Indoor Grow: Blueberry & Cream Caramel (fem)


Active Member
Hi guys! I took some pics this morning a couple of minutes before lights went on with the door open. They are looking beautiful, that 1k is doing wonders.

16 days into 12/12, they are looking good.




Well-Known Member
yeah, they really do look beautiful. I apologize for my lazyness, because I'm sure it's somehwere in this journal, but how long have they been in flowering?

they look great, keep it up!!

..oh nvm, I saw the answer as soon as I posted that.


Active Member
yeah, they really do look beautiful. I apologize for my lazyness, because I'm sure it's somehwere in this journal, but how long have they been in flowering?

they look great, keep it up!!

..oh nvm, I saw the answer as soon as I posted that.

Thanks! I started the 12/12 cycle August 24th with a 400w HPS, they showed preflower in about 5 days. On September 6th I switch the 400 for a 1k HPS (big difference since then). They have 19 days in the 12/12 cycle till today.




Active Member
I'm testing a small scope I bought to try to take pics from the trichs and share with you when the time comes. I used the ok weed I'm smoking right now. I think they came out OK but I think ill order me some gadget for when time comes. Some pics, what do u think.

Not bad, but I'm still ordering a digital USB microscope =)




Active Member
Hi guys, I got lots of new cool pics.

Hers is a Pic update on the future mothers growing in the closet. The were germinated the same day: August 10.

Ill post Update Pics of the clones and the Main grow tomorrow.




Active Member
Hello guys! The clones are doing great Finally. The main problems I had were temperature, which I fixed with intake/outtake fans and the humidity which I fixed with the clear box, since then Humidity have been around 95 & 99%.

We got roots!

I hope in 1 week I can transplant them to pots and give them some extra lumens. A total of 10 clones + 1 I had from the first clone try.

Main grow pics next.




Active Member
The say a Picture is worth more than a thousand words. So here is a shitload of words! :lol:

FLOWERING Since August 24th.

Blueberry #1

Blueberry #2 (The Tall Supercropped one)

The Cream Caramel

Back inside:

Thats it, everything seams to be inline.

Clones and mothers are looking nice so far. bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
Wow! Very impressive setup man, whats ur light bill run you?? I swear i added my 400 Watt HPS from a 150 watt HPS and my bill went up like 40 dollars! I was like WTF i could not even imagine a 1000 Watt HPS!! Awesome grow man!


Active Member
Wow! Very impressive setup man, whats ur light bill run you?? I swear i added my 400 Watt HPS from a 150 watt HPS and my bill went up like 40 dollars! I was like WTF i could not even imagine a 1000 Watt HPS!! Awesome grow man!
Yes, is a big jump but worth the money :weed:



Active Member
Hi guys & gals, here are the Clone Pics I took yesterday.

There you go. They look healthy and with good roots. Now jut let them grow!




Active Member
wow those are super healthy clones

sweet root shots too, did you use any nutes?
Yes, while they develop roots I foliar feed them whit water and seaweed extract mix. I mist them with that water in the morning and in the afternoon.

The seaweed extract promotes the growth of the root sistem by foliar feeding.

