Indoor Dream Grow Room Ideas????? Here are the rules.


Well-Known Member
Hypothetical scenario:

Someone has the funds to put together a very PRODUCTIVE grow setup, is in a MMJ state, and has plenty of indoor space.

Here's the catch..... 64 square feet or less, perpetual harvest (4 flowering systems harvesting every 2-3 weeks giving them time to really ripen and put some weight on), and 99 plants or less.

No space for mothers, cloning from the vegging plants.

I've been tossing around the idea of a 6'x9' flower chamber, and a 3'x3' clone/veg space, aeroponics, water-cooled 1000w HPS x2 each on a light rail for the flower chamber, co2 (that way the only heat would be from the chiller which would be outside the chamber being cooled by a/c), a small MH or T5 system in the clone/veg area, and a Ozone generator to take care of the smell.

I'd like to harvest 15-16 plants every 2-3 weeks.

Anyone with any ideas of what's missing or thoughts of improvements?

Anything at all. Just want to hear what some of what everyone has to say.


Well-Known Member
-A square 8x8 setup split down the middle by reflective wall. One side for veg, other side for flower.

-2x 400w MH, 2x 600w HPS all hung from ceiling(all colled by ducting ventilation). All high/lower according to stages of plants at certain part of setup

-Ebb&Flow hydroponics sytem.

-Would start off with 8 plants then add 4 every week (whether by seed or clone)

-Plants "move over" a foot every week to make room for new plants. *Then by week 6 they are in the flowering section where they have 8 weeks to bud

-Dream Plant: Northern Lights X Skunk #1 X Early Misty

-The first harvest would be 8 plants, then every week you would get 4 plants.

Total Plants:64
Harvest:12 plants every 3 weeks

*If it takes longer to fully ripen then everything will halt a week or so.

This is a set up I have fantisized about for a long time (only my real fantasy is 10x10). I seen a setup a lot like it on another website, and just kinda molded the idea to my liking


Active Member
Hypothetical scenario:

Someone has the funds to put together a very PRODUCTIVE grow setup, is in a MMJ state, and has plenty of indoor space.

Here's the catch..... 64 square feet or less,
Someone has plenty of indoor space, but here's the catch 64 square feet or less? UH, WTF? And who in their right mind would put 99 plants in an 8'x8' space? Can someone please move this thread to the newbie central?

How do you like it when someone treads on your crappy thread?