Indoor LED Grow 2011


Active Member
Whats going on guys..
So im starting this thread for those interested in following me along on this journey.
I started a new grow about a week ago using strictly LED lights . NO HPS MH or CFLs or any other supplemental lighting. Just LED diodes using pure PAR light.
With that being said i know there is alot of controversy surrounding led lights and how well they work and all that .

Well i got my hands on (2) Sunshine Systems Grow Panel Pro 300 w and am giving it a honest shot.

Specs of off box:
Power : 300 Watts
LEDs : 455-470 nm / 610-660nm / 680nm,740nm
Voltage : 100-260v AC (worldwide power supply)
Operating Temperature : -30F~+110F
Weight : 21 lbs.
Dimensions - 19" x 12.25" x 4"

with each light having the ability to cover 50 sq ft.

they say they are comparable to a 1000 Watt HID light..
we will see about that one .


Active Member
Below are more details of my grow and what Im using. Im always open to any suggestions and ideas to help further the knowledge of my green thumb.

I built a room that is 4 ft x 5 ft and 7 ft in height. That pretty much is all of my available space to grow.

Im starting out with a basic drip system hydro i guess if you will.
Strains are :
Afghani Goo
Casey Jones
Green Crack x 2
Pineapple Top
Total : 5 (bare with me i gave myself room for expansion which i hope to do steady strain shopper here :) )

My growing medium is Rockwool and Hydroton. That is all placed in 2x4 Flood Tray placed on a table.
Under the table Ill have an 18 Gallon Reservoir with 3 pumps giving me a total availability of 24 drips sites 8 sites per pump so i can continue to add more girls.

The nutrients Im using are the Botanicare Hydrogarden Formula Line.
Pure Blend Pro Grow for Veg.
Pure Blend Pro Bloom for Flower.
I also have all the optional supplements for Botanicare and will be using those as well.
Liquid Karma
Sweet (Raw)

All this will be under (2) 300 w LED GrowPanel Pros from Sunshine Systems... alotta light for a little space i know i know. But it doesnt cost me jack squat to run it compared to past ventures with HID lighting so i should be set.

I have one 8 in centrifugal fan pulling all the air out of the room and one small 6 in inline fan bring fresh air in.
Reason for the size difference is that once the room is all zipped up everything is kinda becomes airtight all suction cupped sealed per-say. So theoretically i could slap a Filter on the end of the centrifugal fan and have no smell .
Now this is just i thought we shall see what happens :)

Some pictures the room almost complete. Working on setting everything up and got the lights hung.



Active Member
Individual shots of my ladies...
PineApple Top
Green Crack
Casey Jones



Active Member
so that gets everything up to speed ... ill try doing a visual update at least once a week . hopefully twice.
lemme know what you guys are thinking ..
so far so good in my eyes ... lol


Well-Known Member
(pulls up a chair and pops a brew)
Someday, LEDs are going to work. This may be it.
How is the heat?


Active Member
there is no heat factor .. that used to be a killer for me using typical HID lighting but im just using one fan to move all the air stays right around 74 degrees during the day and about 69 at night .. at least when ive checked it .


Active Member
sunshine systems grow panel pro 300 watt LED ... specs are at the beginning of the thread if you want to know all the details


Active Member
i think they are probably different manufactures ... mines white and yours seems to be in a bigger casing


Well-Known Member
my buddy in LA has used them with success, if they turn out good, I have 3 36 site aeroflos i will using those LEDs with, my 60 site will get the HPS..

i like heat, less power..the plants seem to love the light too.


Active Member
really though ive save alotta cash puttin the 1000 w & 600w in the storage.. im kinda more or less just experimenting with doing a full cycle under these leds... ive flowered under them once but have never done any vegging until now and i could say it is comparable so far to HID lighting so im kinda stoked on that ..


Well-Known Member
really though ive save alotta cash puttin the 1000 w & 600w in the storage.. im kinda more or less just experimenting with doing a full cycle under these leds... ive flowered under them once but have never done any vegging until now and i could say it is comparable so far to HID lighting so im kinda stoked on that ..
yeah this will be the first full LED grow ive seen personally too. they definitely compare! he had them a lil too close in the beginning so they didnt stretch too much..they are only about a foot tall. im gonna use them on my next aeroflo grow, and we'll see how they turn out.

i like the idea of not having to use fans, and worry about where to exhaust heat..and if i can get the same results using 600W and no fans over 1000W + fans, im all over it!