In love

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
So folks toke and talk has become a little boring of late so lets see if we can liven it up. How old were you when you first fell in love and I mean real love the gut wrenching kind, and are you still with that person and if not what happened.


Well-Known Member
I was 15 and we stayed together for 2 years. He broke my heart in fact but I got over it and 19 Yrs was the next time after that.


I am digging in my heal for a divorce with my cheating going insane wife. Just got my room running good, cash coming in weekly, I want not to talk of Love these days, but the first was 14 years old and I really can't say which heart break was worse. Wow, looking back they both will leave a similar scar. But chicks dig scars and I got one badass grow room and a cash cow to boot so time to start shopping for love and boy the menu sure looks good. Today the glass looks half full


Well-Known Member
Met my lovely wife at a county fair ... it was an amazing evening together. Just sat and talked while watching the goings on at the fair.
Been with her everyday since .. 4 children and 30 years later I still feel the same about her.


Well-Known Member
My childhood neighbor Amanda. Heroin stole her from me. Flashforward many years to a small chinese restaurant where I met my 2nd and everlasting.


Well-Known Member
I went to elementary school with the girl that would become my wife. Started taking notice of her in Jr. high we rode the same school bus knew many of the same people. She was the good girl and I was trouble according to most people it's funny I actually dated her younger sister but found out later that the only reason she went out with me her sister( my future wife) asked her to so to make a short story a bit longer....we started dating the spring of 74 dated for several months and lost our virginity to each other we were married 9/14/77. I've always concidered myself a lucky man when it came to meeting many of our friends and even our brothers and sisters have had marriages that ended badly but amazingly when our anniversary comes around this year we will celebrate 36 yrs together ....some of my friends have asked me what I would have done if I had not met her and I tell them I dont want to think of my life without her. I can honestly say every time I hold her in my arms I can feel the love this lady has to give she has made me a better man and I love her with all my heart and she knows it....... !


Virtually Unknown Member
So folks toke and talk has become a little boring of late so lets see if we can liven it up. How old were you when you first fell in love and I mean real love the gut wrenching kind, and are you still with that person and if not what happened.
Hey, no fair. We have to hear the Granny story!

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Hey, no fair. We have to hear the Granny story!
I was eighteen, and he's been in my life 36yrs, oh I thought I was in love before him but after I met him I knew I hadn't really loved anyone before. I knew all I wanted was to be his wife and have his babies and I got to do both. We have been through a lot together and sometimes we haven't liked each other, its come close on accasion to us going our separate ways but we never have. I have been faithful to him through our life together unfortunately he didn't repay me the same way and he broke my heart into a million pieces he knows this and does all he can to make it up to me but it will always be their, we carry on our lives together and make the best of a bad job, he was the first one I ever loved and the only one to break my heart.:sad:


Well-Known Member
So folks toke and talk has become a little boring of late so lets see if we can liven it up. How old were you when you first fell in love and I mean real love the gut wrenching kind, and are you still with that person and if not what happened.
I was 15 and with the girl almost 2 years before she cheated on me with my best friend. Spent the next few years breaking hearts till I met my wife, it was love at first sight and my love for her has only gotten stronger after the last 10 years.


Well-Known Member
22 but its only been two years... Looking good tho, I stopped being a pig and going for other girls she's constantly on my mindand I quite enjoy that.


New Member
I was 18.She was nineteen.We dated for 2 or 3 years.She moved on during her college.She ended up in Tahoe.For the last 20 years she still won't talk to me.Weird but,I'm still friends with her sister.
The shitty part is I wish we were still friends.I guess some of these girls really hold a grudge