In the Caribbean


i know man :( I will do for next grow..this is to test.its ok if the harvest is not a whole lot...i just wan to prove to myself that I can! but thanks for the input and ill do it for sure next time!

what do you think on the 15w t8 thats like 4 meters away and 2.5 meters high? will it damage them?

I topped 3 of them yesterday that had a main cola going too high...ill take pictures as soon as i see signs of flowering
As long as the light isn't any brighter at the plant than the moonlight, but you might be good to pull the bulb or put up a shade of sorts to block that side of the plant like you would use a curtain to cover a window, just 2 sticks high enough so light doesn't get over them with something in the middle to block the light, something opaque tho, and that should solve your problem while still leaving the light there


As long as the light isn't any brighter at the plant than the moonlight, but you might be good to pull the bulb or put up a shade of sorts to block that side of the plant like you would use a curtain to cover a window, just 2 sticks high enough so light doesn't get over them with something in the middle to block the light, something opaque tho, and that should solve your problem while still leaving the light there
allright mate, thanks for the input!!


Whats up's an update..7th Week, 2nd day today after plants have been placed outside..they went outside on july 25th..and it is just now that pistils are popping up everywhere but yet not the budsites on top.

I had to give away 2 of them because they were getting too big and for security reasons i kept these 3... the 2 on the right are super lemon haze for sure..the smaller left one, it looks just like the other 2 but smaller...i can not state if the first one is pure slh, it is the made up one with slh in it for sure though.

Well here you go this normal ? 6 weeks and 2 days and just now you start seeing pistils all around them? So i guess another week or so untill the budsites form?

They are being fed from the General Orgaics grow the beginning half strenght but now they get full strenght that is described on the box..they have been loving it..
These past 3 days have rained a lot so i didnt have to water them..i say it was a nice flush for them :) ... usually i water every other day, and it is 1 plain water, 1 water with nutes and so i follow... today plain water, tomorrow nothing, the day after water with nutes, then nothing, then plain water again and so on..they get nutes twice a week using this procedure..

Here's a do they look?


Have a good one folks!

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Just because you see pistils doesn't mean she will start budding right away. My Chernobyl has had pistils for over a month and just started budding. If you are worried about them getting too tall, perhaps tie them down LST. And by the way Looking Good man, gonna be some fat little girls :)


hey Gardon Boss, thanks mate!

Well I've noticed a lot of pistils not just here and there anymore,they are becoming more and more..i can see on the tops between the new growth you see pistils coming.. I am doing my best my brother,thanks!!


Hello guys,

it has been 8 weeks and 1 day since they were placed outside.
Can we state that my ladies are finally officially flowering?

I would highly appreciate any comments.

I am sorry with the pictures not being from a cannon with 20 megapixels...these were taken with the phone camara


Well-Known Member
Don't believe the hype, plants can get pretty massive in small pots here in the Caribbean, even with the 12/12 sunlight schedule. I know mine have, so I try to keep them small and manageable.
Yours are looking very good.
If they are sativas, or sativa dominant, they are gonna take some time to flower, and the buds may be a little fluffier (though I don't really know that strain).


thanks for the comments guys,

yes, these are grown in 5 gallon buckets.

I think they are handling the 5 gallons just fine...haven't noticed any downfall from using these 5 gallons.

they were clones that vegged for 3 weeks...rooting took like 10 days..then another 3 it was a month before i placed them outside...and as stated before they are at this stage after 8 weeks and 1 day.

these are supposedly Super Lemon Haze long do you guys think still before they are done?

I know there are those professors in here that can look at its stage and tell you "you still have ... weeks to go mate" ... any of those wanting to speculate are welcome.

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Yea we'll just try some 25s I'm sure they will almost double
if you look at my thread I pu em in 15s not even a month ago and the as tall as me
More root space definently does help, you might not notice a deficiency now, but you will notice a improvement once you increase
the size of the pot.

And super lemon haze is very sativa dominant I'd say the first week or two of nov.


Well-Known Member
But if there not most plants usually finish the end of oct or like 10 weeks after you started seeing them stack the hairs.


doubletake, thanks man!

if you look at those pics can you say they are in flower or are those still preflowers? and if you say "they are in flower" then I start yesterday as day 1 because yesterday is when i noticed the difference with more hairs on stated before in earlier posts, ive started to see white hairs but untill yesterday is when I really went like "ahaaaaa"

but damn, if i count 10 weeks from yesterday, we will be at november 21st??


Well-Known Member
i am seeing nice clusters there !! sweet! you look about 2-2 1/2 weeks into flower mode very nice :) should see trichome development soon. as for when done?? check the seed company website . show a close up of the clusters of pistles to be sure of flower stage..


Well-Known Member
Yea you know around 10 so possibley 9 if you start noticing some mold or something
but yea your past pre flower, pre flower is like a hair in between the main stalk on a branch here and there.
when they start clustering that's budding, get some guano on there if you can get it in your area.
And have some fun with it there a little more interesting when they start budding.


Yea you know around 10 so possibley 9 if you start noticing some mold or something
but yea your past pre flower, pre flower is like a hair in between the main stalk on a branch here and there.
when they start clustering that's budding, get some guano on there if you can get it in your area.
And have some fun with it there a little more interesting when they start budding.
thanks mate. here on this island there is no guanos.

at hardwares, supermarkets, "hydroshops" (because they SUCK)...they sell the blue chemical 20-20-20 .. or Miracle Grow Organic bloodmeal and bonemeal.

this is why i ordered a General Organics Grow Box. I know there are better but this is my first grow like this ever and this is why I wanted to give it the bare minimum instead of the ugly stuff.

The plants are growing nice, they seem to like the general organics.

oh and yesterday i gave the 1st one on the left 1gal of water with 1tablespoon of molasses...anto she seem to take it all up so if general organics is real organics, i should be making them microbes in the soil happy right?

we'll see...ill do my best to post pics on thursday