Indoor and outdoor perpetual harvests with seeds and clones


Well-Known Member
I implore any reader to compare the first pics of the larger clone with the new ones... thats just two days of growth, immediately after transplant... that is a good sign right? When is Cali's bloom cycle starting?


Well-Known Member
Love your garden loadeddragon, looks great. And your plants are doing really well, you're obviously doing a great job of looking after them. It does look very warm where you are. I wish I had some of your sun LOL. Keep up the good work.


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See your stats on the right hand side of your posts? Is says "Gallery" - just click on the "0" and it takes you your own gallery page. Then click on "Upload" and away you go.


Well-Known Member
thanx mucho mate! Well, I got a wild hair up my ass and topped the two larger of the seedlings, I also took off some more of the dead and dying leaves from the clone, and some base leaves off the seedlings. here is some more pics... watered right at 1 pm :).... mister goes on at 2 :). Thank fully its not That hot today...



Well-Known Member
Now that you topped those plants you will have so many heads on em. They are looking great dragon

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Some Grandaddy purps I got a few days ago... right now I actually have seven or eight strains... but the one that I am holding in the air that is kind of diamond shaped is some ramulin i got, and that is probably the best that I have right now... though as the white frost train wreck cures up I find myself pleasantly surprised with it.... hehe... I do love the don juan though... and I have planted a couple DJ seeds so hopefully I can get some more Don Juan! I should have an indoor set up coming around some time soon, and then I will start another separate journal with it.


Well-Known Member
oh and I forgot to mention that when I topped the two it reeked like stinky sticky dank does :) could smell it from about two feet away... is that a sign of a female?


Well-Known Member
Well my indoor set up is almost complete... Have the space and the walls lined... full cleaning tomorrow and then after I figure out the wiring and make sure everything works like its supposed to I will pick up some clones and probably have about three or four in there... and pretty much go straight into flowering... I am thinking that I will probably invest about $200 starting and about $700 there after for electricity etc. 1000 watt HPS and I can hopefully find some four foot fluorescents. 5-10 gal pots, and again fox farm. So I will be starting another separate journal sometime this weekend or monday/tuesday.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, and the plants are all super drooping in the dark, especially the ones that I topped today... the drooped starting an hour after I topped them... I will probably hit the whole garden with super thrive tomorrow, as today was exceptionally windy, its still super hot, and they seem to want that extra little push.


Well-Known Member
maybe no superthrive necessary... as they have all perked up and are looking healthy and happy. Looks like monday or tuesday for getting the indoor going :)


Well-Known Member
Garage set up a 4'x8' area , four 4' fluorescents in two 1000w Hydrofarm HPS, and I think I am going to get a new reflector for it and maybe a light filter. Grow Max wall lining, and cele on the roof... I am using the charcoal filter fan to circulate air (as I don't plan on using the filter). Probably start five in there and end up with three all the way through (use one for clones, and one will probably be male). I am assembling the trays and pots right now. I have a couple of questions: Would it be ok if I cleaned out my five gallon buckets with bleach and water, and then again rinsing it with water a couple times?............................... went to hospital had baby, going back..................................................................


Well-Known Member
Ok.... Babies home... Indoor set up is complete, I now have four seedlings in there (one of them was planted and forgotten about inside my house, and has stretched a bit). I have a BIG PROBLEM though.. its HOT!!! and its hot out there... I have a fan on in there but it is still hot, the HPS is about three feet away from the babies, the fluorescents even farther, its still too hot! What can I do without spending money to reduce the temperature in there?


Well-Known Member
I tried in vain to find heat soulutions without spending money.. Exhaust is prolly one of the cheapest ways.. I had to put in a pretty serious exhaust system and buy a stand alone a/c unit... Check my journal about 3/4 of the way through.. I am exhausting the room and the lights. That brought me down like 5 degrees.. may be enough for you.. gl


Well-Known Member
yeah... I have a small ac unit I can put in there, and the exhaust I can do... I just didn't want to put both the cooler and another fan out there, but I guess I will just have to though... and its a good thing I got the charcoal filter huh? I am sure that with the door open tonight it will get cooler, so I can do the exhaust and fan stuff in the morning. Well... I have the charcoal filter fan blowing in on the room and the door open for both intake and exhaust... I think I know exactly what to do... as I have done roofing before... I will update with pics once the babies inside are worth taking pics of, and I will post pics of the outdoor at the same time... they are doing just fine.