indica dom plants flowering in veg


Well-Known Member
This is an observation i made after having grown out 2 indica dom strains(very bushy), deep purp and godsak47. While in veg on 18/6 deep purple began to flower, this was nice for giving a little jump timewise on the switch to flower, not so much for taking clones running a perpetual grow. Had to toss a whole batch from deep purp as they appeared to be two weeks into flower. More recently the gods ak clones were just all showing pistils when i took them, they rooted fine, but in veg they had strange slower growth(single and triple blade fan leaves).
It has taken almost 2 months for then to start to geow out of it and they are just beginning to produce normal leaves. Is this something anyone else has run into with any strains?
Could this be remedied by switching to 20/4 veg.
Veg is a 5x5, light is indagro420 and two cxa3070cobs@50ws each


Well-Known Member
Many strains shoot out 'pre-flowers' some weeks before the actual flowering kicks in or is expected,

(this may suggest that the plant prefers to grow outside???)

I once had one indica indoors, years back that did the same

every 3 weeks after germ it would grow out a pre flower clockwork


Active Member
I have the same thing on some pre98. My buddy too. I just let um go and they will reveg, but take much longer to get the hight I like for the switch, so I wait. I too run perpetual so I just throw in something g different. Also, I found that if I wait till they reveg and then clone it helps speed things up a bit. I also think these are ment for out doors but not 100 percent. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Yea they finally grew out of it, normal growth over the last week, i checked my notes and they have been vegging 2 months since they were rooted and only about 3' tall. I was running out of space in my veg so they went into the flower room yesterday. Im using 5x5 to veg for (4) 4x4 grows with a harvest every 2-3weeks, and it gets a little crowded at times.


Active Member
Are your plants being exposed to light from outside? I've had plants start flowering in the winter because they were in rooms that had outside light still coming in.

Purple veins

Active Member
I also run DP and have noticed that happening in 18/6...fucks up my cuts and practically have to reveg the cuts. Now I'm doing 20/4 everything looks normal.


Well-Known Member

How does light trigger flower?

Having light leak in wouldn't cause flowering.

Red spectrum can trigger a photoperiod change.

This why we swap from 6500k bulbs to 2700k when flowering as the red forces change.

Its very unlikely a winter Sun beaming through a window will trigger a photoperiod change.


Well-Known Member
No, you are incorrect.

Only a 12 hour dark period causing flowering unless it is an autoflower.

Where did you get this info.

@Diabolical666 @mr sunshine @chuck estevez @Gary Goodson
Tell me how outdoor plants that don't receive 12 hours of darkness know how to go into flower?

The color of the sun becomes more red as it approaches fall time which triggers a photoperiod response to start flowering.

So you sir, are a moron.


Well-Known Member
Tell me how outdoor plants that don't receive 12 hours of darkness know how to go into flower?

The color of the sun becomes more red as it approaches fall time which triggers a photoperiod response to start flowering.

So you sir, are a moron.

Why don't we flower indoors, under 24 hours of light, that is red in spectrum then?



Well-Known Member
not this debate again...kill me
anywho, short version... 12 hr dark cycles is what makes plants flower. And plants that start to flower out while in veg are bad phenos (maybe good at one time, or never good)


Well-Known Member
not this debate again...kill me
anywho, short version... 12 hr dark cycles is what makes plants flower. And plants that start to flower out while in veg are bad phenos (maybe good at one time, or never good)
Again? This is the first time I have heard spectrum actually induces flowering. I have never heard that before.

I thought that you would like this thread.

J Bleezy

Well-Known Member
We use 12/12 indoors cause we know that all strains will flower with that schedule. With that being said, there are MANY strains that flower with a longer duration of light. So, that's why they flower sooner outdoors.