Indika or Sativa?


Active Member
i have two plants, pictures below. but i have no idea if they are indika or sativa, i think i have one of each tho, they are completely diff strains i know that for sure. assistance would be really appreciated :) thanks!IMG_20131109_175720.jpgIMG_20131107_092127.jpgIMG_20131107_092118.jpg


Well-Known Member
indicas have wide fat leaves, sativas have long thin leaves. I think the answer is pretty clear :)


Active Member
hmmm so you think they are both indika, just different grades of it, i know one was from good stuff the other was from regs/mids
-_- , don't chop any leaves off until later flowering, and then you only remove the bottom 1/6th of the plant IF YOU WANT TO, or fan leaves blocking bud sites


Well-Known Member
ohh boy here we go again on defoliation, didn't we just have this thread yesterday lol.

There is no benefit to pulling leaves off your plant at this stage, and bud sites don't need light they grow buds not leaves it dosent matter much if they are blocked by fan leaves as the fan leaves are putting energy into the buds.

There is some evidence that defoliation during flowering will produce a bigger yield and this normaly involves taking leaves from the lower parts of the plant that the plant no longer uses for photosynthesis but still suck up nutrients and water to stay alive. It is also done to improve airflow through the canopy to help avoid the risk of mold as well as letting the plant breathe better

If your looking to beat up your plant and have it be benifical id look into topping and super cropping techniques

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I'm with you on proper defoliation, especially if things are getting way to thick.Before a large sucker leaf can be removed from the main stalk is if the shoot is well developed and already has good size fans. This only applies in SOG and similiar situations. With one or two plants and lots of room there is no reason to prune anything until just before the chop. I never just top anymore. I always wait for a snip for a clone. Uncle Ben might have his way of doing things and I have mine. I quit Uncle Bens topping techniques in the year 1987.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
indica plants for sure. i remove all my large fan leaves to keep my yields small!!! never cared for a large harvest. easier to clean little yields!


Active Member
i appreciate all of the input guys! would anyone have any advice on cloning? i just a small lower branch of my larger plant, dipped it in some water and put it in a cut with very moist dirt. i did this last night and its still looking good, however there is no sign of any root growth at all. but i know it does it a few days for that to start happen.


Well-Known Member
i appreciate all of the input guys! would anyone have any advice on cloning? i just a small lower branch of my larger plant, dipped it in some water and put it in a cut with very moist dirt. i did this last night and its still looking good, however there is no sign of any root growth at all. but i know it does it a few days for that to start happen.
it takes more than a few days for roots to form. I hope you're not checking the stem by pulling it out of the dirt cause thats silly..
theres tonnes of info on cloning so go read more before you post, PLEASE and thanks