Incognito Sativa from seed


So, i am growing out some of my very favorite strain. Last time I grew this it was a bit of a low yeild but SUPER great quality. it is a Sativa of unknown origin that when cured smells like sugar and wild-flowers with just a hint of skunk.

I am going to do things a bit differently this time. totally different line of nutes. I plan on using a staged phospho-load during flower and will add CO2, i also will add a litle more sugar during veg to get better inter-nodal spacing on this very lanky plant.

Right now my 4 sprouts (from seed) are a little over a week old. they are chillin in cups under 200W of CFL. I will transplant them to their new pots in another week, after the roots have developed a little more.

The 4 from seed are my mothers. whoever is a female will stay veg. i will cut clones and flower them to determine sex.

I have been reading about LST and think i might give that a try with some of the clones.

I will post pics when it is something more exciting than sprouts.

Feel free to post any well wishes or good tips. If you are a hater, please leave quietly out the back.


OK, so i am in my big pots now. 5 gallon squares. i transplanted and put 2 tspn of beneficial bacteria (gen hydro subculture M) in the hole with the roots. fed with a top down watering of some cold processed fish to nourish the bugs. put them all under 400w MH with a 7500k super blue veg bulb.

Right now there is one that i really hope is fem because it is a clear front runner in terms of vitality and grown; would make a prime mother. if it turns out that she is fem i will just flower the other 3, most likely.

i went to move one of the pots for watering and the biggest SPIDER i have seen in a while was under there. i had a mild panic attack (spiders are my one weakness) and promptly removed it from my garden, via the exit to spider oblivion.

still have to bring camera. but in the meantime, just picture tiny little plants in big 5 gal square pots.


For anyone keeping track: don't grow weed unless your significant other is 100% down with it; because when they find it, they destroy your garden. Oh, and divorce you.