indoor grow need heavy advice asap


Well-Known Member
ok, first and foremost I'm not 100% a noob I've done this before but I was just playing around and I started it outside however they say you should start around April/May I tried late umm...around August or July but it was getting pretty cold and at that I didn't really have a good hiding place as it got bigger one day coming outside to hide it I realized someone had kicked it over on purpose to pervent me from growing :cry: so i stopped for a year then I started realizing how much money I paying to get bud so here I am now I'm ready however I want to do it right 100% this time and I want to do it inside I've started a plant step 1 germination done
I've planted the seed in dirt and placed it under a basic light no CFL or FL it's growing but this is the first week I have no nutrients nothing like that my basic question is what all do i need to get really get started down to the fertilizer to the nutes to the light I need advice and I need it fast oh and I'm kinda on a low budget I'll post pictures of what I'm growing in soon tell me right from wrong


For vegetation, get some CFL lights, 125W or 250W, they must be rated at 6400K (kelvins). You can go week or two without nutritions, because there are some in the soil, but then you have to get some vitamins for your little baby. Basically anything that says GROW on in (not BLOOM). Read the instructions carefully on the nutes for the correct dosage. After vegetation, get some 2700K CFL lights, the stronger the better.

I'm suggesting CFL because you said you are on a budget. If you really want get some results, buy a HPS kit, it'll be worth it.

Clean the place up, sterilize it before you put your plants there. Mould is a bitch, it'll lower your yield or even kill your plants.

That's my 50c, good luck.


Well-Known Member
if the budget is low, i will mention the cheap organic tool kit
you may have stuff lying in the garbage pail that is a nute gold mine
coffee grounds can provide nitrogen, egg shells calcium, banana peels potassium


Well-Known Member
ok i'm looking at homedepot and i see that they have a few however which color should i get like warm white,softwhite or daylight??
and how would i put the coffee grounds and banana pills in?


Well-Known Member
You want daylight for the vegetation period. Look for a 4 digit number and a K at the end, that's the color temperature, and you want 6500K (daylight)

With the nutes, make sure you read the directions and start out light. You can always add more nutes, but it's a pain to get rid of too much nutes.

Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
ok i'm looking at homedepot and i see that they have a few however which color should i get like warm white,softwhite or daylight??
and how would i put the coffee grounds and banana pills in?
probably the simplest way to use the coffee grounds/banana peel is to add them as a top dressing
the nutes will enter the soil slowly this way, but burning the plant will be very unlikely, that's the good thing about organics
you could brew a tea from these items, which is basically putting them in a jug of water, and letting bacteria break them down
this is a bit more involved, and they must be kept oxygenated(shaking a couple times a days to mix in air), and it does smell a fair bit


Well-Known Member
Ok so could I buy the nutes online from some company because I'm already buying a hps light off amazon and i didn't think buying all that off my car was a smart idea but just curious should I or not?


Well-Known Member
unless the lights are 1000w and are in large number, probably not an issue
too many bigger fish out there, i buy stuff local in cash, but i'm a bit paranoid