Indica or Sativa (?)


Well-Known Member
They look like Indica... but who knows. They could have a bit of Sativa in em.

Indicas are generally shorter with fatter leaves.

Sativas generally take longer to flower.


Well-Known Member
Well I am growing with cfls and did a short veg. They are already in second week of 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Ow...not going to get much bud at all. Best to let your plants grow till preflower stage...then you'll at least be happy. Don't forget that when you harvest your bud will loose up to 70% of it's weight.

You have Indica dominant strains there...the far right and middle ones look about 60/40 indica/sativa, where the left plant looks to be like 70/30 or 80/20 indica/sativa.


Well-Known Member
Well I wanted to do the dutch grow 12/12 from seed but didnt have a timer for 2 weeks. So the were 24/0 till I got a timer. Im hoping atleast two are females =P, still cant tell. When they are done flowering, I exspect them to be atleast 1ft tall. Its all I wanted...


Well-Known Member
Ya i don't get that 12/12 from seed. It's bad news to me, mind you i'm old Usually by the time the plant is 8 weeks old preflowering will begin, but alot of strains will show sooner, and some later. Mine all showed sex at week 5 and only 1 day apart for all 3 to show. Honestly generally plant won't show sex anyways untill it's ready, but forcing is never an encouraged method...unless it's an auto-flowering strain.

There are a few methods if height is a concern...topping and LST are common methods and can increase your yield if done right.


Well-Known Member
I dont want to top these, their too small. If I do I believe it will cause too much stress for them. Also they should be flowering soon so.


Well-Known Member
dont listen to all the hate about the short veg time. alot of people dont realize that the 7 foot tall trees they have isnt always the optimum plant size. while you may not get as much bud as you could have im sure you had your reasons (not that these people's points arent valid)


Well-Known Member
I don't hate!

I have a 3 month old plant that is only just over 1' tall, so height is not an issue if done right, if i didn't LST her she would be alot taller.


Well-Known Member
Its not so much about plant height, its about amount of time to grow them through til harvest. A big plant will yield more, but it may take 4 months of growing to do that. a bunch of smaller plants that had no real vegging time to speak of may get you the same amount of bud, but in half the time at 2 months. Therefore your yield is better because you could conceivably grow twice as much in the same time.

You need to get a few grows with each breed of plant so you can get to know what it likes and doesn't like. how big to get the best overall results in the least amount of time, nutes to use etc etc etc.

Looks mostly Indica dominant, more than likely its a hybrid of the 2 types. Should be able to flower in 7-9 weeks with most indica dominant plants, some might take more by a week or 2.


Well-Known Member
True what you say...but i'm speaking from a perspective that i grow mine out...look for a good mother, and then use clones off of her. Now i have a harvest every 2 weeks...or will be soon. Since i'm not in it for $$ i only put 3 plants into flowering every 2 weeks, and i'll still get at least 6 oz off all 3 plants. I have the plant work mainly on it's top cola by removing most of the loser branches...and then trim all branches up to the tops of those. All energy is transferred to the tops and they grow to be mighty big buds. Here's mine at week 3.



Well-Known Member
no sorry i started to type when there was like 1 posst i had to wlk my dogs when i got back i didnt check to see if anyone else posted.chill out bro

Actually i was more like poking fun then gettin mad...just funny, and then i threw in that last part for good measure. I thught i was funny...but i guess i'm not...lmao!!:dunce:


Well-Known Member
Well I wanted to do the dutch grow 12/12 from seed but didnt have a timer for 2 weeks. So the were 24/0 till I got a timer. Im hoping atleast two are females =P, still cant tell. When they are done flowering, I exspect them to be atleast 1ft tall. Its all I wanted...
Forcing a plant to flower before it is mature increases the chances of stress and the possibility of a hermie. When the pistils start showing, watch them closely.
There's many people who have done 12/12 way early but reaped good results, but you should be aware of the risk factors.


Well-Known Member
I just wanted a quick grow. You can 12/12 from seed to flower so thats what I wanted to do. They will mature and flower on their own. Leave em alone and let nature take its course. Im just exsperimenting.


Well-Known Member
I tried some 12/12's from seed and was disappointed. They took almost as long and I got about 1/4 to 1/2 of the weed I would have gotten if I'd grown them in veg for even just 2 weeks.