In need of some advice


Today I took a trip to my local hydroponic shops for the first time they have everything an I'm a new grower and the guy that works there was talkin to me about set ups and lights everything but he kept talkin bout tomatos and peppers like how 400 way lights would give me a larger yeild but the way he was tslkin I had a feelin he knew I'm growing bud I was wonderin if I should jus tell him or nah cause if I do an he's cool wit it I know Ima get all the info and help I need or he'll jus call the cops lol idk


Well-Known Member
just keep going on as if your growing tomatoes indoors, its safer that way. you always want to follow the #1 rule


Active Member
He probably knows but what's the point in telling him. You might piss him off because they can get in trouble for that shit its like a headshop


Active Member
Yea. Just go on with the tomato idea. Or even say you're growing herbs for cooking. In our hydro stores you can be totally honest because of medical marijuana laws, but you should still get a feel for each individual person.

Maybe what you can do is call in the particular location and ask a few questions pertaining to marijuana cultivation - if the employee is helpful and doesn't mind, ask their name and tell them you will be in later that day to get more help. They are usually really helpful...atleast the ones ive encountered


Say nothing about what you are doing, to anyone! It is usually stated on the wall of any grow shop that you will be asked to leave should you mention anything about growing weed. They may be cool and even look as if so but thier business is 100% legal and not worth losing over an illegal question...yesca


Active Member
Yea I don't tell anyone anything about my grows. Well I tell no one but you guys. lol