In vitro seedling experiment


New Member
I sterilized and planted 4 seeds in a couple of in vitro containers, with basic hormone free MS media. Two of them are in an agar media and the other two in a type of autoclaved oasis seed cube stuff. I put some pictures and info in this imgur album: imgur com/a/mhrBF

Now to the problem: why are the first true leaves on this seedling yellow and stunted? See picture below (9 days old). The other plant in the exact same conditions looks ok. My first guess was lack of access to water since the root started in the wrong direction (grew up out of the cube), but I'm new to cannabis seeds and just guessing. Other theories are bad genetics/seed, infection, light intensity, or other media problems. If anyone recognize this symptom in seedlings I'd really appreciate your thoughts on what the cause is.

The goal here is mostly for me to learn, so the root of the problem (pun not intended) is more interesting than a solution, the agar medium seems better in any case.



Well-Known Member
What nutrients are available in your media and water? You normally just need a bit of cal/mag and not much else to get a successful start.