In need of bug advice, got some pics

I have been growing this plant for a few months outside, and its in quite a bug ridden spot. I've been using neem every 3 days for a while now to keep it under control.

But just in the last couple days I have noticed some leaf damage, a couple different types I think. (see pics)

A had a shit load of wooly aphids but the neem has them mostly under control, just finding a couple on the plant instead of like 30 lol. you can see one in the first pics to the left.

Also there are an absolute shitload of little moths allover the plant, even in little bunches together, on the stems and leaves. The neem has not done anything to them at all, does anyone think they would be causing damage? I really have no idea.

Im going to start using a bit more neem oil in my mixture because i have been using the minimum. Should I try to pick up some chemicals to spray on like pyrethrum or spinosad for the moths? I just want to nuke everything the best I can lol.

You can see the moths in one of the pics, little brown ones with clearish wings. Theyr'e everywhere :S



Well-Known Member
I have been growing this plant for a few months outside, and its in quite a bug ridden spot. I've been using neem every 3 days for a while now to keep it under control.

But just in the last couple days I have noticed some leaf damage, a couple different types I think. (see pics)

A had a shit load of wooly aphids but the neem has them mostly under control, just finding a couple on the plant instead of like 30 lol. you can see one in the first pics to the left.

Also there are an absolute shitload of little moths allover the plant, even in little bunches together, on the stems and leaves. The neem has not done anything to them at all, does anyone think they would be causing damage? I really have no idea.

Im going to start using a bit more neem oil in my mixture because i have been using the minimum. Should I try to pick up some chemicals to spray on like pyrethrum or spinosad for the moths? I just want to nuke everything the best I can lol.

You can see the moths in one of the pics, little brown ones with clearish wings. Theyr'e everywhere :S

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you got mites, hate to say it. Get a pyrethrum spray to try and reduce the problem.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for replying

Doesn't neem oil control spider mites?
it can reduce there numbers but wont get rid of them, most stories i hear of mites involve people buying products to control them, and then either continuing with there plant, or them giving it the hand of god because they have other plants they dont want infested.


Well-Known Member
to me it looks like they have been getting wet on the leafs probably from dew in the morning and the sun hitting them
I wouldn't really worry about that.. I agree with hexthat I don't think those are mites.. The plant is outside and taking on the elements I'd say it's from bugs and the weather.. No worries man if it's outside your gonna get bugs