In need of advice planting my first grow

So I planted a blackjack seed (nirvana) today straight in the soil no pre-germinating, does anyone have any advice on if I should be keeping it in the dark till I get a little sprout or do I do 18/6 light cycle? I have a 400w HPS light I've lost 4 seeds now trying to pre-germinate them, reason why I'm only planting one for right now. This is my first grow so any advice would be great thanks!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
What a question, I never had a problem with putting seeds in a cup of water. Makes me think you are doing something wrong.... But then again I don't know everything.

Id say it doesn't really fucking matter, I planted a seed with light aiming on the soil 24hr a day and it came out fine.

Just do everything like you did when you normally germinate a seed in a cup of water or towel. Keep in dark for 24-48 hours, it has to be moist, room temperature(for most seeds).
Sorry I wasn't more precise. The 1st 2 seeds I planted in the Nirvana germination kit died, and the 2nd 2 I planted in jiffy pellets in a plastic dome. This time I only planted 1 seed - it is in a plastic beer cup with 4 or 5 holes in the bottom, and filled with potting soil. At the moment i have it placed in a closed dresser drawer in a warm room. I am unsure if I should have it in the drawer or under the light. Hope this explains things better. What would you suggest?
Don't put it under the light. That can cause the soil to dry out before the seed got the chance to suck up the water it needs to sprout. Basically, plant it 1/4-1/2 inch deep, keep the soil moist, constantly check on it so when it does break through the soil it has light to begin photosynthesis and prevent stretching. 1 time I planted a seed in my garage and forgot. I remembered a week later and walked in to find a 4in retarded looking sproutthat looked like an upside down U
Thanks for the instructions ThcISinMEat420, greatly appreciated hopefully I get a nice plant out of this seed if I loose this one I will have killed 5 of my 10 seeds:wall:
What nutes do you suggest? I have the veg tabs that came with the nirvana germination kit but I don't have any for flowering. I want something simple no mixing required just add to water. I wanna keep my first grow as simple as possible and work my way to more advanced.
Ive been using peters Jack's classic blossom booster.I've heard nothing but good things about fox farm's big bloom, it's pretty cheap use at 1/4 strength maybe even 1/8 at first then build up to1/4.
thanks! how long have you been growing? I've wanted to grow for about 3 years now but now that I look back I def was not ready to grow at 19-20 years old, calmed down a bunch so I'm thinking its the best time to start especially since I'm unemployed and need a little extra cash flow and some pot to smoke hahaha