• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

In your opinion...... Is pot an addictive substance?


Well-Known Member
ive quit 4 different times you just gotta keep your mind on something else. thats what that means. 2.....if u start watching a show one day and think your not gonna like it you wont but if you saw that same show on a good day and think it will be good you will think its good. like how other peoples opinions can effect yours like if they say it sucks you will be biased towards thinking its gonna suck. you can easily influence your own thoughts subconsiously.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
At this point in my life I have responsibilities.I can't be stoned all the time.But yes, there was a time when I was baked all the time.And I still quit cold turkey.Any substance I put into my body is just a visitor.I run the show.:peace:
how much weed do you smoke though, are you stoned all day, as i said its wen u r stoned all day that it cahnges the way your brain works, and thinks i do think its possible for leisure smokers not to get hooked, all im saying is that full time tokers wiil spend most of anight lookin for smoke if nowts around, that speaks volumes in itself doesnt it??


Well-Known Member
mind melted i find you to be narrow minded in ya answers, accusing people of being weak willed is outrageous and stereotypical showing in fact an obnoxious attitude, as how can u possibly make a conclusion without knowing an individual first, i have battled through major traumas in my life, using my will and strength the fact that i have a weed addiction, is in no way retrospective of my character, however you have truly shown yours!! and as for helping ya lungs roflmao get real mate htf does smoke inhalation help ya lungs.. sounds like u boys will believe anything
Im sorry but im gonna have to aggre with mindmelted people who are addicted to something like weed as serious mental issues, theres nothing like nicotine in cannabis that gets you addicted its all in your head if you tried getting out more or find something else to do then smoke weed than you could quit easily.


Well-Known Member
i think i'll stick with what i said before. Quote-me

i agree, its cuz people try to blame their own failings on mj that caused it to be illegal. i think heroin/meth/coke addicts have no one to blame but themselves btw, i hate it when people whine its all someone/something elses fault they fuck up! im an adult and adults should take responsibily for their mistakes! i fucked my own life up somewhat when i was younger and all i ever heard was people trying to blame their problems on something/someone else, i was the only one with the guts to admit i made some mistakes (nothing real bad btw, i had to attend a group therapy for awhile is all)


Well-Known Member
fair play 2 you i applaud you.. ( thats not sarcasm btw) my gf also has given up mj, im not saying its not possible jus saying its hard to do cos its addictive lol


I WOULD SAY Yes, but not pyshical. I quit all the time, easily BUT it is veyr sucky to quit. Everything in life seems more boring, like example is : I use to get high with all my friends, then i chill with my friends nto high, and we all sit htier bored because our friendship is basically getting high. ITs sad how it works out that way.
Back to your Q, It gives me a very warm annoying feeling when i quit after long motnhs/years or quitting. I can't sleep, and if i sleep i wake up 600 times wishing i didn't quit. I'm for sure not a pussy either, i did all my fair share of Cid, sniffed mdma, crack, u name it i did it. And i would say it is addicited in your head and your desire for it doesn't go away for a while.


Well-Known Member
MJ is not hard to give up.You people that say it is have chemical imbalances in the head.All the people that claim that it is addictive Please quit now.That way the rest of us do not have to read or respond to these stuipd posts by people you say it is additive.Go drink your booze and smoke your cigs.Leave us Pot smokers alone.We do not bother anyone,so go the F*** away.


Well-Known Member
MJ is not hard to give up.You people that say it is have chemical imbalances in the head.All the people that claim that it is addictive Please quit now.That way the rest of us do not have to read or respond to these stuipd posts by people you say it is additive.Go drink your booze and smoke your cigs.Leave us Pot smokers alone.We do not bother anyone,so go the F*** away.
Wow! I made this thread to get people opinions, not to have people tell others they are mentaly weak. There is such hostility in this thread, can a moderator take it down now....I got my opinions...


