Indoor HID and profitable?


Well-Known Member
Is there any plants besides mary that are viable to grow on a somewhat large scale under multiple HID lamps, that would be worth the cost output? I really love indoor gardening and love all of the new technology that is starting to come of age, and also I live in a cool climate so a large portion of the year outdoor gardening is out of the question. Just wondering if anyone knows of something I can have fun with and spend lots of money and time on without purely throwing money away.


Well-Known Member
I would really love to get to the point where I'm running like a 6-8k room, just so I have an excuse to buy all the fancy toys, and I have no interest in any of the risk associated with growing mj on that scale.


Active Member
1. Angel Ivy Ring Topiary
Use this fast-growing angel ivy topiary (also known as wire vine) as a lush, living frame for seasonal flowers and bulbs that you can plant at the base of the ring.
2. Braided Ficus Tree
Easy care and adaptability have made the ficus one of the most popular plants grown by indoor gardeners. The variegated foliage and the braided stems of this ficus will really catch your attention.
3. Cactus Combo Bonsai
Bring a touch of the Southwest into your home with a miniature cactus garden. With its unusual plant forms and temperature and moisture adaptability, cacti are an intriguing group of plants.
4. Chamaedorea Palm
This whimsical palm will remind you of the old South. With wispy leaves and easy movement, this plant can bring a taste of the tropics to any part of your home..
5. Chinese Evergreen
Chinese Evergreen is an excellent selection for beginning green thumbs because it's a low-light lover and low maintenance. It's also rated highly as an indoor purifier.
6. Miniature Herb Standard Topiaries
Standard in shape and miniature in stature, this trio of tiny herbal topiaries (lavender, rosemary and serissa) will turn any sunny spot into a celebration of all things green and growing.
7. Moth Orchid, Novelty Stripes
If you love fresh flowers, but your garden doesn't produce enough bouquets to place in every room, try a living bouquet -- an easy-to-grow orchid.
8. Ponytail Palm
For those of you who forget to water your plants -- this is the one for you! With a whirl and a flick, the foliage of ponytail palm arises from an unusual swollen trunk and needs little attention to maintain its beauty. by the droves.
9. Tropical Combo Bonsai
Cultivate a tropical garden in any small corner! With these miniature ceramic rock gardens, mixed with fun foliage plants, you can get a taste of the tropics right on your desk. ?
10. Amaryllis, 'Yellow Goddess'
Enjoy a taste of spring indoors with the goddess of flowers, the amaryllis. This "Yellow Goddess" variation bears soft yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers touched with green at the throat


Well-Known Member
Amazing reply sir. I haven't had time to really sort through any of that, nothing I'm familiar with, but I'm willing to put in the research.


Well-Known Member
Judging from the 122 views and 1 answer, I'm guessing the true answer is no. Guess I'll just have to wait til things are suitably legal.


Active Member
I don't see why you couldn't produce things like tomatoes, peppers, onions... etc... in enough quantity to supply yourself and a few people around you. Wouldn't be something you could make a living on but you might be able to pay for the gear and have your closet grow at "no-cost"


Well-Known Member
do you think it's feasible to spend 10-15k on 1k lamps and all the goodies for tomatoes and onions? If it is I'm totally fine with that, it just seems like you would have to be producing a hell of a lot of tomatoes to warrant the fun things like, co2 set ups and atmospheric controls. Hopefully you are right, cuz i'ld be willing to get on that sooner than later.


Active Member
Hey Saffron might be something yo, Saffron purchased at retail is monstrously expensive: around $44 for a quarter-ounce


Active Member
Not really man =/

You would be growing for pure hobby (which most of us would all agree, still can be VERY fun). It just all depends how much $$$$ you want to drop on your hobby.

On a side note, if there were legal plants to make money off of an indoor grow, everyone would be doing it unfortunately..

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
I know people that make some bank off of heirloom tomatoes...

There are countless ways to make money, not everyone does it
the same way, just because not everyone is doing it doesn't mean
there isn't a market for indoor agriculture, it's there dude,

My advice, build a greenhouse

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
heirloom tomatoes, alpine strawberries(or heirloom berries) those go for about 5-6 bucks a pint in season, out of season the sky is the limit. but I agree greenhouse.


New Member
also if u wanted to make money why not build huge diy aero systems or something outside and let mother nature pay the elec bill :)


Well-Known Member
I agree .. If it's possible (i don't know if it is) but saffron is a HIGH price herb. If your looking to profit from vegetables or herbs .. saffron is the pricest one by far.


Well-Known Member
I'm not obsessed with profit in this venture, was just wondering if there was anything that would make this hobby worth my investment. I'm far from rich so I can't afford to have a hobby that costs me thousands, unfortunately. Greenhouses are great, but the whole point here is to have fun with the technology of indoor growing, and also I live in an environment with seasons, so I can't rely on the sun to do the work of lamps for me during most of the year. Thanks for the help so far guys. Also I'm a city boy so open land for a greenhouse is not impossible, but very difficult and expensive to come by, I may be moving out to the country in the next couple years, and then I'll start in on lots of fun gardening adventures, but for now, it's all sidewalks, and pollution for me.


Active Member
Don trule out fig trees you can grow and sell up to 20 dollars a plant (when around 1foot, be sure to keep afew in your yard to one of the best fruits ever

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Why not grow fruits, veggies, herbs and consume it yourself if you aren't terribly concerned about making money? You'll be saving money by not having to purchase those things and you'll get them fresher. And you grew them, so you know what nutrients/chemicals were used.

Not making a profit, but fresh fruits and veggies = better health, and better health is certainly worth your investment, right? Just imagine the variety of food you can produce for yourself...tomatoes, peppers, onions, squash, potatoes, peas, berries etc. I don't know how well those things grow indoors, but it wouldn't be hard to google and find out!

If you don't want to make money but also don't want to just give it to the electric company for nothing, grow fresh food!

How much space do you have?


Well-Known Member
ive thought this too and if i were to do it id try orchids and rare orchids . finding buyers is the hardest parts , they go for 20$ a plant in grocerie stores