Indoor - DWC 2x600w - Jack the Ripper+SSH+White Russian+Blue Dream+Strawberry Cream


Active Member
Welp, eight weeks down. PPM is around 700.

And here's some Arcata Wreck I'm smoking at this very moment. It makes my face tingle. Smells SO sour and funky.



Well-Known Member
good lord that some tasty lookin nugs! Can't wait to see what comes off yours..awesome grow man!


Active Member
Thanks for stopping in :) I'm definitely ready to get a nice fade going so I can determine when my chop day will be. I'll be sure to check in on your grow here in a minute!


Active Member
For the last two weeks, that's all I've been running on to of the normal pH down. I've been going light on feedings too. The smell is so fruity and pleasant.


Well-Known Member
Nice man they're looking great. Is there a purpose to light feedings versus heavier (I'm sure there is, but what and why)? I can't wait til mine start flowering dude, I feel like they're gonna get fat this next month and fill in the stretchiness :D. Are all of your plants going to be finished at the same time regardless of strain?


Active Member
Nice man they're looking great. Is there a purpose to light feedings versus heavier (I'm sure there is, but what and why)? I can't wait til mine start flowering dude, I feel like they're gonna get fat this next month and fill in the stretchiness :D. Are all of your plants going to be finished at the same time regardless of strain?
I'm just feeding a bit light at the moment because I'm working in to a flush. I was around 1500-1600 PPM a few weeks ago. Now, I'm around 700. I should be down to 200-300 by the time I chop (basically plain water). This is to adjust the plants primary focus from vibrant growth to death preparation. This means no more root/leaf/stem production, and more calyx/thrichome/resin production. As far as harvest goes, I yank them when they are individually done from this point forward. I'm not growing any plants that finish prior to eight weeks flower.


Active Member
Hope everyone had a great fourth

Update! Checked trichomes today. I really had to fish but I found a couple that are amber. I'm at about 80% cloudy. I'll be looking for harvest signals sometime around this weekend, and should pull the trigger sometime shortly thereafter. PPM around 600. The smell is intoxicating. Fruity, tangy, spicy, beefy, garlicky, funky. Starting to get some major fox-tail action here. I should have a nice fade on the plant by this weekend, if not a complete fade. I want these flowers nice and ripe :) Enjoy!

Also, has anyone heard of Deep Congo? I can't find much info on it. I grabbed a cut the other day because it looks so crazy. It's supposed to be a F1 Deep Chunk X Congolese cross that often smells like a heap of rotting fruit. I want pics! I'll veg her out a bit and get some for you.


Active Member
Another week on my gradual flush and we should be good. I am implementing a few measures to begin the fermentation (ripening) process. If this was a tomato plant, I wouldn't chop it down when all the tomatoes were green, and then hang it for a week prior to jarring it for a month to let them ripen. I would simply wait for the tomatoes to begin fermenting on the plant (turning red), and then harvest. When speaking of a product that needs to be dried, the same process can be applied with fantastic results. Drowning the rootzone is one method. Cold shocking/Freezing is another. Supernatural has something called "Quality Cure" that "is a natural plant dehydrant reversing the transpiration of water from the flowers and leaves, down through the stem and back into the growing medium. Removing excess water from the plant material prevents essential oils from breaking down “sweating out” during drying time. " - I have a sample, and might give it a try. Was told great things. Here's some info on it: - But aside from that- Look for some major calyx swelling and trichome production these next few days. I'm still not seeing the signs yet, but I'm seeing the signs before the signs :)



Well-Known Member
I know asking this is probably going to make me look really clueless, but is it hard to tell when a plant is done? I should definitely invest in a hand microscope or something, any recommendations?


Active Member
You will know. There are signs to look for. I don't look for one thing specifically, but a good number of things. Trichomes are one, but these will need to be inspected with some sort of magnification too. Calyxs will begin to stack and swell, like what's going on with my buds right now. Pistils will start turning a red/brown at an alarming rate. Late flowering color changes will begin to develop. From this point forward, you are ready to fade the plant and ripen it, which takes 1-2 weeks. Harvesting from that point forward will have to be done on intuition. When you no longer benefit from growing the plant, chop it. You will know :)


Active Member
So today's update comes with a bit of good and bad news. It's the same news, just depends on how you would like to look at it.

I did a quick inspection this morning, and saw something that caught my eye. On one of the chunkier buds, I spotted the very early development of a herm-nanner. I know this is very common for a lot of strains around this time, but I'm running a perpetual and I will risk nothing in my garden. I spent the next hour or so thoroughly inspecting every bud with a fine tooth comb. I was happy to find that only three spots displayed anything that looked like the beginning of herm growth, and that nothing had fully matured or was protruding. I removed the entire flower and surrounding/attached flowers upon finding them. So, obviously I'm not happy about taking these a few days early, but the rest of the crop is safe to mature under my watchful eye. Still looking to chop this weekend, but if anything else presents itself, I'll most likely take her down. Trichs are - 80/10/10 % Cloudy/Amber/Clear - and I'd like to shoot for 20% amber. Here's the pics. I made sure to include a clear shot of a problem area in every photo, if you can spot them. No real foul here, it's still going to be premium smoke.

Also, no need to comment on the trim job. It's not done. I'm leaving some "guard leaves" to help slow the drying process. Old trick.



Active Member
So today's update comes with a bit of good and bad news. It's the same news, just depends on how you would like to look at it.

I did a quick inspection this morning, and saw something that caught my eye. On one of the chunkier buds, I spotted the very early development of a herm-nanner. I know this is very common for a lot of strains around this time, but I'm running a perpetual and I will risk nothing in my garden. I spent the next hour or so thoroughly inspecting every bud with a fine tooth comb. I was happy to find that only three spots displayed anything that looked like the beginning of herm growth, and that nothing had fully matured or was protruding. I removed the entire flower and surrounding/attached flowers upon finding them. So, obviously I'm not happy about taking these a few days early, but the rest of the crop is safe to mature under my watchful eye. Still looking to chop this weekend, but if anything else presents itself, I'll most likely take her down. Trichs are - 80/10/10 % Cloudy/Amber/Clear - and I'd like to shoot for 20% amber. Here's the pics. I made sure to include a clear shot of a problem area in every photo, if you can spot them. No real foul here, it's still going to be premium smoke.

Also, no need to comment on the trim job. It's not done. I'm leaving some "guard leaves" to help slow the drying process. Old trick.

I can't spot anything ... can you show with a circle or something?