Well-Known Member
some people consider it as such but its more of a mind dependence for a lot of peopel other than an addiction, me however i dont consider it addictive <br><br>FREE THE WEED!!! :bongsmile:
I definitely think that marijuana is addictive mentally because of the way that it makes you feel. I remember one time where I hadn't smoked in like 3 weeks and just the thought of smoking made my head hurt, so I also believe that it can be slightly addicting physically too. To be addicted to something though means that you need it in order to go on with your everyday life and for people, that can be true for marijuana. For example, someone with a psychological problem such as anxiety may feel the need to smoke to get rid of those feelings.


Well-Known Member
in mass doses and certain individuals, there can be slight addiction symptoms.

and I mean real addiction, not habit.

regardless, this hardly happens to anyone and when it does it's nothing more than what a hardcore coffee addict would have to deal with.

I'm sick of people getting pissed off because they believe so prominently in their minds that it's not addictive. it most certainly can be addictive for certain people and that should be WELL established by now.

I'm not saying the addiction is on a scale relative to any hard drug, even cigarettes. but it IS there with SOME individuals. that is ALL that needs to be said about this.


Well-Known Member
it is most deffinetley addictive....ill say it right now that i am addicted to marijauna..many of my friends feel the same way..i started actually smokin in grade 6-7 and havent stopped since..i usually get stressed or cranky when i dont get it for periods of time..but i think with the right help it wud be very easy to stop smoking and get unaddicted...im mainly addicted or want to smoke because thats all me nd my buddies do is smoke pot ..even before we do nething..it jus makes life better and anything you do better...i also smoke by myself when im bored to make it more fun which is also a problem..if it wasent for them 2 things i cud quit..but for now i am good.and am happy gettin high..happy smokin...


Well-Known Member
MJ is not hard to give up.You people that say it is have chemical imbalances in the head.All the people that claim that it is addictive Please quit now.That way the rest of us do not have to read or respond to these stuipd posts by people you say it is additive.Go drink your booze and smoke your cigs.Leave us Pot smokers alone.We do not bother anyone,so go the F*** away.
err wtf r u on m8 wat u mean leave us pot smokers alone??? we r all pot smokers on here, in fact growers did you not get the point of this thread, no one is saying weed is a bad thing, so chill the f out light up ablunt and read wat u just posted from outside the box ,, realise how foolish you sound!! this is a discussion about the addictiveness of weed no one is attacking your opinions so why feel the need to be defensive. also no one asked for you to reply to this thread im sure most peeps wud prefer the opinion of someone who doesnt think weed clears ya lungs of harmful toxins :P and who doesnt have to slag peeps down to get their point across, nuff said "Any substance I put into my body is just a visitor.I run the show" inspiring words i do see wat peeps r saying here and i do try to think like that, these posts on here are opening my eyes to the amount of peeps who find it easy to give up . maybe i can do better im always openminded and its interesting, as most of my social c ircle do find it hard to pack it in , i suppose if you ask mind melted he wud say we r all beer swigging fag smoking weak minded people, lol


Well-Known Member
For me it is 100% NOT addictive.

I was at a party last night and sitting with 10 people that were smoking MY weed and I was able to pass because I have an interview on Tuesday.

I can't think of too many people that are addicted to something and can be in its presence where they can see people use it and smell it and be able to pass on it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
if smoking it isn't, growing it certainly is ;) had the car in the garage so was walking around a bit of town i don't frequently visit, partly due to the maximum security jail in the area, and partly cus it's cheap, but maaaan, i was walking past all these "nice" houses, that would be cheaper to rent than my flat, and i just walked past them and all i could think of was possibliities for setups and such, not cool! :D


New Member
na i dnt think is addictive i think that evry1 does it all d time but if it came down to it u would jst quit


man what isn't addictive...its all about moderation, self control, and how you used it. If your using weed as a party drug and only want to have a good time with it yeah...your going to get addicted. If you are using it as an enhancer, to improve different aspects of your life and to releive stress/ help with sleep, and you use it with the 100% responsibility that is to be expected with using any type of controlled substance then no its not addictive persay as long as you keep your priorities in check