In the UK illegally? Go home or face arrest.


Well-Known Member
maybe we can adopt other brit policies, like universal health care, better access to higher education, strict gun control, and the like.

oh, you guys just like the xenophobic stuff?

thought so.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
maybe we can adopt other brit policies, like universal health care, better access to higher education, strict gun control, and the like.

oh, you guys just like the xenophobic stuff?

thought so.
Cheaters never prosper is my motto. But thanks to liberals like you, that motto rarely happens anymore.


New Member
Maybe one day america will adopt making certain speech a crime or opinions illegal like England.Theres almost enough sheeple in the US to get that done for you.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Maybe one day america will adopt making certain speech a crime or opinions illegal like England.Theres almost enough sheeple in the US to get that done for you.
Or maybe cameras will outnumber people, like in London.

Btw, congrats on your green bar.


New Member
My city is so fucked up with gangs and bullshit i almost like that we have cameras on everystreet here. Sad really. I liked the red bar im sure it will be back.


Well-Known Member
maybe we can adopt other brit policies, like universal health care, better access to higher education, strict gun control, and the like.

oh, you guys just like the xenophobic stuff?

thought so.
What the fuck are you rambling on about? What policies? The people want strict immigration control and the government isn't listening. It's just like what we're seeing here liberal agenda with public popular vote are busting through but the commander and queef is fighting conservative agendas with the public popular vote, sound familiar commie?


Well-Known Member
What the fuck are you rambling on about? What policies? The people want strict immigration control and the government isn't listening. It's just like what we're seeing here liberal agenda with public popular vote are busting through but the commander and queef is fighting conservative agendas with the public popular vote, sound familiar commie?
didn't 68 senators just vote in favor of a pathway to citizenship?

those senators give disproportionate weight to backwoods, bigoted, rural shitholes like you inhabit, sparky.


Well-Known Member
didn't 68 senators just vote in favor of a pathway to citizenship?

those senators give disproportionate weight to backwoods, bigoted, rural shitholes like you inhabit, sparky.
Well at least your back to baseless ad hominem attacks followed with no substance.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
A hilarious waste of money you mean lol
I totally agree. Illegals in any country are a hilarious waste of money. The illegal is still part of another country, but mooches off the one they're currently in. Actually they're a traitor to both countries. Their homeland should not let them back in because I know I don't want a cheater to come back only because opportunities have become better.


Well-Known Member
didn't 68 senators just vote in favor of a pathway to citizenship?

those senators give disproportionate weight to backwoods, bigoted, rural shitholes like you inhabit, sparky.
They voted on a bill that they didnt read because it was jammed full of pork projects and so huge that no one understood it. Obamacare II...


Well-Known Member
Well at least your back to baseless ad hominem attacks followed with no substance.
learned it from you, spunky.

you've been on a roll tonight, much more enraged than usual.

i'm being charitable by attributing it to alcohol intoxication rather than more work lost due to illegal immigrants who do your job better than you do.


Well-Known Member
They voted on a bill that they didnt read because it was jammed full of pork projects and so huge that no one understood it. Obamacare II...
you're upset that you're unable to read?

they even provide the cliff's notes version for illiterate dimwits who can't read or are mighty troubled by the prospect of forming letters into words and words into sentences.


Well-Known Member
Speaking Tuesday to the 2010 Legislative Conference for the National Association of Counties, Pelosi began the windup of her healthcare pitch by alluding to the controversies over the healthcare bill and the process by which it has reached its current state. Then, just after saying, "It's going to be very, very exciting," Pelosi gaffed, telling the local elected officials assembled that Congress "[has] to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it, away from the fog of controversy."

These folks are Illuminati Level Trolls. No one knows what they really mean. It is the craft of double-talk that only works for a person deeply steeped in Buck perhaps, but how would I know?

She did not say that she had NOT read this or that she did NOT know what was in it.

But, crafty she put out the smoke screen so the baby minds can pick it and parrot it and he ones that don't pay attention think something else. She will say today, you are mis-quoting and she is correct.


Well-Known Member
doer is perhaps the first one ever to post the entire quote, rather than the cropped version that fox news got so many dolts on this board to post as if it were fact.

props to doer for that.