Indoor CFL - Strawberry


Active Member
no prob, yea wish it was that easy, this should be done as an experiment and see what happens lol
haha, my tv puts off some light, but I doubt it would do much. Im not going to put time into that experiment, but I would love to see the results if someone else tried it!!:weed:
Okay guys, I think something might be wrong with the seedlings. They have both been vegging for 2 weeks. They look extremely small to me for 2 weeks.

What do you guys think?

They were under 2 - 23W CFL's for the first week and now they are under 4-23W CFL' think is might be a lack of light?



Active Member
Yeah, Id say lack of light. They seem to be stretching alot as well. Get those lights with an inch or two! Cfls lose alot of lumens the further back they are. I put my lights as close as possible, with a fan blowing into the foliage to disperse the heat so I dont get curling of my fan leaves. Sometimes my leaves will get some heat damage if I dont check often enough, but I now know that if Im going to be gone for a little while to keep the lights a little further away so the leaves dont reach into the bulb.
Alright, here's a little update. Got a bunch of new members to add to the family.

-- Anyone know how to change the thread title?

So we got about 10 Jack Herer seeds and germinated them. 6 popped up and are transplanted. I'm running a little experiment, all of the seedlings are planted in a different medium blend. I want to see which ones grow faster, better, etc.. All are watered with PH'ed water.

We have:

1x 100% Coco Coir
1x Dirt+Perlite (75/25)
3x Dirt+Perlite+Coco (40/30/30)
1x Perlite+Coco (40/60)

I also added pics of the flowering beauties.

Does anyone have any idea what is wrong with the plant that looks beat to shit. We though it was spider mites, we sprayed insecticide but it hasn't started to recover yet. Can it be nutrient deficient?

Let the growing Begin.



Well-Known Member
LOL, thanks man! I wish it was that easy! Throw a video of the sun on, and some audio of the rainforest or something, lol!
Everytime I see you post I always look at your sig and say to myself NO WAY! but okay I just wanted to ask lol I guess weirder things would happen. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Okay guys, I think something might be wrong with the seedlings. They have both been vegging for 2 weeks. They look extremely small to me for 2 weeks.

What do you guys think?

They were under 2 - 23W CFL's for the first week and now they are under 4-23W CFL' think is might be a lack of light?
i can honestly say, i dont think its a lack of light, im leaning more towards the type of soil you have it in. my plants became rootlocked with some shitty ass soil when i started my grow with 3 plants. switched the soil to some mg african violet soil, they shot right out within a week, and the little ones will be easy to transplant cuz they are super small, to me it seems like they are having trouble growing a root system. switch to a nice fluffy soil that they can spread their roots out with. also add a little pearlite to help with drainage


Well-Known Member
nice lookin buds onthe 3rd far along,thats the strawberry cough is the buzz,taste?i have thought about gettin sum o them there seeds.
nice lookin buds onthe 3rd far along,thats the strawberry cough is the buzz,taste?i have thought about gettin sum o them there seeds.

Yeah, the first and third picture are strawberry cough. The first pic is about 6.5 weeks in, and the 4th pic is about 5.5 weeks in. No clue on the taste yet, but I will post a smoke report when they are harvested ;).
Yeah, the first and third picture are strawberry cough. The first pic is about 6.5 weeks in, and the 4th pic is about 5.5 weeks in. No clue on the taste yet, but I will post a smoke report when they are harvested ;).
Both strawberries have been harvested..due to spider mites.

Total weight

15g and 33g (pretty wet)

Will post pics later on