Indoor closest 250W hps, 5 strain Grow


Active Member
Hey Guys,

This is my first grow, here are the specs-

5 Clones from OAk Club,
Blue Dream (3 Weeks)
Romulan (3 Weeks)
Santa Cruz OG Kush (3 Weeks)
Grape Punch (5 weeks)
Querkle (5 weeks)

250 Watt High Pressure Sodium Sun System, 18/6

Mylar Surround

Room Size 2.5Wx3Lx5Tall, not air tight but its works lol

2x 4" Duct fans, one pulling out at the top and one pushing in at the bottom. running 24/7

One 10" fan on the plants, 24/7

started in rockwool, put into 3 gallon pots of fox farm ocean forest

Brita pured water puts me at about 6.3-6.5, soak the pot and i give it a week. i spray when the lights off.

So thats basically it. I hope to get a better camera and some more pics soon. Feel free to drop advice.

Does this make me an organic grower? haha ;)




Active Member
should i feed them any nutes during veg?

Im thinking I will let them run about 4-5 more weeks, then switch to the 12/12


Active Member
man they have taken off.

The two big ones were around 12-13 inches, the skinny tall one was around 10, and the short one is around 7.5 and the ogk has shot to about 8.5.

The big ones(Grape, Querkle) has started to hit a growth spurt, possibly getting used to the grow room. I replanted the blue dream and romy to the big pot together, since they are both pretty small still. I watered them on Sunday until it came out the bottom, the blue dream bounced back to life. It was wilting a bit in the cup, i think because the roots had outgrown the cup and it was dry at the bottom. I was a little worried about the romy because the roots seem to be stunted and not growing out of the wool, the plant is still sloooowwwly developing though. They are getting ph balanced water and a couple sprays a day, with the fan always on them. 18/6 light still for about 2-3 more weeks.

Grape Punch - This one is by far in the lead, in the last couple days it has bushed out and grown large branches off the main stem. Big fan leaves, very bushy looking plant.
Querkle - This plant is in second in size, but seems to be the tallest. This plant has grow a lot of height in the last couple days and now has a bunch of branches growing out and up. This one has skinnier fan leaves and seems to be growing tall and slowly wide.
Blue Dream - This plant suffered from lack of water, but is bouncing back currently in 4th place. The fan leaves are not super thick, but they point out of the stem and look vibrant. Still too small right now, but it looks promising possible bushy.
OG Kush - This plant is in 3rd place and has surprised me the most. It started the shortest, but went into the big pot first. Since then it has shot up in height, about 3-4 inches in the last week. It's not that bushy yet but the fan leaves are big.
Romulan - This plant is killing me and may get pulled if it doesn't bounce back. It started the tallest and just has yet to grow, the roots haven't been growing either. It still grows new leaves, but not many, I'll keep an eye on it.

I will take some more pics on Thursday or Friday and try to post them up.


Active Member
They will be done curing in about 3 or 4 days now.


I lay in wait...



Well-Known Member
hey man I know this is an old thread but how did 5 plants work out for you under 250w hps? I wanna get a 250w hps going soon but was told I shouldn't do more than 2-3 plants.


Active Member
I think the number of plants depends on how big you let them grow.

I'm upgrading this system this weekend, we already started a bit. ;) pics coming