encompasses all things.. Maybe that will answer ur question It was the last in a long story that talks about the journey of Prophet Moses and the children of Israel tribes out of Egypt running from ur avatar and sig:D (Exodus) I found that story fascinating, which got me searching for proves 2 back it up and I was amazed:o with what I found so far and am still looking 4 more.



New Member
But PPL write all kinds of stuff.

Simply saying something is true....doesn't make it so. It takes a bit of verifiable data.

You could try an experiment.... try to actually live by EITHER book....but in their TOTALITY....and see how long it is before you end up in prison.

There in lies the dead give away....because to follow either of those must cherry pick carefully through it...which by definition...invalidates it as the word of G*D.

You follow? If it is entire should be able to follow it to the letter.... and yet.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't a do I wanna believe posit, It was a trying to understand your position of saying that it's "Man Made" and not of Allah, As the verse states

(98) Your God is only One, Allah. There is no god, except He, alone. His knowledge encompasses all things..

So my question isn't that of what I believe, it's how do you believe Allah's will is not demostrated through what is "Man Made" if his knowledge encompasses all?


Man like i said before it’s up 2 u to decide what u wanna believe.
Anyway i was doing some research about Islam by reading the Quran and i come across this verse:(98) Your God is only One, Allah. There is no god, except He, alone. His knowledge encompasses all things.. Maybe that will answer ur question It was the last in a long story that talks about the journey of Prophet Moses and the children of Israel tribes out of Egypt running from ur avatar and sig:D (Exodus) I found that story fascinating, which got me searching for proves 2 back it up and I was amazed:o with what I found so far and am still looking 4 more.



Active Member
It wasn't a do I wanna believe posit, It was a trying to understand your position of saying that it's "Man Made" and not of Allah, As the verse states

(98) Your God is only One, Allah. There is no god, except He, alone. His knowledge encompasses all things..

So my question isn't that of what I believe, it's how do you believe Allah's will is not demostrated through what is "Man Made" if his knowledge encompasses all?


Even though i did not understand ur question totally:confused: i will attempted 2 answer u
First I did not said that all religion practiced 2day r man-made I meant the message of them been changed by man.
torah is not man mad but it was heavily filled with lies by man (a deceiving man); then god send the bible (Christianity), and the same thing happened again, after that god send the Quran(Islam), but this time no one changed the book cause even if they try they could not and they will not, but they did change the message and they did deceive the people cause most of them like I said before do not read the words of god in the form of the real torah or the bible or the Quran, instead they take what been cast by others in the name of God or his messengers as the truth, and this been happening over and over and over again in history, if people really understand the true message of their religion and read the books of other religions they will most definitely understand that the message been send down 2 Moses or 2 Jesus or 2 Muhammad is one and the same message from one and the same GOD.
But hey that’s just what I know and am still searching yo.


Active Member
and i just found a saying by the Prophet of Islam he said: "In the latter Days there will come forth men who will deceive the world by religion, clothed before men in sheepskin because of gentleness, their tongues sweeter than sugar, and their hearts the hearts of wolves. », and that’s exactly what i meant when i said man-made religions cause I seen those people he was talking about, whether they r claiming 2 be Christians or Muslims or Jews or whatever. I definitely seen them they're the devils in disguise Oh yes they are.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the confusion, but your attempt at answering was sufficient enuff for me to gather that, Yes, at this present moment, You believe man conducts itself outside of Allah due to the notion of mans action is not of Allah's will. Correct? So what is Allah's will, that which have been dictated or given to man via Bible/Torah/Quran. Correct? So man continues to act outside of Allah, and Yet he continues to author the same message?

You see this is a point I'm trying to make and to feed off a little of what CJ said. Why does God need a book if his knowledge/being encompasses all things? And furthermore how can man act outside of his will, book or no book if man himself is filled with the very knowledge of Allah?

I know you may or may not know the answer, so continue to search for these truths, and no reply to my questions is needed, so respond as you see fit. Its just a few Q/A I wished to help you further down your path.

Even though i did not understand ur question totally:confused: i will attempted 2 answer u
First I did not said that all religion practiced 2day r man-made I meant the message of them been changed by man.
torah is not man mad but it was heavily filled with lies by man (a deceiving man); then god send the bible (Christianity), and the same thing happened again, after that god send the Quran(Islam), but this time no one changed the book cause even if they try they could not and they will not, but they did change the message and they did deceive the people cause most of them like I said before do not read the words of god in the form of the real torah or the bible or the Quran, instead they take what been cast by others in the name of God or his messengers as the truth, and this been happening over and over and over again in history, if people really understand the true message of their religion and read the books of other religions they will most definitely understand that the message been send down 2 Moses or 2 Jesus or 2 Muhammad is one and the same message from one and the same GOD.
But hey that’s just what I know and am still searching yo.