Indoor growing small tent setup.


Hi! i have a spot im thinking of using to grow a few special ladies, primarily for myself. maybe 3-4 small plants will do, i plan to have them as somewhat minis no more than 1 foot an a half, (mango/hashberry to start with maybe?) in a small discreet grow tent. anyways i have one option which is to place it on my porch, im on the top floor, facing the freeway and have very little direct sunlight to my porch. id like a light setup as well. I have a few concerns about whether the light(s) used would cause suspicion through my elec bill, id hate to have my roommates take the shit for me. Could anyone advise me on what products to look at or what they use or what they would recommend? theres very little time and lots of buds to grow! help!lol thanks everyone! any input would be higjhly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
your best bet is to read and read and do more reading. This forum has lots of the only suspicion is when someone is pulling a shit load of power. a 250-400w light is no suspcion. whats suspicious is having a grow tent on your porch, If the light is EVEN Slightly visible or your grow tent gives off slight light at night then that wouldnt be a good idea. i'd def go for a closet or something inside.


Thanks! yeah the light wd def be an issue at night, thanks for calling that- do you think i cd have a timer nd do all my stuff during the day and set a black tarp over the tent and not go in there at night?theres about 4 ft of covered vertical space after a few minor adjustments im certain i can have it as private to where it cd barely be seen from above let alone the road..i also have a 8ft high by 3ft storage closet on same porch that has about 3.5 ft high of stuff, cd i steady shelf above the storage and set up there or would the water and weight and stuff be an issue?im really trying to avoid setting up inside lol as u can see. will do the reading, thanks for that advice too


Well-Known Member
only u can make that judgment, i do not see pictures so and i dont live there, so only you know what u can and cant get away with. plus i dont know what state your in. post some pictures!!!!


Lol right on! yeah ill pass on the pic posting for now but are really interested in some names or sites that have some tents and small scale equipment manufacturers i can look at to browse some dimensions and see if its even feasible once id get a tent. Or just a list of what things i need to set up that i can take to the hydro store and theyll know what im talking about, hook me up and im out the door... I know i could ask them there but id rather ask here. Its more awesome here haha!


Yeah, any chance you could tell me a list of things to buy to grow 3 plants in a private patio and im sure i can find them elsewhere? lets assume money wouldnt be a concern and clones are taken care of.. I know id need,

-a small tent
-a fan
-a light(s) (i dunno what kind of light to use is what im hoping to find out)
- what else?
I am a newbie but honestly I'd skip the tent. If you are only going to be growing a few plants I would get the light, a fan, rockwool starters and cubes (if you use rockwool as your medium), buckets, a small flood tray, water pump, air pump and the rest of the nozzles, splitters and stuff that you will need. You can fit all of that in an apartment closet and work with 4 or five plants easy. Do some research on strains to because there are some strains out there that don't smell as bad as others and their are also relatively cheap sprays made for killing off the scent. I know I am forgetting something but that is what I would do in my place if I were going to grow in an area where security concerns were high.

A couple of things to add, you will need some way to tell the temperature and humidity so that means another device. A timer two if you decide to do an ebb and flow type system that waters numerous times daily. One last thing that I think is a must for stealth growing. Hydrofarm sells something called the tower of power, it is basically a standing power strip with six plugs spaced apart for you to install anything electrical. It means you only have one cord to worry about and you can keep everything else stealthy because it's all in the grow room with the tower.


Well-Known Member
he already stated or if not, made it seem that a closet wasnt an option, if it was though, Definitley skip the porch/balcony. Anything on a balcony is a bad idea. unless ur just puttin the plant and pot out there. I wouldnt put no tent on a balcony. lol...


Well-Known Member
i use fox farm grow big and big bloom , THey seem to work great. i use happy frog soil. SOIL IS SUPER CRUCIAL. Make sure u get good soil. buying soil from a hydro store wouldnt be a bad idea. where i go is pretty cheap. 13 bucks a big bag...

i bought from htgsupply. 17 bucks for grow big, and 17 for tiger bloom. The big bloom is not needed.

So good soil, good nutes, and now all u need is a good light. I personally bought a Kit for 50 bucks. I bought the 250w hps kit for 50 bucks on htgsupply. but u will have to wire it yourself which is pretty easy if ur not a total nub.

also. if ur gonna do 3, make it even and do temp meter is 3 bucks at walmart, ...i personally dont check my humidity, sense im not going to make changes to it anyway.

But i agree with the other guy. Aim for a closet or space inside the house.


Well-Known Member
the tower for power thing is a waste of money, get a basic timer, they are only 10 bucks, Heck i even used a brinks one from walmart that was under 5 bucks, it worked great for years


and tent if you must...but if u got access to a closet, No need for an expensive tent. without the tent, u can get rolling for 100-175 bucks.


Well-Known Member
and obviously a fan or two for ciculation....i've done plenty of closet grows. both 250 and 400 w. And in my opinion , a cooltube for the light is a must. what i did is bought a 7 dollar glass candle cover and bracketed over my bulb. works great. (though i had the inline fan given to me)...But helll, u might be in a cold climate where a cooltube isnt a must.

u never said where u lived.


Well-Known Member
But instead of cardboard, Use a sheet of metal or something. ...i dont have cardboard on there no more...but its an older pic


id hoped to do mango/hashberry (short ripening time and theyre stumpys) cuts in a coco/perlite or organic potting soil with bat guano,chicken manure fish emulsion etc etc mix in 1-2 gallon pots with 3 stage nutes, micro-bloom-grow and adjust the levels when they switch stages. id personally prefer to water manually... no auto watering or anything id be fine doing the watering myself (esp since theyre just 3 plants also). In an automated one i wouldnt trust the ph fluctuations and wd much rather observe them and tweak the nutes manually when id wanna give them some B1,bushmaster etc or other really good stuff, i would mix the doses myself without having to change out the res all the time. i can go for the balcony closet just a little more space clearing but that does seem smarter.that tower power sounds awesome and will check out the hydrofarm supplies! But yeah thanks again guys, im very open to any suggestions just wanna make it right ya know? so closet space it is! does plan sound ok? Thanks guys!