In the Aftermath of Trump's election loss.

I figure America went ahead 10 years, it just hasn't sunk in yet, this was the last gasp of the Trumpers, there are just 72 million walking dead still roaming around, but they will fade into a smaller minority in the coming years.
Dont you people see. Nothing has changed and nothing will change.
It was my understanding that they sent out a bunch of trolls to parrot far-right talking points to get people riled up.
Thats a part of it, but just like their scam websites (The Nation, the Hill, and OAN cover all the political bases 'credibility' source material and high quality content (similar to RT in Russia)), they use all sorts of trolls across every forum and chat feature (even video games like Pokemon Go have been shown to be part of the propaganda warfare). There are dozens of other websites aimed at providing content for trolls to use depending on who it is that they are trying to convince of their narrative. I even found a police themed website the other day.

So if actual American (or another democratic nation) people who are on the 'right' go online, they will be attacked by 'left trolls' to make them think that the Liberals are out of their minds. While getting to see that same troll using a 'right' account to come to their defense and steer conversations.

All while at the same time attacking people in the same household/friends with different messaging that they know will cause the other people they talk to in real life to start to fall into the trap of using the talking points of the troll and eventually people get pissed at one another in real life and real conversations end, hardening their bubbles.

Any side of every issue is used along with highly accurate data profiles that spam the propaganda in a very pinpointed way.

Also through using click farms to link around the internet all the clickbait narratives for youtube or anything else they are paying people to produce, the Russian military was able to push the propagandized narratives up in results on the major social media sites.

It is an entire racket that also spilt over into cable news when they think stories were 'trending' and would cover them on TV, making them become part of people's reality.
Dont you people see. Nothing has changed and nothing will change.
People change over time they can evolve socially, look at the attitude towards Gay marriage in the last 30 years. I'm old enough to remember the riots of 68 on TV, if you thought this shit was tumultuous. One difference this time was all the white people in the streets with them for BLM, in many places they out numbered the black people by quite a bit. Some of this is older generations dying off and new ones supplanting them who have had a better media diet. The curse of racism passed from father to son and the influence of the local culture is also disrupted by modern media like TV and the internet.

Governments have to be proactive too and policies should discourage antisocial behavior like racism and bigotry. Schools and mindfulness programs are another way forward and purging people of racism by making them better socially adjusted, emotionally stable and more empathetic. Reducing stress also causes people's propensities toward racism and xenophobia to affect their moral judgement less.
People change over time they can evolve socially, look at the attitude towards Gay marriage in the last 30 years. I'm old enough to remember the riots of 68 on TV, if you thought this shit was tumultuous. One difference this time was all the white people in the streets with them for BLM, in many places they out numbered the black people by quite a bit. Some of this is older generations dying off and new ones supplanting them who have had a better media diet. The curse of racism passed from father to son and the influence of the local culture is also disrupted by modern media like TV and the internet.

Governments have to be proactive too and policies should discourage antisocial behavior like racism and bigotry. Schools and mindfulness programs are another way forward and purging people of racism by making them better socially adjusted, emotionally stable and more empathetic. Reducing stress also causes people's propensities toward racism and xenophobia to affect their moral judgement less.
Yes, society evolves over time. Governement has little to nothing to do with it.
Joe Biden is not a criminal or child murderer/molester. Nor are the Democrats in DC
My man. EVERY career politician is a criminal by definition. Never forget that their job is to lie to you.

The 'Liberal left' are not rioting or destroying our cities. And 'Black Lives Matter' is not something that you need to fear or feel resentment towards.
I really wish you would look to the leaders of the black community - ie those calling for more police because they care about their neighbourhoods rather than jewish owned organisations such as blm. I have a dream brother. A dream that my children will be judged by the content of their character not the colour of their skin.

We will all be ok and you can trust credible news journalism. Anything free (outside of AP news and Reuters) online that is pretending like news is sketchy and generally a scam in one way or another, so be very skeptical
One word. Covington. Just one story out of many that proves the msm is lying to you to provoke discord (or at the most generous, simply not bothering to do the least bit of fact checking in order to push their narrative)

The fact that you say on here to trust the msm means nothing you have said is in earnest. There is a reason the newspapers are dead and require (in my area) tens of thousands of dollars a month to stay afloat - it's because they have become propaganda machines and have zero investigative journalism or real news. Even the times, the so called "newpaper of record", is promoting known historical inaccuracies and deleting/editing their articles to stay current with the narrative.

The 'Liberal left' are not rioting or destroying our cities. And 'Black Lives Matter' is not something that you need to fear or feel resentment towards.
How many billions of dollars in damages again? How many minority owned business closed because of damage? How bout those property values for the millions of people that invested their hard earned money?

Trump, THE WORST president in US if not world history nearly won this election and his Republican Party gained seats in the House. They defended their control of the Senate
In your head, how do you bring together that you think he's the worst president but also got the most votes out of any sitting president in history?

