In Texas:


Active Member
Does anyone think that Texas will eventually allow medicinal mj? And what's brings you to that conclusion (yes or no)?


Active Member
I know that they are still trying to introduce a bill to some lady in charge of it, but she apparantly doesn't agree with medicinal use. And also there are tons of people that call her office everyday trying to convince her otherwise. Hopefully one day they'll jump on the same boat as a few other states.


Active Member
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]For those interested read on:[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]The response has been amazing. Many people have made calls, sent letters and personally gone into Chairman Dianne Delisi’s office to ask her to schedule a hearing for medical marijuana HB 1534. The public health committee aide in Chairman Delisi’s office told one medical marijuana patient that they had received more positive calls on this bill than any of the others in the committee. If you are one of the folks who took action, thank you so much ![/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]Yet despite such overwhelming public support, Chairman Delisi continues to say the bill does not warrant a hearing. Well, we are not going away. The voices of medical marijuana patients and their advocates will not be shamed into silence.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]Please come to the Shadow Hearing for HB 1534 to lend support to the courageous people who will testify to the benefits of medical marijuana and call on Chairman Delisi to schedule a hearing by signing a pre-written postcard, or by bringing your own written testimony to be delivered the next morning. The hearing will be Monday evening April 30th, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the Legislative Conference Center, room E2.002 in the Capitol ([/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]map[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]).[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]Please plan on arriving by 6:45 pm and RSVP to[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]or give me a call at 512-659-1108 so we can be sure to accommodate everybody who will be attending.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]Whether or not you can attend the hearing, please call Chairman Delisi’s office (512-463-0630) and ask the staff person to deliver the message that you are very disappointed in Chairman Delisi’s decision to block democracy, and you urge her to reconsider so patients voices can be heard.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]Thanks again for taking action and hope to see you on the 30th!

Noelle Davis
Executive Director
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Helvetica][/FONT]


Well-Known Member
i posted this on a different thread by its fits here too,and has alot numbers to call and bug people.
c'mon yall get it in gear and let these ppl know what we aready know. you can spend 15 mins on the phone with these ppl or order a pizza. do the right thing and diet. lol
"This year could very well be the year that lawmakers in Texas take a more sensible approach to marijuana policy. Two bills have already been introduced this legislative session that would move Texas in the right direction.
Rep. Elliott Naishtat (D-49) recently introduced H.B. 1534, a bill that would afford medical marijuana patients a good level of protection. H.B. 1534 would establish an "affirmative defense" law for patients. A patient could still be arrested or cited for possession of marijuana, but would be acquitted in court with a written or oral statement from a physician.
Please click here to send a message to your legislators in support of H.B. 1534.
Texas is in the midst of a prison crisis, and H.B. 1534 would ensure that seriously ill medical marijuana patients aren't needless additions to the state's already full corrections system. An affirmative defense protects patients from jail, although not from arrest. This would be very similar to the medical marijuana law currently in place in Maryland.
The other good bill is H.B. 758, sponsored by Rep. Harold Dutton (D-142). H.B. 758 would reduce the penalty for possession of up to one ounce of marijuana. Currently, possession of up to two ounces is a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by up to $2,000 in fines and 180 days in jail. While possession of between one and two ounces would remain a Class B misdemeanor, H.B. 758 proposes that less than one ounce become a Class C misdemeanor, which is punishable only by a fine up to $500.
H.B. 758 would be a step in the right direction for Texas. The bill currently sits in the House Criminal Jurisprudence committee. Please take a moment to call the committee members and urge them to hold a hearing on H.B. 758:

Rep. Aaron Pena — committee chair — (512) 463-0426 or (956) 383-7444 Rep. Allen Vaught — vice-chair — (512) 463-0244 Rep. Debbie Riddle — budget & oversight chair — (512) 463-0572 or (281) 537-5252 Rep. Juan M. Escobar — (512) 463-0666 or (361) 592-6120 Rep. Terri Hodge — (512) 463-0586 or (214) 824-1996 Rep. Barbara Mallory Caraway — (512) 463-0664 Rep. Paul Moreno — (512) 463-0638 or (915) 544-0789 Rep. Paula Pierson — (512) 463-0562 Rep. Robert Talton — (512) 463-0460 or (281) 487-8818
Your voice could ensure that H.B. 758 receives a hearing this year, so please take a moment to call."


Well-Known Member
You get to carry a loaded weapon on your person. In some states that will land you 3-5 years in the slammer. You hope that there will be some type of legalization too? You can't have your cake and eat it too. Move out of state and enjoy all the medical Mary Jane your heart desires!


Well-Known Member
You get to carry a loaded weapon on your person. In some states that will land you 3-5 years in the slammer. You hope that there will be some type of legalization too? You can't have your cake and eat it too. Move out of state and enjoy all the medical Mary Jane your heart desires!
hide n watch me,,, may take awhile but 1 day ill have that cake


Well-Known Member
Texas goverment officals are too much still consumed in that the mexicans brought over this demon weed in to the u.s soo with are border potrol like how we have it they need something to negrogat the mexicans


New Member
Texas goverment officals are too much still consumed in that the mexicans brought over this demon weed in to the u.s soo with are border potrol like how we have it they need something to negrogat the mexicans
Texas will never legalize weed. It makes way too much money for the prison system.


Well-Known Member
Texas will never legalize weed. It makes way too much money for the prison system.
Good point, but I think good sense will win out eventually. There's a number of reasons for hope.

For example, a 2004 poll showed 75% of Texans support medical marijuana. And in March of this year, an Amarillo jury acquitted an HIV sufferer of possession charges after he argued that he used it to combat nausea and cyclical vomiting syndrome, which causes chronic vomiting.

Maybe it won't be too long before the great state of Texas takes neighboring New Mexico's lead and allows the medical use of marijuana.


Well-Known Member
I think it will happen within 5 years in Texas. Yes it is a Puritanical, conservative state, but there does seem to be quite a lot of hippies in Texas and whole lot of dope smokers.

But yeah decriminalization would make the border patrol people bored.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the phone numbers and such. I am tired of sitting on my ass and bitching. Now I have a place to start. NORML hasn't done much about it. I think the biggest part of their budget goes to paying for staff and advertising.


Well-Known Member
Texas will never legalize weed. It makes way too much money for the prison system.
im curious to how they make money putting people in jail? they spend on average of 250.00 a day to house an inmate. now mulitiply that by like 6 months or more. they cant get all that money back at trial or any other way. so now prove your opinion please

j to the c

Well-Known Member
Every state that has legalization has a flood of dope. Dropping prices for the small scale grower market, go to an illegal state, make some friends, and you can pull more money being the man somewhere like Texas or anywhere down south. Is great dope harder to find in Cali or Texas?? Which state would command more $??