Increasing bag weight

Im not trying to rip people off. I just wanted to know if there was any possible way to make a plants buds less "fluffy" or increase yield?


Well-Known Member
You gotta get more light when growing them. If you bought bud thats fluffy then there nothing you can do but compress it. I would rather it be fluffy if i bought it. No schwag for me please!!

Also add black strap molasses during flowering. It helps with your overall yield.

pot scott

Well-Known Member
You gotta get more light when growing them. If you bought bud thats fluffy then there nothing you can do but compress it. I would rather it be fluffy if i bought it. No schwag for me please!!

Also add black strap molasses during flowering. It helps with your overall yield.
NO!!!!!!!!!!!! add the mollases straight into the bag of weed to increase weight and to rip people off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shock::finger:
i think he is asking about bud density, not putting his thumb on the scale.... geez..... there are several things to make your buds more dense, more light yes, but also either co2 or better than average air flow, not just movement, fresh air intake and stale air exhaust. Nutes, nutes, nutes, I believe one of the best keys to density is to keep building there nutes as they grow, but key is to know your program and not over do it. One thing I do too that I think helps, I use small babboo stakes, 4-6 per pot 2 weeks into flower, and spread the plant and tie to stakes with bread ties, I also cut the bottom 2-3 levels of branches off, u lose those bottom loose buds but gain bigger denser top buds. Also temp, too much flux will make for whispy buds.


Well-Known Member
†L† can you say looking for someone to hate?! Everyone hates being ripped off, and I've heard people stupid enough to post questions about that, but it was obvious that wasn't what he was talking about, and yet handfuls of people couldnt wait to snitch. Does that make our pothead community look any better? I hate getting ripped off, but a snitch is even worse.

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
A very slow dry or a cold dry leaves a bit more weight to the bud. A long, cold, and very careful slightly more moist than usual cure also helps bud retain weight. It also makes for a nicer smoke. IMO


Well-Known Member
A very slow dry or a cold dry leaves a bit more weight to the bud. A long, cold, and very careful slightly more moist than usual cure also helps bud retain weight. It also makes for a nicer smoke. IMO
explain, I'm intrigued...I definitely won't use that for the portion of crop I plan collection of pictures...of dead presidents... but for my personal, thats a whole other matter...


Well-Known Member
i don't think a slow cure helps retain weight, something is either dry or it isn't. I do prefer the slower winter cures though as I think it does help hold onto the smell and flavour of the bud better.

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member need to smoke a blunt and chill the FUCK down....your being a little baby back bitch..your starting to piss me the fuck the fuck down....your acting like a fucking women in menopause

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
explain, I'm intrigued...I definitely won't use that for the portion of crop I plan collection of pictures...of dead presidents... but for my personal, thats a whole other matter...
Weed doesn't have to be 100% dry to be smoked, it just has to be dry enough to burn.
The slower you let your weed dry out the better IMO. I dry mine very slowly, over 4-6 weeks sometimes longer in a coldish environment, with no fans or any direct wind on it. I give it regular periods of drier air, say once to twice a day. It's like when you cure your buds in jars, except it's in open air (and a dark place) and the buds aren't dried to start with, but they are trimmed. A room in your house that is particularly cold is a good place. You need to check for any signs of mould regularly. You will know when it's ready because it will still feel quite pliable, and damp, but it will be shrunken like dried bud, and if you go to dry it out it dries much much quicker than normal. Just before curing in jars or what have you, I give it a day or two at room temperature. It weighs more than regular dried bud because it has more water in it, but it still burns, and burns smoothly. It's an extension of an old dealers trick when selling their homegrown, giving the buds a longer, cooler, dry out, which results in buds that weigh more, and a better smoke.
And yep, always try before you buy...


Well-Known Member
†makes mental note†
cjishigh = SNITCH

MissMeanWeed, gonna have to try that out with a portion this time round...