In Defense of Free Speech: Is Islam a Hate Crime?


Active Member
Sorry for the confusion, but your attempt at answering was sufficient enuff for me to gather that, Yes, at this present moment, You believe man conducts itself outside of Allah due to the notion of mans action is not of Allah's will. Correct? So what is Allah's will, that which have been dictated or given to man via Bible/Torah/Quran. Correct? So man continues to act outside of Allah, and Yet he continues to author the same message?

You see this is a point I'm trying to make and to feed off a little of what CJ said. Why does God need a book if his knowledge/being encompasses all things? And furthermore how can man act outside of his will, book or no book if man himself is filled with the very knowledge of Allah?

I know you may or may not know the answer, so continue to search for these truths, and no reply to my questions is needed, so respond as you see fit. Its just a few Q/A I wished to help you further down your path.

Look man I do not wanna judge you cause that’s just not me but I may be just searching the Quran and finding its connection with gods previous books but I know 4 a fact that the enemies of god religions and the people that follow them and worship them r the same that destroyed Christianity and they r the same one u praise their logo by putting it in ur avatar, again am not trying to judge u, but c’mon is it really just a coincident that u choose THE EYE OF RA THE EGYPTIAN GOD OF THE SUN as your avatar and ur sig. like I said before I study all religions and when it come 2 idol worshiping I did not just study them I seen close people 2 me worshiping them, when they clam 2 be Christians or atheist or whatnot, so please answer my q as I will try 2 answer urs and if u didn’t knowBeware of the Sun Gods! How many are unknowingly 'worshiping' these Sun gods?!, it’s really annoying every place I go this same concepts have been subliminally bombarded to the masses....look around is virtually everywhere, and u ask me why god keep sending messengers and books with them!!
If my question didn’t already answer yours ill keep trying 2 answer u, now about the other question: how can man act outside of allah’s will, the answer to that is simple cause god give man free will that mean 2 do what he chose 2 do he can believe or not believe worship him or worship others, whatever but every little thing he choose (man) is only going to affect him and effect his destiny , now the third question book or no book if man himself is filled with the very knowledge of Allah?, and that’s my friend is not true , who told u that?, even the most knowledgeable man and the most believer in the face of this earth thas not have a damn thing in comparison 2 god’s knowledge, u compare the creator whit the creation man?
And am really sorry if I seemed harsh on u, I just don’t know ur intentions and if ur asking me out of curiosity or u already made ur mind and u just trying to play tricks on me, cause man I got nothing to prove to nobody, like I said before am searching and searching some more and that’s all.
Am just gonna put some verses that I found in the Quran that have something 2 do with what I said and ur questions for u all 2 examine:
-He (Satan) said: Then by Your Might I will surely lead them all astray
Except Your servants from among them, the purified ones. [38:82-83]
-Surely (as for) My servants, you (oh Satan) have no authority over them; and your Lord is sufficient as a Protector. [17:65]

And A beautiful sayin of the prophet of islam that I found:
When Allah created the angels, He put in them the "aql" (loosely translated as wisdom), when He created the animals, He put in them the "shahwa" (desire). When Allah created the humans, He put in them the "aql" and "shahwa" (both wisdom and desire). The one whom his desire defeats his wisdom is worse than animals. The one whom him wisdom defeats his desire is better than angels!

-And just in case u ask me that if god exist why can I not see him ill tell u go out in the mid-day and look up at the sun and don’t shut ur eyes, u couldn’t do that, so if u can’t look at the creation u should not ask to look at the creator.
Peace and love


New Member
It's all well and good to sit around and talk about how good each religion INTENDED to be.

By it's a moot point in the end. Heck ... Communism looks GREAT on paper. Even I think so, and I can't stand the big C.

But just like Communism....Religion falls off the wagon as soon as man takes it off the paper and puts it into play in the real world.

So while we can both adulate any religion by what is/was written, ultimately every religion must be judged by their actions, not their words.


Well-Known Member
No, I don't praise or worship, but I Am thankful, and No, the signature isn't a coincidence.

Is that what my Avatar means to you?

I thought it symbolized protection and the bringing of wisdom, also to see with clarity and truthfulness.

Look man I do not wanna judge you cause that’s just not me but I may be just searching the Quran and finding its connection with gods previous books but I know 4 a fact that the enemies of god religions and the people that follow them and worship them r the same that destroyed Christianity and they r the same one u praise their logo by putting it in ur avatar, again am not trying to judge u, but c’mon is it really just a coincident that u choose THE EYE OF RA THE EGYPTIAN GOD OF THE SUN as your avatar and ur sig. like I said before I study all religions and when it come 2 idol worshiping I did not just study them I seen close people 2 me worshiping them, when they clam 2 be Christians or atheist or whatnot, so please answer my q as I will try 2 answer urs and if u didn’t knowBeAware of the Sun Gods! How many are unknowingly 'worshiping' these Sun gods?!, it’s really annoying every place I go this same concepts have been subliminally bombarded to the masses....look around is virtually everywhere, and u ask me :roll: why god keep sending messengers and books with them!!
98% curiousity,

1% fun

1% magic

:mrgreen: :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
That's what who says, or is that what you researched? My Avatar & Sig is not representative of the Sun God. The avatar I can understand the misinterpretation, but none the less its not and if it was, So what?
You should adhere to your signature as well, and not take what people say as the truth. You know Muslims are terrorist, Atheist & Pagans are devil worshipers, along with the people who smoke pot. Free your mind from misconceptions and learn to take life in through your eyes only.

thats what they say , but it's okay, you are free to accept what you want:-P


Active Member
That's what who says, or is that what you researched? My Avatar & Sig is not representative of the Sun God. The avatar I can understand the misinterpretation, but none the less its not and if it was, So what?
You should adhere to your signature as well, and not take what people say as the truth. You know Muslims are terrorist, Atheist & Pagans are devil worshipers, along with the people who smoke pot. Free your mind from misconceptions and learn to take life in through your eyes only.
Look wherever u r, u just showed me ur true color and that’s all I needed 2 know am not gonna even answer u all am gonna tell u is Real Eyes. Realize. Real Lies, and u ur ego is going to be the last of u.


Well-Known Member
Which color is that..? Sorry I already let go my eggo, but its baffling to know you can I.D. one. Private Investigation isn't your day job. C'mon be honest

What is it that you know tho? Enlighten me, Please.

tip: Always bet on black,

Look wherever u r, u just showed me ur true color and that’s all I needed 2 know am not gonna even answer u all am gonna tell u is Real Eyes. Realize. Real Lies, and u ur ego is going to be the last of u.


Well-Known Member
I don't see where we went wrong?
I just don't agree with the aspects of God in the same sense as he does.

It's Mass Subliminal :o

edit: I thnk I know where things went wrong ;-)


Well-Known Member
Look wherever u r, u just showed me ur true color and that’s all I needed 2 know am not gonna even answer u all am gonna tell u is Real Eyes. Realize. Real Lies, and u ur ego is going to be the last of u.
laziness wins.
there are words you can use that make it easy for people to read what you are trying to say. you fail.