In ultimate alpha move, trump orders tear gas to be fired at shoeless children

I know this problem no longer affects you due to your considerable age but your panacea has a few problems with it. First, no birth control is 100% effective and a woman can't always tell when it failed. Second, not everybody lives near a Walmart, some have to buy this product in a small town that may have a limited number of pharmacies, or even one, that may have erected barriers to getting Plan B. Somebody who believes as you do that the slightest action constitutes voter suppression should be able to understand this. Lastly, the cost (remember, not everbody lives close enough to a Walmart to personally chase off "Muslims" as you are wont to do) might be a problem in the brief period of time Plan B is effective. Somebody who cannot afford to put more than $5 in their gas tank and who could not afford Thanksgiving dinner until the following Saturday, should have more sympathy. You bitched about missing turkey and threatened to have Chase investigated for delaying your welfare check, imagine yourself with an unwanted child as a consequence.

In summary, you are an awful Progressive (and person); have you considered Trumpism?

Thats a really sad story...

Not having sex is a 100% guarantee to not have an unwanted child. No Walmart needed.

Legal murder isn't a "choice", its just legal murder.
Thats a really sad story...

Not having sex is a 100% guarantee to not have an unwanted child. No Walmart needed.

Legal murder isn't a "choice", its just legal murder.
It seems to have worked for you INCEL boy. Aren't you soooo angry at those Chad's and Buffy's?

You know what else works good at preventing abortions? Not being a Republican, Christian pro-life Congressman who "nuts" into his staffer outside of marriage and then pressures her to have an abortion. So your plan seems to have some flaws.


Why do you make this so easy? You must have inherited the trait from your mom. Tell her my uncles say hi.
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Thats a really sad story...

Not having sex is a 100% guarantee to not have an unwanted child. No Walmart needed.

Legal murder isn't a "choice", its just legal murder.
Yah, it is true that unwanted pregnancies are way down, thanks to the efforts of sex education in schools and the various programs sponsored by Planned Parenthood. I don't understand why you right wingers are against that.

A fetus must be born to become a child. Most of Oregon thinks so too. You don't belong here. You would be happier in Mississippi.

Anti-abortion Measure 106 defeated in 2018 Oregon election

A ballot measure to restrict state funds for abortions was decisively rejected, 64.5 percent to 35.6 percent, in Tuesday's election.
It seems to have worked for you INCEL boy. Aren't you soooo angry at those Chad's and Buffy's?

You know what else works good at preventing abortions? Not being a Republican, Christian pro-life Congressman who "nuts" into his staffer outside of marriage and then pressures her to have an abortion. So your plan seems to have some flaws.


Why do you make this so easy? You must have inherited the trait from your mom. Tell her my uncles say hi.

What was this suppose to prove? That this one guy who claimed to be pro life and a christian wasn't true to his word? Oh okay, good for you. You got 1. Many more out there as well.

Almost a million abortions a year, so how long before you run out of anomalies? I'll wait...
Yah, it is true that unwanted pregnancies are way down, thanks to the efforts of sex education in schools and the various programs sponsored by Planned Parenthood. I don't understand why you right wingers are against that.

A fetus must be born to become a child. Most of Oregon thinks so too. You don't belong here. You would be happier in Mississippi.

Anti-abortion Measure 106 defeated in 2018 Oregon election

A ballot measure to restrict state funds for abortions was decisively rejected, 64.5 percent to 35.6 percent, in Tuesday's election.

A fetus is alive. To abort it you must stop life. The whole being born thing is a liberal construct to make killing them legal.

Clearly Oregon is okay with killing the unborn.
What was this suppose to prove? That this one guy who claimed to be pro life and a christian wasn't true to his word? Oh okay, good for you. You got 1. Many more out there as well.

Almost a million abortions a year, so how long before you run out of anomalies? I'll wait...
How long before you buy an assault rifles and start a killing spree? Try something novel and do it in reverse!
A fetus is alive. To abort it you must stop life. The whole being born thing is a liberal construct to make killing them legal.

Clearly Oregon is okay with killing the unborn.
Are you still pretending to not know what an INCEL is despite half a dozen mass shootings by INCELs in the last couple years?

Yeah, we believe you. :roll: .Super convincing.
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A fetus is alive. To abort it you must stop life. The whole being born thing is a liberal construct to make killing them legal.

Clearly Oregon is okay with killing the unborn.
Your religious belief is irrelevant. Until the fetus is born it is not alive. It cannot live outside a mother's womb. therefore a medical issue and medical decision to be made by the mother and not a moral one.

I don't understand why you would force a woman to carry a fetus to term against her will. It's her choice to make and hers alone.

Oregon is mostly populated with reasonable people. You would be happier elsewhere.
Thats a really sad story...

Not having sex is a 100% guarantee to not have an unwanted child. No Walmart needed.

Legal murder isn't a "choice", its just legal murder.

keep in mind your sperm seekes our egg- it's only who exactly is it we must convince no sex?