How do you square your idea of people not liking the republicans with the fact that republicans trounced democrats in the house and senate?

How do you consolidate thinking that democrats are more educated but somehow hundreds of thousands of democrats couldn't figure out how to vote (for more than 1 person) while only a few hundred republicans couldn't?

Honestly, I only come to these threads to laugh at you circlejerks parroting each other and whatever talking points the media has told you what the safe opinions are in hopes of earning the social capital of some people on the internet somewhere. ;)
So if actual American (or another democratic nation) people who are on the 'right' go online, they will be attacked by 'left trolls' to make them think that the Liberals are out of their minds. While getting to see that same troll using a 'right' account to come to their defense and steer conversations.

This strikes to the very heart of where I think you have gone wrong in your reasoning. People are absolutely capable of weighing their options and making an educated choice. Just because you value what you think will make people like you more than what is objectively best *for you* doesn't mean everybody does.

Ie "build the wall" is about better opportunities and higher wages for you and your kids, about closing down cross-border human trafficking and drug trafficking, not about making some bleeding heart liberals think you are compassionate.

To me you are incompassionate because you value the lives of foreigners (or at least pretend to, but you're not actually sponsoring someone right? You just want the taxpayers to do it for you) over the lives of your fellow citizens.
This strikes to the very heart of where I think you have gone wrong in your reasoning. People are absolutely capable of weighing their options and making an educated choice. Just because you value what you think will make people like you more than what is objectively best *for you* doesn't mean everybody does.
More chose Biden, by millions...
In your head, how do you bring together that you think he's the worst president but also got the most votes out of any sitting president in history?

How do you square your idea of people not liking the republicans with the fact that republicans trounced democrats in the house and senate?

How do you consolidate thinking that democrats are more educated but somehow hundreds of thousands of democrats couldn't figure out how to vote (for more than 1 person) while only a few hundred republicans couldn't?

Honestly, I only come to these threads to laugh at you circlejerks parroting each other and whatever talking points the media has told you what the safe opinions are in hopes of earning the social capital of some people on the internet somewhere. ;)
Lulz. Biden got millions more votes.

Look at the status of this country when he took office and the status now.

His presidency was a fucking train wreck in every aspect. This is fact. In your mind, you believe something else. Congratulations in your ability to believe contrary to reality.
More chose Biden, by millions...
Millions of illegal votes lmao. Millions of illegal votes in cali alone. Thanks to immigration and no id laws.

Also note that in an average year before the wu flu there are usually 20 to 25 million unaccounted for ballots. Add that to the us having several million more registered voters than people of legal voting age and what do you get?
Lulz. Biden got millions more votes.

Look at the status of this country when he took office and the status now.

His presidency was a fucking train wreck in every aspect. This is fact. In your mind, you believe something else. Congratulations in your ability to believe contrary to reality.
I like that he brought troops back. Ended foreign reliance on american protectionism. Stands up to china. Defends the republic via allowing states to choose their own corona response. I agree with the ending of the paris accord and the iran deal. I like the nationalism and national identity building, the defense of culture, and the standing up to cancel culture and the pc crowd.

What don't you like? Let's talk specifics, and why he has done good *for the people living in this country*
My man. EVERY career politician is a criminal by definition. Never forget that their job is to lie to you.
Define 'criminal' might help me a bit if you can say something as absolute as this.

I really wish you would look to the leaders of the black community - ie those calling for more police because they care about their neighbourhoods rather than jewish owned organisations such as blm. I have a dream brother. A dream that my children will be judged by the content of their character not the colour of their skin.
Sounds good, should they have to be screwed because you lived in a area with shit schools? And if that is something that is a institutional issue with how we have underfunded minority communities, wouldn't it make sense to set these children up for success like they are in the wealthy suburban areas?

One word. Covington. Just one story out of many that proves the msm is lying to you to provoke discord (or at the most generous, simply not bothering to do the least bit of fact checking in order to push their narrative)
Because they fell into a trap of covering a story that was spammed to them and amplified by Russian trolls prior to their catching onto the scam that the Russians and Trump were pulling on our society?

It is not like Trump and the Republicans allowed our nation's citizens to have accurately described to them the very real attack going on in all of our homes.

You know how the Covington troll worked right? Snippets of the video were released and amplified so that it got covered on every news station, because a bunch of overprivelaged young white males were making asses of themselves when confronted with cultures not their own that was captured on cameras.

Those got blasted across the airwaves and then the rest gets pushed and amplified in some snowflake of how everything is against MAGA.

Did you honestly not see all the videos of how the kids were acting working themselves up? I know you might want to make it about the one kid who got all the press because he has a shit eating grin in the face of a Native American elder.

