In Training


Hello, this is my first time operating a grow. My first problem is that i have no ph meter, but i ordered one and will be here soon hopefully. My second problem is that i repotted my plants and a couple of them are drooping pretty badly.

explaining the setup....i have a very small room. about 20 inches wide, 26 inches in diameter, and about 3 1/2 feet tall. I have a 4 inch fresh air intake, a 6x8 exhaust, two small fans running. I have a 2ft two bulb t5 ho grow light setup. the temp in there usually stays between 76-82. I also give them distilled water every day-every couple days depending on how dry the soil is. I have fertalized them three times since germination, which was about 2 weeks ago. they stand about 6 inches tall.

first question....why would they be drooping so badly? and how might i fix this?
second.....since repotting, (four days ago) ive watered them accordingly, lighting was good, but there is no growth or perk in the flowers....why?

help please


Well-Known Member
Could be over-watering, it's good for the to go from dry to wet, dry to wet....not damp to wet. Make sure there is good drainage on your pots as well.

It will be a few days before you notice new growth, you're transplanting for more root development...that's exactly what your plants are doing, expanding their roots systems. Growing under the soil as well as above it. :-)


How many plants do you have? Your plants are most likely not receiving enough light. It possibly could be a nutrient deficiency. Under watering, or bad genetics. Its impossible to tell unless you give slightly more information.


Active Member
Hello, this is my first time operating a grow. My first problem is that i have no ph meter, but i ordered one and will be here soon hopefully. My second problem is that i repotted my plants and a couple of them are drooping pretty badly.

explaining the setup....i have a very small room. about 20 inches wide, 26 inches in diameter, and about 3 1/2 feet tall. I have a 4 inch fresh air intake, a 6x8 exhaust, two small fans running. I have a 2ft two bulb t5 ho grow light setup. the temp in there usually stays between 76-82. I also give them distilled water every day-every couple days depending on how dry the soil is. I have fertalized them three times since germination, which was about 2 weeks ago. they stand about 6 inches tall.

first question....why would they be drooping so badly? and how might i fix this?
second.....since repotting, (four days ago) ive watered them accordingly, lighting was good, but there is no growth or perk in the flowers....why?

help please
Please post pics of them so I can see how they're drooping. Also what do you mean 'perk in the flowers?' They are only two weeks old.
My guess is that they're being overwatered. I only water my plants when the soil is completely dry an inch and a half under the top of the soil. Any more than that and you are overwatering.


Active Member
ganjabe you ran the gambit with your suggestions but bad genetics most likely is not among the cause of shmrck's problems. Do you have a moisture meter? I find it easier to water when I have a moisture meter. I have seen them droop after a transplant especially if you watered them. Keep in mind, bro we grow plants and growing things is a slow arduous process. So, I suggest that you give them 2-3 days let them dry out and keep good notes to see if they improve or worsen. If they worsen start over again... welcome to the world of indoor gardening, brother.


machnak....I have went from dry to wet, well at least try too. I only give each plant 150-200ml of water, sooo basically 1/2 to 1 cup of water depending on how dry they are. and yes, the drainage is ok, i have 6 holes in the bottom of each pot. And its been about 4 days and they look like its getting worse daily.

ganjabe.....I have 4 plants, and the lighting is about 10 inches away considering i dont want to give them heat stress. the lights are 10,000 lumens, I thought for the size of the room would be ok, but could be wrong. perk i mean the leaves not the flowers, sorry..haha. and the watering, thats what i have read and try to do the exact same as you. and I have pics for you.. moisture meter...i understand its a slow process brother..:-) they have been this way for about 4 days..kinda worried about them...I will take notes...and keep this post updated...and i hope to revive them but i am prepared to start over...guess ive got alot to learn..

thanks for the info everyone!


Active Member
One more trick you can do. Disturb the top layer of soil. If you break it up just a little bit you'll be able to dry them out quicker


Well-Known Member
An easy way to tell when a pot is dry is just by lifting it. If it feels light, it needs more water. . .though it does take some experience before you know HOW light it has to be!

Anyway, a little bit of leaf "droop" is normal, but too much indicates excessive heat, insufficient water, or other stress.

Lack of growth could be attributable to one of a few things

a. Insufficient light (and the wrong SPECTRUM of light would count!).
b. Overwatering.
c. Transplant shock.

You do expect it to take at least a week for a plant to recover upwards growth after being transplanted. As mentioned, in the meantime, it will be growing new roots into its larger pot and possibly regrowing any that were damaged in transplant.

By the way, a pH meter may be helpful for hydroponic growing, but you shouldn't need one for growing in anything approaching conventional soil. The soil itself acts as a pH buffer, and unless you're adding rather questionable additives, your plant should never get outside of a normal growing pH range.


It seems now one plant is either turning toward the light, or is dieing. I rotated it. So hopefully ur right Jogro. I am germinating more seeds just to be on the safe side. We will see how they do till next week. If they start to perk up, i will keep them, if not, time to start over i guess, open to other suggestions though....


well i checked on them today....and they are still drooping, but, they are much more stiff and sturdy than the other day. Wondering if there roots are growing more? I dont know but hopefully they will start to perk here soon


Active Member
Not that this helps the current transplant, but I always use clear containers. That way I get a visual when the roots are ready for the budroom. And no, light does not interfere with wet roots.


three of them look like they will be ok, i think. One of them is starting to bend downward on the top, and the stems are purpleish color. I am giving it till next week sometime, like i said, if they dont recooperate, will have to start over im guessing.


I have checked again today...2 of them are doing ok, the other two are still slumping, but looks like they will recover, just will take them a little longer. One of the plants that are doing ok, has a leaf or two that looks like its crumbling, like it is burnt or something. I put my hand over the plant to make sure it wasnt the heat from the lamp. Its not, Any answer to what it may be? also the outer edge of a couple of the leafs are turning brownish color????? Help or options would be helpful!!


Active Member
What is your PH at? What are you feeding them? The two most important tools for any green thumb is a PH meter and a moisture meter. Make sure your PH is within spec and then feed them 1/2 strength nutes for the first week and see what they do.


I havent received my ph meter yet. I feed them distilled water that is room temp. Every once in a great while i give them half capasity fertilizer, it is 15-30-15. I dont have a moisture meter. But......they are doing much better, and i pruned the spots that were looking pretty bad.


Active Member
I'm pretty noob but your fertilizer sounds a little too strong especially if your plants are young. It's good that you are feeding half strength. Have you thought of cutting down to 1/4 strength?


not really, but its prolly a good idea. What if i just fed them just a little bit? like a 1/4 cup, and 3/4 cup water, you think that would that work?