Increase Our Plant Count?


Well-Known Member
Are you an "established" grower wanting to increase your plant count? Me Too! :bigjoint:
Let's team up as CGs and swap our 12 veg/12 flower/2.5oz bud -for- 12 veg/24 flower/5 oz bud.

:dunce: Q&A:
Yes, I want to know what genetics you've got (seed swaps are fun).
Yes, we would both have to pay the state fee (i think it's still $200?).
Yes, you MUST love Mary Jane, and try to be nice.

PM me - send details and questions :leaf:

:wall: RI MMP Regs -
2.8.1 - Caregivers may have 12 mature plants & 2.5oz for each registered patient.
2.8.2 - No Caregiver may have more than 24 mature plants & 5oz for their registered patients.
2.8.3 - No PATIENT may exceed 12 mature plants & 2.5 oz
2.8.4 - No Caregiver or Patient may exceed 12 seedlings (veg plants/ "unusable marijuana")

(( ps - does 2.8.2-3 state allowances for 36 flowering plants w/ two patients? ))


Well-Known Member
This is gray area... you and your roomate are patients. Your allowed 12/12 an hes allowed 12/12 . Nothing says a dwelling can have only certain amount of plants in it regardless of patients / caregivers living there.

So if you want to do a "co-op" sort of speak i would just make sure both of you are on a lease and you each had your rooms seperate and labeled. Is that needed, not on any laws no but will it make it wayy easier for a cop who knows nothing to back off. Possibly... you have your plants other person has theirs.


Well-Known Member
I think he just wants to swap caregiver slots.. Don't have a slot but good luck you'll find a swap, it's a win win..


Well-Known Member
@ NoBarriers: EXACTLY; looking to do a Caregiver swap. Thanks for the good karma man; I'm in NO rush so I'm sure my ganja-buddy will come along eventually.

@ Ricky6991: I've got a sexy lil lady for a roommate; she doesn't want to grow. But thanks for your effort in researching a "co-op" scenario (maybe we'll use it someday).

- Smoke :leaf:


Active Member
We used to have 4 people in same house. Was a bit ridiculous , especially not having the living space. No one ever had close to their limit, but we all had are cards anyways since we all smoked. When they were trying to pass that bill to have more then 2 people in one residence needed inspection's , I laughed. When I went down to the state house and explained how expensive start up Costs are and how people pooling their resources together doesn't mean we are drug dealers makes sense when u hear it. Anyways grow grow grow cause I can't see it lasting forever, the moment a state near us goes legal that's gonna be crazy.


Well-Known Member
@ Tamorin; your house must have reeked hahaha; even under the max capacity. But what do you mean you can't "see it last forever" and What is it that's "gonna be crazy"? Like when MA legalizes in '16? I figure that RI will follow suite soon after.


Well-Known Member
Ehh, ive read/heard that CO is having tough time with feds right now. I dont see any state following behind them until they go a yr or so without interference... lets fave it, legallizing completely is a TON of paperwork. More specific bills need to be in place and they havent even taken any applicants for retail stores which are proposed in the bill for legalizing.

How long did it take the dispensaries to open after paying all the legal side and upkeep. Im sure they will want the ball to get rolling alot faster so if they do pass something it will be in effect the year after albiet so all the money and paperwork gets filled. Just my guess anyways.


Well-Known Member
@ricky6991: Did you hear about NH moving to legalize? And Alaska? I'm not sure how serious they are. Also, I guess bud is still legal in Portland, Maine? And Wash state! I bet there's some fun info in googling those states.

Yea, for sure it is a TON of paperwork! I'm totally satisfied with what we've got here so I am in no big rush for legalization; it would probably be better to follow a functioning AND functional model anyways; like CO ought to be in 1-2 years.


Well-Known Member
Exactly my thoughts... if they are to change anything it should be more realistic posession amount and allow clones to be seperate from plant count. Also that police can call to verify your card during any day/time just in case. Other than those i think our laws are not horrible compared to some others.

We are currently in a decent state of mmj and before legalizing it they should have excellent spelled out laws and none of the grey area crap that puts us all at risk. But hey when its legal they will want tax for it and then im sure the laws will be crystal clear.


Active Member
I would like to see the possession and transfer aspects addressed, more than individual grower plant limits. No one is in compliance due to the 2.5 limit. Only the 4th Amendment protects us.