You know if it was a big group of black males in hoodies jumping around in the face of a old white haired priest praying there is no way Fox doesn't jump on that.
The fact that you say on here to trust the msm means nothing you have said is in earnest. There is a reason the newspapers are dead and require (in my area) tens of thousands of dollars a month to stay afloat - it's because they have become propaganda machines and have zero investigative journalism or real news. Even the times, the so called "newpaper of record", is promoting known historical inaccuracies and deleting/editing their articles to stay current with the narrative.
It does suck that the profit dismantling that the mega wealthy did on local papers has left a big vacuum of accurate information in our nation. Same with local tv going corporate.

That is why the AP news and Reuters are so important.

Free accurate content is very necessary and thankfully they offer that.

How many billions of dollars in damages again? How many minority owned business closed because of damage? How bout those property values for the millions of people that invested their hard earned money?
You just asking random shit assuming that what you are saying is true with respect to your stance like the social justice protests are in any way shape or form responsible for the majority of the damage being done in our cities.

Like Biden said, rioting is not protesting. And there are many examples of how much of the damage is being done by white nationalist groups using the protests as cover to do violence.

In your head, how do you bring together that you think he's the worst president but also got the most votes out of any sitting president in history?

How do you square your idea of people not liking the republicans with the fact that republicans trounced democrats in the house and senate?
Because their is a higher population and a lot was on the line with all the brainwashing narratives being spun by Trump's troll army across every news feed or chat online.

But he didn't get more votes that Joe Biden in enough states to win the EC, and that is whyTrump lost.

The Democrats won a seat in the Senate, and have the chance to win 2 more in January. Which would be nice so Biden can get some work done that is desperately needed by our society to get out of yet another mess the Republicans have placed our nation.

How do you consolidate thinking that democrats are more educated but somehow hundreds of thousands of democrats couldn't figure out how to vote (for more than 1 person) while only a few hundred republicans couldn't?
What are you talking about with your logic about this? Have you never heard of Republicans who don't want Trump but like divided government?

Honestly, I only come to these threads to laugh at you circlejerks parroting each other and whatever talking points the media has told you what the safe opinions are in hopes of earning the social capital of some people on the internet somewhere. ;)
Whatever it is that helps you sleep at night for voting for the worst president in American history. Or at least would, I think I remember you saying your a Canadian.
I like that he brought troops back. Ended foreign reliance on american protectionism. Stands up to china. Defends the republic via allowing states to choose their own corona response. I agree with the ending of the paris accord and the iran deal. I like the nationalism and national identity building, the defense of culture, and the standing up to cancel culture and the pc crowd.

You know, you'd probably feel a lot better if you pulled your fingers out of your ears and shoved them right up your ass.
Millions of illegal votes lmao. Millions of illegal votes in cali alone. Thanks to immigration and no id laws.

Also note that in an average year before the wu flu there are usually 20 to 25 million unaccounted for ballots. Add that to the us having several million more registered voters than people of legal voting age and what do you get?
Because you said so?

I like that he brought troops back.
(insert Putin "Da" meme)

Ended foreign reliance on american protectionism.
AKA made it harder for our businesses to make long term business decisions with our trading partners.

Stands up to china.
Costing the economy about $1.4 Trillion dollars and increasing the amount of socialism we have as a nation by forcing more tax payer money into the hands of farmers he screwed with his half assed trade war that ended up with us basically in the same place we were in 2016 minus all the trading partners we would have had backing our play with the TPP.

I wonder if Ivanka gets to keep her patents?

Defends the republic via allowing states to choose their own corona response.
After saying 'only I can fix it'? After tossing his hands up when people got sick of listening to his nonsensical daily briefings (bleach injections)?

Nice spin.

I agree with the ending of the paris accord and the iran deal.
Are you ok with Trump selling the same nuclear shit his troll army has convinced you is wrong with Iran having to Saudi Arabia? Without the consent of congress?

I like the nationalism and national identity building, the defense of culture, and the standing up to cancel culture and the pc crowd.

What don't you like? Let's talk specifics, and why he has done good *for the people living in this country*
All that is watered down racist bullshit. It is all about creating a 'them' for you to blame for everything while cult leader picks all of our pockets.
I like that he brought troops back. Ended foreign reliance on american protectionism. Stands up to china. Defends the republic via allowing states to choose their own corona response. I agree with the ending of the paris accord and the iran deal. I like the nationalism and national identity building, the defense of culture, and the standing up to cancel culture and the pc crowd.

What don't you like? Let's talk specifics, and why he has done good *for the people living in this country*
By any objective measure, the US has been wrecked by Trump's bungled presidency.

Millions of jobs lost, hundreds of thousand of unnecessary lives lost, a ballooning national debt, civil unrest and white terrorists rampaging in our cities is a poor reflection, environment degrading. These are facts of Trump's failed presidency and his failure of leadership.

The only policy that I agree with Republicans about is the need to roll back our ties with China. Democrats and Republicans agree on this. Has Trump really stood up to China? The objective fact is that our trade deficit and national debt to China is larger today than it was at the beginning of Trump's presidency.
