In parents house

In A Daze

Yo so i was wondering about growing in my bedroom. I live with my dad and lil sister and im upstairs, idk where to start. Any suggestions on if and how i should start growing in my own home?


Man if your parents are not cool with it then don't do it. They will notice sooner or later and you will get caught. Find a friend that has a dad and mom that smoke and setup there. However if you are underage you should watch it and not get in trouble.

Well-Known Member
i agree DO NOT DO IT. that is unless you want to get caught and you will there no way you can hide the smell.. and even if you do hide the smell the noise of the fan to do it will get you caught plus all that stuff cost alot of money and if your still in grade school im sure you dont have it.


yeah def watch out my friend did the same thing and his pops called the cops and he had to go through out-patient rehab. best bet is to do it outside where nobody goes.


if you aren't setup right then don't grow at all in my opinion. Its not worth he hassle, breaking the law, or ruining your relationship with your parents.